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Guest unleashedfury

VERY interesting report on who draw viewers in WWE

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What these numbers do show, is who in the midcard are the guys you want to push (ex.  Shelton Benjamin) and those who you don't (ex. Rodney Mack).

Well, Mack exactly hasn't had the best segments to work with, since May rolled around.


I can't think of any of his prospective matches/opponents being the last bit exciting, save for the Goldberg squash. To my knowledge, they haven't put him in with a HBK, RVD, Christian, Y2J, Booker, Kane OR HHH. Nor have they given him an interesting program since his streak was stopped at MSG (and even then, the "five minute challenge" was excruciatingly stupid).


The real failures are those who have the guys around them to succeed, yet they've done shit with that opportunity.

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This whole thing is bullshit. Obviously whoever is pushed is going to be higher on the list. I think the better barometer of who should be pushed is gained from judging crowd reactions rather than TV ratings.


For instance, RVD isn't gaining many viewers, and Booker T is actually LOSING viewers. Could this be that they are involved in segments of a show that aren't even hyped a whole lot, or perhaps scheduled early in the show when fewer people watch?


Whereas someone like Jericho has his own talk show on Raw, he SHOULD draw more people.


SMDN might have a more logical ratings per person due to it being taped. I dunno exactly how many people read spoilers but it's at least possible to have a decent idea who will be doing what and when on SMDN (so I can say "Hey Benoit is on about halfway into the show tonight so I can be sure to watch his match, ditto Eddie 2 segments later"). With Raw the show is live so you have no idea who is going to be on the show at what point.

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This whole thing is bullshit. Obviously whoever is pushed is going to be higher on the list. I think the better barometer of who should be pushed is gained from judging crowd reactions rather than TV ratings.


For instance, RVD isn't gaining many viewers, and Booker T is actually LOSING viewers. Could this be that they are involved in segments of a show that aren't even hyped a whole lot, or perhaps scheduled early in the show when fewer people watch?


Whereas someone like Jericho has his own talk show on Raw, he SHOULD draw more people.


SMDN might have a more logical ratings per person due to it being taped. I dunno exactly how many people read spoilers but it's at least possible to have a decent idea who will be doing what and when on SMDN (so I can say "Hey Benoit is on about halfway into the show tonight so I can be sure to watch his match, ditto Eddie 2 segments later"). With Raw the show is live so you have no idea who is going to be on the show at what point.

When Smackdown was shown live for a couple of weeks, the ratings were practically the same. Back when Raw alternated from live to taped every other week, ratings were indistinguishable. Taped/live has absolutely nothing to do with it.


We already established that people that are pushed higher get better ratings. That's why we said that Randy Orton, Kevin Nash, etc. were not performing to the level they needed to be.


And we established that the people that are not pushed and still get huge increases deserve to get pushed more (i.e. Benoit, Guerrero, WGTT).


Crowd reactions are crap too. Rikishi, for instance, got big crowd reactions. But, his ratings were one of the biggest losers. And, it's not as if he was booked totally like crap. For 4 years he never lost a feud as a face, if I remember correctly. Especially when he became a comedy character after coming back from injury, he never lost any feuds (especially with the KMA matches going around the horn at house shows).



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This viewers list doesn't mean shit, WWE is going to push whoever wants to push period.

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Guest Adrian 3:16
I think the better barometer of who should be pushed is gained from judging crowd reactions rather than TV ratings.



Hogan got great crowd reactions in 2002, but his title reign caused ratings to plummet. Just because someone gets pops when seen in person doesn't mean people will go out of their way to watch them on TV (or PPV).

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Hogan got "respect" or welcome back pops, guys like RVD or Book get "we want you to get push" pops, like i said this list shouldn't mean anything because Vince is going to push whoever he wants regardless of any list.

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Guest TheGame2705
Hogan got "respect" or welcome back pops, guys like RVD or Book get "we want you to get push" pops, like i said this list shouldn't mean anything because Vince is going to push whoever he wants regardless of any list.



From: Crowd

To: Booker and RVD

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Hogan got "respect" or welcome back pops, guys like RVD or Book get "we want you to get push" pops, like i said this list shouldn't mean anything because Vince is going to push whoever he wants regardless of any list.

No. It should mean something, but it won't. There's a difference. Fans want Eddy Guerrero & Chris Jericho pushed before Booker T & RVD. End of story.

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What I always find to be bullshit about these list is that characters that are never seen without another character(say Nidia and Noble when are they not on screen together?) have completely different numbers.


How often has Gail Kim been on screen without Trish Stratus being there?

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Guest Mulatto Heat

There have been the rare occassions.


Like, Gail has had skits with Molly, and matches with Lita (I think).


Nidia wasn't with Noble all the time, like when she was going up against Shaniqua, or during the bikini contests.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Ahh, Cade and Jindrak. Recall how each debuted. It wasn't at the same time.

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Guest Lilly

-Big Show's numbers are inflated because he was booked in the main event almost every week, and the main event should show the most growth.


This is why Meltzer pisses me off, he's a smart guy but his biases when talking about numbers are so obvious. ALL guys who are pushed in certain time spots get more ratings.


I know for a fact that it's a normal trend that on Raw at 10PM quarter hour there's always a big jump (casual fans flipping on during top of the hour). Someone like Jericho (who I'm a big fan, but just being unbaised) is on that spot alot (highlight reel and matches) So it helps his ratings. Remember the day after Unforgiven when the women match (Trish-Lita vs. Molly-Gail) had the highest rated segment. Guess what quarter hour they were on. Yup 10 PM.


There is also a trend at 10:15 on Raw for the ratings to dip, no matter who's on because of the casual viewers who tune in at 10PM leave at the next commercial break to come back later for the show. So that will have a negative effect on who's on that spot. Which a lot of people were surprised at Trish's number, I'm not because she's in that tough 10:15 timespot alot.


Now this is when a bad number doesn't nesssesary mean bad number. For example if Frenches or hurricane or Test (reallly doesn't matter who) has a 0.3 drop from 10PM to their 10:15 spot and Trish is on and when she's on she just has a 0.1 drop on that time spot. They will continue to put Trish in that spot because even if the # fell it didn't fall as badly as the others.


The problem with that. Meltzer (or us) look at it on a sheet of paper all it shows is Trish rating falls. Instead of Trish rating fell during a tough time spot that usually falls and didn't dip as low as usual.


That's why these numbers are kind of bias because your looking at all the Q-hours independently. Which you can't do. You can't look at the 9:15 time spot (which usually raises from 9PM due to late comers tuning into Raw) and the 10:15 time spot (which dips after a co-main event/storyline at 10PM). The problem is Meltzer looks at it as all the same.

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Guest deadbeater

On the other hand, this could mean Trish took a huge tumble in audience pop, indicating staleness even by marks. Molly was hurt by her matches with Trish, and then by helping Gail, she helped herself.


Trish is definitely overheated. A change is needed soon.

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Hogan got "respect" or welcome back pops, guys like RVD or Book get "we want you to get push" pops, like i said this list shouldn't mean anything because Vince is going to push whoever he wants regardless of any list.

No. It should mean something, but it won't. There's a difference. Fans want Eddy Guerrero & Chris Jericho pushed before Booker T & RVD. End of story.

Sorry to burst your bubble but Eddy is on SD and as far as i know that show is available on more homes than RAW, if Eddy was on RAW he'll probably be right next to RVD on that list, while Jericho has become the RAW mvp b/c he appears throughout the show, by cutting a promo early on the show and then having a match in the 1st/2nd hour main event and he also does run-ins and skits too, so RAW is truly becoming RAW is Jericho(which by the way i'm not in no way complaining about).

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Sorry to burst your bubble but Eddy is on SD and as far as i know that show is available on more homes than RAW, if Eddy was on RAW he'll probably be right next to RVD on that list


Smackdown is in roughly 10% more homes than RAW. Adjust RVD's score and his numbers still get trounced by Eddy's who has numbers approaching that of the main eventers. Same with Benoit.

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