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If you could make a game into a movie

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Most of the ones I can think of would turn out to be anime since its the best way to do it with videogames usually.


- Fatal Fury: There is already a Fatal fury anime out, but its quite old and frankly not that accurate. The story would be exactly the same as the original game, with Jeff Bogard suffering a brutal vile death at the hands of Geese Howard and Terry vowing vengence. No love intrest or anything like the anime but an introduction OVA if you will to show all the current characters. It could also tie into a Kof anime with each series running alongside each other. With proper animation and consistency it would be a real winner. Also making a motion picture of Mark of the wolves, which is given introduction by a OVA set after the Real bout tournament, showing just how Terry and Rock build the father-son relationship.


- Devil may cry: Be it anime or film, it would make money. Just pop in enough action sequences and people would lap it up.

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Chakan: An ongoing anime similar in style to Vampire Hunter D could really rock. Since it was based on a comic they probably have enough stories set up for a while.

Edited by frozenblockofpiss

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Guest Sakura

Final Fantasy VIII.


I would split it up into 3 movies. Have the first movie be the beginning and end with the assassination attempt on Edea. Have the second be the Balamb vs. Galbadia stuff and end with Edea's defeat. Have the third and final part be all the Esthar stuff and the final battle.



Best. movie. ever.

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Final Fantasy VIII.


I would split it up into 3 movies. Have the first movie be the beginning and end with the assassination attempt on Edea. Have the second be the Balamb vs. Galbadia stuff and end with Edea's defeat. Have the third and final part be all the Esthar stuff and the final battle.



Best. movie. ever.

Worst. Movie. Ever.

I could barely sit through the game...how the hell am I supposed to sit through 3 movies!?


Anyways I'd probably turn Xenogears into a game. It'd have enough action and giant robots to make all the rabid action fans go crazy and enough story and thought provocation to keep the people that look for a smart movie happy.....of course it'd have to be like 5 hours long.

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Anyways I'd probably turn Xenogears into a game. It'd have enough action and giant robots to make all the rabid action fans go crazy and enough story and thought provocation to keep the people that look for a smart movie happy.....of course it'd have to be like 5 hours long.

Yeah, it would be great if some one turned Xenogears into a game. ;) As opposed to whatever the hell you'd call it now.


I'm thinking as for a full blown movie...oh wait, nevermind. There's already Evangelion.


As for movie ideas, there's always the King of Fighters, but unfortunately there's too many characters unless you just focused on the Orochi stuff.

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As for movie ideas, there's always the King of Fighters, but unfortunately there's too many characters unless you just focused on the Orochi stuff.

But it would be awesome to have a FF a AOF and a Kyo anime series which all interlink with each other in the form of Kof OVAs

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Final Fantasy VIII.


I would split it up into 3 movies. Have the first movie be the beginning and end with the assassination attempt on Edea. Have the second be the Balamb vs. Galbadia stuff and end with Edea's defeat. Have the third and final part be all the Esthar stuff and the final battle.



Best. movie. ever.


Worst. Movie. Ever.


I could barely sit through the game...how the hell am I supposed to sit through 3 movies!?




I'd say Silent Hill, but I've heard that it's actually being worked on right now, so...


Flik - A Disgaea movie/series would rule all. Good call.

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I'd say Silent Hill, but I've heard that it's actually being worked on right now, so...


Flik - A Disgaea movie/series would rule all. Good call.

Slient Hill would be a good choice. Hopefully it isn't bombed.


And Disgaea would be just the TUSNAMI BOMB (Disgaea joke)~! Personally, I would LOVE to finally get to see that absolutely LOVE to finally see the

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

embaressing picture of Laharl
and of course the
Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

refence to tentacle porn (which I don't think I've hit yet, I'm still trying to get my Nekonata, heheh, kittigal)
, can't forget
Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Laharl's laugh would be the corniest thing ever to see it played out in live action
, and of course I'd LOVE to see
Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Laharl talking the smack with Mid-Boss (yes, there is a character named Mid-Boss)
and I must say that all of that, combined with everything else would make a hell of a great anime comedy.


I couldn't see it being a movie because a lot of the good stuff would be cut from the game and that would suck.


Did I mention I love this game?

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Anyways I'd probably turn Xenogears into a game. It'd have enough action and giant robots to make all the rabid action fans go crazy and enough story and thought provocation to keep the people that look for a smart movie happy.....of course it'd have to be like 5 hours long.

Yeah, it would be great if some one turned Xenogears into a game. ;) As opposed to whatever the hell you'd call it now.


I'm thinking as for a full blown movie...oh wait, nevermind. There's already Evangelion.


As for movie ideas, there's always the King of Fighters, but unfortunately there's too many characters unless you just focused on the Orochi stuff.

Umm....Evangelion has a totally different story than Xenogears. Totally different.

And yes Andrew...we know you hate Xenogears. You don't have to remind us everytime the game is brought up. We won't forget that you don't like it. If you would like anytime I post something about the game I'll post a little blurb at the bottom

*Disclamier*- AndrewTS does not like the previously mentioned game...just thought I'd let you all know.

Sorry pal...some of us like it though.

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I think there would be a demand for a live action Pac Man. And not a mixed Live Action- Animated like Space Jam or anything, just straight up live action.


If I could go with a game that hasn't been made yet, I could see games like Socom would make bank, but something personally, I'm not sure. Most games I play usually tend to be based off stuff (i.e. movies already made or something that wouldn't be a movie) or sports games. Kingdom Hearts movie could be interesting, but doubtful.

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As for movie ideas, there's always the King of Fighters, but unfortunately there's too many characters unless you just focused on the Orochi stuff.

But it would be awesome to have a FF a AOF and a Kyo anime series which all interlink with each other in the form of Kof OVAs

As long as it isn't made by any of the people who brought us the Samurai Shodown and Fatal Fury OVAs.


Well, the Fatal Fury one I didn't like was the one with the armor of Mars and the annoying jailbait chick that was trying to hook up with Terry. That was "eh" at best.


The Samurai Shodown one was terrible. Unmemorable, lame characters (at least how they were portrayed here) that didn't seem to act like they should (Joe Higashi as Haohmaru?) in a dull plot.


Oh...and people bleed gallons of milk.


Umm....Evangelion has a totally different story than Xenogears. Totally different.


Same themes, they share gratuitious religious references/imagery, both have their mind-fuck moments. I'm saying if they made a Xenogears OVA it would be critically ripped apart since it would come off as a blatant Evangelion clone.


And yes Andrew...we know you hate Xenogears. You don't have to remind us everytime the game is brought up. We won't forget that you don't like it. If you would like anytime I post something about the game I'll post a little blurb at the bottom

*Disclamier*- AndrewTS does not like the previously mentioned game...just thought I'd let you all know.

Sorry pal...some of us like it though.


When some one makes a Fruedian slip of admitting it's not really much of a game, I'm going to pounce on the opportunity.

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As for movie ideas, there's always the King of Fighters, but unfortunately there's too many characters unless you just focused on the Orochi stuff.

But it would be awesome to have a FF a AOF and a Kyo anime series which all interlink with each other in the form of Kof OVAs

As long as it isn't made by any of the people who brought us the Samurai Shodown and Fatal Fury OVAs.


Well, the Fatal Fury one I didn't like was the one with the armor of Mars and the annoying jailbait chick that was trying to hook up with Terry. That was "eh" at best.

I already mentioned that the original FF ova's/movie arent that good (still better than the art of fighting one...I mean Jesus I've seen better pokemon episodes), but if done properly it could be awesome.

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Guest Sakura
The Samurai Shodown one was terrible. Unmemorable, lame characters (at least how they were portrayed here) that didn't seem to act like they should (Joe Higashi as Haohmaru?) in a dull plot.

I haven't seen the movie but what is wrong with Haoh being protrayed like Joe? Assuming you mean as a goofy egomaniac. That is what Haohmaru is like in the games...

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Metal Gear Solid would work. It would take an action screenwriter with some talent (David Hayter perhaps?) to distill the story but it would work.

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The Samurai Shodown one was terrible.  Unmemorable, lame characters (at least how they were portrayed here) that didn't seem to act like they should (Joe Higashi as Haohmaru?) in a dull plot.

I haven't seen the movie but what is wrong with Haoh being protrayed like Joe? Assuming you mean as a goofy egomaniac. That is what Haohmaru is like in the games...

Yeah, except for the fact that he wasn't at all funny when he was supposed to be, and when he was supposed to be serious he was boring.


Which is fine if he was just one of the six heroes resurrected 100 years after their deaths to stop Amakusa, BUT...


It makes no bones about Haoh being the hero. THE hero. The rest are just filler, just helpless boobs along for the ride. The fate of the world rests on that jackass' shoulders, and he gets ALL of the character development, and 85%+ of screen time.


They just rush to set up the main plot, so the other 5 basically show up to find him, no explanation of how they got together/remembered their past lives (or why they have the same names and dress the same), no development for any of them, no explanation of what got them together originally.


Most unforgivably, the fights suck.

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Guest Sakura

It can't be worse than the Tekken anime, which is just awful. They barely even show characters like Yoshimitsu and Paul. Roger and Alex are in the movie more than like King!


Plus they try to make Kazuya out to be this sympathetic misunderstood loner anti-hero, which is not how he is portrayed in the games. In the games Kazuya is just an evil, cold hearted bastard who would do anything to get power and revenge.

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It can't be worse than the Tekken anime

Watch the art of fighting anime, then I think you'll agree that it is the worst thing ever made involving animation period.

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I always thought Zelda could work if it weren't played up for laughs like the animated series, either as an anime or a movie very much like the LOTR films.


Of course, when I say Zelda, I refer to The Legend of Zelda, Link's Adventure, or (especially) A Link to the Past. Don't get me wrong, I think Wind Waker is an awesome game and all, but it's not what I want to see a movie made about. Likewise, I don't even like Link's Adventure very much as a game, but storywise it's a great followup to the first game.


BMX XXX The Movie might be something worth making as well.

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Guest Nacho Nixon

River City Ransom, as violent meta-comedy. All they'd have to do is play it up as a straight-faced "Hollywood" take on Battle Royale, and maybe set it in the 1950s, and it would be all surreal and hilarious. If the script was too deliberately clever for its own good (although someone has to yell "BARF!" at some point), then it would suck.

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River City Ransom, as violent meta-comedy. All they'd have to do is play it up as a straight-faced "Hollywood" take on Battle Royale, and maybe set it in the 1950s, and it would be all surreal and hilarious. If the script was too deliberately clever for its own good (although someone has to yell "BARF!" at some point), then it would suck.

I'd mark out for it...but it would have done well in the 80's. Not now.


Zelda, Ocarina of Time.


Starring Orlando Bloom. Fuck typecasting, give him a check.



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Metroid ... it could work if it was Metroid vs. a futuristic society of brain creatures or something...I dunno...


but that's my all time favorite game...

Metroid movie; see: the Alien movies.

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