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MNF game might have to be moved

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ESPN.com news services

Each Monday night, the question is posed: Are you ready for some football?


This Monday night, the question may be: Is San Diego ready for some football?


Because of the brushfires that have engulfed at least 15,000 acres in Southern California, the NFL is considering the possibility of moving Monday's Dolphins-Chargers game from San Diego to a different city.


The league has held preliminary discussions with officials from three other cities: Phoenix, Oakland and San Francisco.


The parking lot at San Diego's Qualcomm Stadium is being used as an evacuation center for area residents whose homes have been affected by the fires. First aid, water and food have been made available at the stadium.


If the situation persists, the stadium itself might be used as a shelter.


Some of the flames are within 2-3 miles of the stadium.


No word yet on when a final decision will be made.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

"God dammit, I don't care if your houses did burn down, get out here, it's time for some FOOTBALL! WHOOOOOEEEE"


I wish they had made that announcement instead of simply moving the game.

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Guest Choken One

Why There? Is it closer to San Diego then Oakland?


Why not a college stadium nearby?


Will Sun Devil hold as much as Qualcomm would have and do the fans get refunds?

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Just to be overly technical for the hell of it, its in Tempe not Phoenix. San Diego is almost 500 miles away from Oakland, about 350 from Tempe so it was the easy choice there. Of course they could have done it in Los Angeles which is a lot closer but I guess the NFL wants to avoid that.


As for the stadium really won't be an issue considering I doubt all the people who had tickets are gonna make the trip to Tempe and considering the current situation in San Diego those people have a lot more to worry about then making it to a football game. I doubt they fill even half of Sun Devil Stadium.

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Guest Choken One

It's not in Field conditions and isn't the place vacent...


But they COULD have played at UCLA.

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Im surprised they didn't move it to the LA Coliseum as well.. That would make more sense.

Leaguespeak: But the LA Coliseum is not in any condition to host the NFL. They need a new venue to host pro football. Build a new stadium. Now. New.

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I think its just the NFL wants to avoid L.A. period for the moment and on top of that with the Chargers being one of the rumored teams to move there one day. I think its just a political move on part of the NFL not to play it there or maybe they did ask and they got a "fuck you" from L.A.

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Guest Choken One

Doesn't this happen every fucking year anyways?


You'd think by now they would figure out these fucking things

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This is the first time I've heard of a game being moved because of this. Only other time I remember a game being moved was in '89 due to the earthquake so the 49ers moved their game that week from Candlestick to Stanford Stadium.

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Guest MentallyNormal

Damn that sucks if you were gonna go to that game. My friend was going to that game.

Perhaps they could of move the game to TJ? There must be a big soccer stadium around there. Plus if you're from San Diego area it would be no problem to travel there. I don't think man people will make the way to arizona,even though it's not the far.


Well either way the Chargers are probably gonna lose again sigh? Perhaps we can stop the wildfires by feeding it fried chicken and watermelon?

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