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Stephen Joseph

Dr. Tom's Avatar

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While it rocks...


10. Posting pictures containing nudity or grotesque images can merit you a one-time warning, followed by a ban if the rule is violated again. You may use links to other sites or pictures ONLY, but you MUST include a warning if it contains nudity or grotesque images. Nudity (or suggestive photos in general) will not be allowed in sigs as well as in avatars. As for what is suggestive, Torrie Wilson in a bikini isn't necessarily suggestive, but some hottie in a flimsy wet T-shirt and barely-there thong is. If you were looking at the forums at work and your boss passed by, would you be embarrassed that said image is on your screen? Once again, what is suggestive is also up to a mod's discretion.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

I honestly didn't think of that. It's not exactly nudity, but if your boss walks by, watch out Tommy!

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Guest El Satanico

There's no nudity and it's no more suggestive than a picture of a girl in a bikini.


As far as being at work and your boss seeing. If you go to a messageboard while at work you should turn avatars and sigs off.


Seeing my avatar could make a Religous boss uncomfortable.

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As far as being at work and your boss seeing. If you go to a messageboard while at work you should turn avatars and sigs off.

Or get rid of the silly rule. If you're at work, fucking work. If my boss were looking over my shoulder he'd be pissed off I was wasting my time on a messageboard, nudity or no.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
As far as being at work and your boss seeing. If you go to a messageboard while at work you should turn avatars and sigs off.

Or get rid of the silly rule. If you're at work, fucking work. If my boss were looking over my shoulder he'd be pissed off I was wasting my time on a messageboard, nudity or no.

She has a point....and packs it with a punch.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

I did some thinking on this subject:


Tom change your avatar! It's only obscene becuase of the smiple reason that the bossman may be lurking behind your shoulders. But then again, I have gotten away with more stuff, based on pure luck!

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Guest The Old Me

The avatar shouldn't be changed, people at work should just turn it off. Marney said it best.

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While it rocks...


10. Posting pictures containing nudity or grotesque images can merit you a one-time warning, followed by a ban if the rule is violated again. You may use links to other sites or pictures ONLY, but you MUST include a warning if it contains nudity or grotesque images. Nudity (or suggestive photos in general) will not be allowed in sigs as well as in avatars. As for what is suggestive, Torrie Wilson in a bikini isn't necessarily suggestive, but some hottie in a flimsy wet T-shirt and barely-there thong is. If you were looking at the forums at work and your boss passed by, would you be embarrassed that said image is on your screen? Once again, what is suggestive is also up to a mod's discretion.

Good thing I used my discretion to determine that it wasn't suggestive. :D

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I think we're all forgetting the obvious issue.


We have an opportunity to get Dr. Thomas banned.


Carpe Diem.

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Guest Just J

First, if you are at work looking at the board turn off sigs and avs. Second, Tom's av rocks!

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I honestly didn't think of that. It's not exactly nudity, but if your boss walks by, watch out Tommy!

You are my hero for the day for calling him "Tommy," and not only that, but saying "watch out Tommy!"


DrTom's avatar is boring, but nothing worth getting worked up about.

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