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Austing to return to wrestling?

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Steve Austin Hints At Returns To The Ring

Posted By Widro on 10.30.03


Did Austin reveal his plans for one more match?


Today on the Sharon Osbourne show, Steve Austin and the host wrestled in a make-shift ring, leaving Stone Cold winded for the length of his interview.


There was a piece of breaking news coming out of the interview: Austin admitted that he was indeed training to get back into shape, and it's "50/50" that he will make a WWE in-ring return, most likely at Wrestlemania XX.


Let the Austin/Goldberg and Austin/Hogan rumors begin!



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Guest wrestlingbs
Oh boy! I can't wait for Bischoff/Austin!

And you know that's what they'll give us.


If they have any sense they would do Austin vs. Goldberg.

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Oh boy!  I can't wait for Bischoff/Austin!

And you know that's what they'll give us.


If they have any sense they would do Austin vs. Goldberg.

Yeah. If they did, they would do that. Yup...

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Oh boy!  I can't wait for Bischoff/Austin!

And you know that's what they'll give us.


If they have any sense they would do Austin vs. Goldberg.

Yeah. If they did, they would do that. Yup...

But not just any match! No, only one type of match is brutal and sadistic enough for two superstars of their calibur. Yes, of course, I have to be talking about:



The Kennel From Hell!

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Goldberg/Lesnar > Austin/Goldberg


Austin shouldn't wrestle at WMXX. Not even vs Jericho. I don't need to tell you how bad their other 2 matches (Vengeance '01, No Way Out '02) were. They just don't click in the ring.


Austin shouldn't face Hogan either. The match would suck ball sac. Austin bitched that he couldn't carry Hogan in '02, why would he suddenly be able to carry the old bastard now? Fuck the spectacle of the match, give me good wrestling for WMXX.

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There seriously needs to be an austin/Eddie or Austin/Benoit match taking place at XX with one of them winning. That is the only real open door he left in his career. the match should be absolutely wonderful, and the respect and rub gained after a clean pinfall would finally catapult one of those two.


Where the WWE would go from there with their career scares me though......

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There seriously needs to be an austin/Eddie or Austin/Benoit match taking place at XX with one of them winning. That is the only real open door he left in his career. the match should be absolutely wonderful, and the respect and rub gained after a clean pinfall would finally catapult one of those two.


Where the WWE would go from there with their career scares me though......

Austin taps!! Austin taps!!




Chris Benoit (champion) vs Sean O'Haire

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There seriously needs to be an austin/Eddie or Austin/Benoit match taking place at XX with one of them winning.  That is the only real open door he left in his career.  the match should be absolutely wonderful, and the respect and rub gained after a clean pinfall would finally catapult one of those two.


Where the WWE would go from there with their career scares me though......

Given Austin's comments about the Brock Lesner incident about a week ago, Austin won't be putting anyone over if he comes back for one more match, which is reason enough for Austin to DIE HORRIBLY and get the fuck out off TV forever....

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Yeah, the match, from a technical standpoint, would suck. But the heat would be off the charts, and it'd make money.


Besides, it's probably the last real dream match that's never happened, and if you stick it on there as a special attraction match (as in, NOT the main event) it won't really hurt anybody.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

I'll call it right here: it's going to be Austin-Vince at WrestleMania. No clean finish because neither of them will job to the other. Enjoy.

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If I ran a website, every day I'd have a headline that said "Austin to return to ring? Click here for details!" and it would always say "Steve Austin is probably not returning to the ring." I think it would be funny, and really throw those marks for a loop.

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Guest Coffey

If he returns to put over someone like Jericho, than more power to him for doing the right thing.


If he returns to have a big money match with someone like Goldberg, hell, I won't complain but the first scenario would be better.


If he comes back and then keeps coming back, like HBK, I will be upset.

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As much as a big Austin fan I always have been, I agree. I may be the only one who enjoys HBKs comeback and has been enjoying pretty much all of his feuds, but I don't want Austin to do it. All I think would happen would be a burial war between him and Huntyer, and he'd end up looking like Taker in 2001 which no good can come of.


One more match.


And JasonX, go watch XIX. there was no reason for him to really put over The Rock considering the Rock's role in wrestling afterwards (which I'm sure everyone in the back was well aware of well before that match), but he did it because it was the right thing.

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Guest Choken One
If he returns to put over someone like Jericho, than more power to him for doing the right thing.


If he returns to have a big money match with someone like Goldberg, hell, I won't complain but the first scenario would be better.


If he comes back and then keeps coming back, like HBK, I will be upset.

Shawn came back ONCE and has remained a Active wrestler on the roster...



Take someone like Terry Funk whose retired 105 times over and still comes back...let's hope that doesn't become Austin.

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Guest Coffey

Right, but HBK is in the WWE and Terry Funk isn't. That's why I used him in my example.


I didn't think that the last Austin/Rock match should've happened. I feel that both men should've been putting someone over.

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Guest Choken One

Not in my opinon because Austin wasn't aware that it would be his last mania, so Austin knowing Rock was on his way in Hollywood wanted to do the right thing and put him over for payment for 1999 and 01.

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Even if they do Austin/Goldberg, it wouldn't matter. WWE will fuck it up, and may even do so long before they actually begin setting it up.


Kane/Goldberg? Royally fucked up before even being tried thanks to Shane "Heat vacuum" McMahon. If they do it for Rumble, they'll have to rebuild Kane again, but the damage may be done.


Goldberg is facing HHH at SurSer. HHH is going to get his job back almost for certain. By the time Goldberg/Austin would occur, Goldberg's balls will be on HHH's mantle and the horrible booking of the Raw team will kill any remaining chance of the program being good.


Chock up another "sure thing" WWE will botch.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark
I didn't think that the last Austin/Rock match should've happened. I feel that both men should've been putting someone over.

What for? Who are they going to put over who isn't immediately going to be buried? Triple-H? Undertaker? Vince? Shane? Stephanie? Who else?


It's just pointless for them to put anybody over. The whole thing is pointless.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Fine. Let's job Triple-H to Tajiri (is he still with the company?). Or, better yet, Jericho. Repeatedly. Loser wears a fucking dress. For a year. I don't mind starting there. Elevation!

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

I don't really want to see Austin-Goldberg either, like AndrewTS says, they're only going to screw it up, take something that could have been moderately cool and make it pathetic and pointless. And I don't want Austin to risk his health in there with Goldberg, I know, I know, Goldberg's hardly ever injured anyone but himself and Bret, but I'd rather Austin not chance it, not in his delicate condition. Let's just keep Goldberg wrestling Triple-H and maybe we'll eventually get lucky.

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