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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

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What is so awesome about a crazy old man who's lost in the fucking ring and can't work a lick anymore?


He's still awesome.

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Guest The Old Me

Flair is still a bright spot on the roster. He's an old man, what more can you expect? I'd rather watch him than Vince, Shane, Hogan, Piper.

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What is so awesome about a crazy old man who's lost in the fucking ring and can't work a lick anymore?


He's still awesome.

Great reply there, champ.


Can somebody ban this putz? His gayness has gone unchallenged for too long.

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I still mark for Flair all the way.


I love...


- the way he'll yell "ohhh, SHIT" every time he gets backdropped.


- the desparate thumb to the eye.


- the WOOO!/chop.


- the lowblows.


- his tirades during interviews.


Of course he can't wrestle at the same level he did 15 years ago, but having him work matches here and there, while using him mostly as a mouthpiece for Evolution is fine by me.


And for the record, I think Raw is better show right now. I don't even make an effort to watch SmackDown anymore, just read recaps to keep a toe in the water, so to speak.


After a lot of ugliness, I'm kinda seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with Raw, believe it or not. They're building up some young tag teams and future main eventers while still using the veterans, and outside of the Kane/Shane fiasco (which should probably end at SurSer), pretty much everything has been fairly logical.

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Guest Besus

I know lord.Every damn day I go to a FORUM I see Pro-Flair(Not that it's a bad thing).


"Flair is better than 90% of the WWE Roster" "Flair is still putting on good matches" "Flair should be World

Champ "Flair is one of the Top 5 Wrestlers today"


Fuckin lies.

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Guest The Old Me

Flair shouldn't be the champion by any means. He's got good nostalgia on his side.

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Great reply there, champ.


Can somebody ban this putz? His gayness has gone unchallenged for too long.


So you didn't like my answer? OMG, BAN PLZ~!


I love...


- the desparate thumb to the eye.


- the WOOO!/chop.


- the lowblows.


- his tirades during interviews.


Of course he can't wrestle at the same level he did 15 years ago, but having him work matches here and there, while using him mostly as a mouthpiece for Evolution is fine by me.


What he said.


- the way he'll yell "ohhh, SHIT" every time he gets backdropped.


His "Oh God! Oh Shit!" remark from not too long ago had me rolling on the floor.

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Its been a long time since I watched smackdown.  Do they let the crippler show the deadman how to do a powerbomb proper?  Chris is the master of the powerbomb, especially when Eddy is taking it.

To the best of my knowledge, Eddy is the only WWE wrestler to have felt the motherfucking wrath of the goddamn fucking WILDBOMB!~.


Armageddon 2002

Vengence 2003.




Bless you, Guerrero. Bless you.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Smackdown is the better show because of the Wrestling,Commentary,Wrestlers and Fueds.Dont agree? Dont

give a fuck because IMO SD is the better damn show.

Where did they dig you up?

Good choice of words. Seems like TripleHater coming back for another round (compare the typing styles).

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I wasn't talking to you NewMe...


"this was the period where Benoit was dogging it and you got horrible matches. "


You got horrible matches because they sent Benoit out there to stooge for O'haire, Cena, Albert, Rhyno and the Bashams. If Benoit was dogging it then his bumping and stiffness would be effected - it wasn't. He just gave his *green* *heel* opponents more offense than most wrestlers usually do. All of a sudden that's "dogging it".

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- the way he'll yell "ohhh, SHIT" every time he gets backdropped.


- the desparate thumb to the eye.


- the WOOO!/chop.


- the lowblows.


- his tirades during interviews.


This is funny cause that's all he's been doing for the past 5 years... take away the tirades and I'll give you a straight-up decade...


Of course he can't wrestle at the same level he did 15 years ago, but having him work matches here and there, while using him mostly as a mouthpiece for Evolution is fine by me.


Define "here and there"... and he can't wrestle at mark henry level fer christsakes. He looks totally confused in the ring...

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Guest Mulatto Heat
You got horrible matches because they sent Benoit out there to stooge for O'haire, Cena, Albert, Rhyno and the Bashams.

You forgot to mention how it had to be done in five minutes or less, because this was right in the time of Angle's return and the Mr. America/Zach Gowan stuff. I still don't know what people were expecting, but then again some people here have weird expectations in the first place. For example, I finally took a look at the triple threat IC title match at Unforgiven yesterday. This was the match where fans of any of the three were saying "Oh, finally, one good match on the card" when it was announced. Granted, it did have one cool spot but the rest was business-exposing garbage.

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^ It was still the best match on the PPV and if RVD AND Jericho didn't make it to the event, Unforgiven would have been absolute dogshit.

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RAW has good wrestlers. Jericho, Christian, RVD, Storm, Booker T, and the women wrestlers. Say what you will about them, but they've been busting their asses for a long time now to keep RAW from being nothing but bad matches.


Tonight's RAW showed me that the women are some of the unsung heroes...err heroines (sp?) of RAW because they bust ass each week. Trish and Victoria took what could have been a disaster of a match and made it watchable.


Overall those who have been saying it are right...RAW has managed to get most of their roster involved in something. Smackdown has a bunch of people just wandering in limbo.

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Guest Ray
Christian, RVD, Storm, Booker

RVD a good wrestler? HA!


Christian, Storm, and Booker aren't anything special either.

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I never said they were outstanding, but they're more motivated than the rest of the roster seems to be and they have been known to put on good matches.


RVD has been making some changes lately. He's added or readded a couple of moves to his set. (Northern Lights Suplex and that cannonball move)


Booker has been pretty crisp since coming back and still has some okay heat. Although that probably won't last long if he slips into not doing anything again.

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Both sides have good wrestlers, but RAW is more entertaining. Not because it's live either, I usually don't care enough to pay attention to spoilers.


RVD is a good wrestler. Wrestler that has good matches = a good wrestler.

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Guest Ray

Rob Van Dam is NOT a good wrestler. Never was, never will be. Van Dam's matches are CRAP.


Calling Van Dam a good wrestler is LAUGHABLE.

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That's you and like one other guy.


To everyone else, RVD has good matches every week.


So... I can't say I'm really caring a whole lot about what you think is laughable.

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Guest Ray
That's you and like one other guy.

More like to me and anyone else with a brain.


To everyone else, RVD has good matches every week.

Because the average WWE crowd is loaded with intelligent people, right?

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I haven't watched RAW since August. There is nothing on that show that interests me. Even Jericho needs someone to play off of, or else it is just a stupid comedy segment. Storm & Hurricane are the only other two wrestlers that I even like on RAW, and they are getting buried. Everyone else is crap. Goldberg, HHH, HBK & Kevin Nash (when he's around) are four of my least favourite wrestlers of all time, and they are all on the top of the card.


Smackdown hasn't been very good the last couple of weeks, with fewer matches, but No Mercy (as weak as it was) was still better than any RAW PPV (or even RAW portions of split PPVs) put on this year. Shane and Vince basically counteract each other. Plus Benoit is getting a World Title push. Even if they decide to go with someone like Cena instead, he is still a hell of a lot better than Randy Orton.


Another plus for Smackdown is that it is taped. With all the mistakes on RAW that I saw in the summer, they really need the ability to edit this stuff out.


Smackdown is bad. RAW is an embarrassment.

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Guest Goodear

I really have to say that RAW has managed to take less talented workers and use them more effectively than Smackdown's crew. Sure if you have me make a list of my favorite workers right now it would be crammed full of Smackdown talent. But the simple fact is that show is booked so poorly that it has lost something. The way they fumbled the ball on Eddie and the flat-out rediculous Survivor Series match (not because Jones, Morgan, or Holly suck but because no one really caresd about them) I've simply lost interest in what their characters are doing which in some noticable cases like Rey Mysterio Jr. ... is nothing. RAW actually takes the talent they have and uses it as much as they can, moving people up and down the card as warranted for the most part and puts people in position to either succeed or fail. Smackdown just has spinning wheels all over the roster.

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I haven't watched Raw in at least 5-6 months, so I can't really comment on how it has been doing. Judging from the reviews, it isn't as hot of a wrestling show, but the storylines are at least coherent. I think both shows are bad but the only reason I watch Smackdown is because it has Cena and Benoit on the show.

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Last night was the first RAW I watched in 6 or so months, and I have been watching SD pretty much every week all year. Bottom line is that lately SD has been awful and last night at least, RAW was pretty good (okay it was not bad).


1. Really liked the Molly segment. Other than the fact that she was UberHot, Molly can cut a pretty damn good heel promo. Sadly she will be losing the belt to Lita at SS.


2. Austin's segment in the locker room with HBK was gold. Little too much SCSA over the course of the night though.


3. What the hell was Lance Storm doing? Can anyone tell me please? He looked terrible.


4. No Hurricane makes the Platypi sad.


On the SD side lately all I have seen is the goddamn McMahonamania. I turn the channel whenever they come on my screen, and sometimes I don't bother coming back.

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