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Ultimate Warrior's latest post...

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This is the part in question:


I will meet you halfway and acknowledge that my announcement was somewhat of a swerve, albeit creatively done; a play on words. But I will add that those who have come to know me should look at themselves for wantonly expecting that an announcement was coming that I would return to work for the McMahons. I guess in this industry that's putridly natural, seeing how every other “shooter” went back and choked on their pride and God knows what else. I happen to have a stiffer backbone and deeper sense of pride and integrity. I happen to believe that what a man says he is, that's what he should be. That's what my word means. And not even a stroke can make me go back on it. You read that last sentence right, it's no swerve.

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Warrior is the biggest dick in the wrestling world. Never any talent in him, so one-dimensional. Damn you Vince and your fetish for the big men. All wrestlers should respect a guy like Stu Hart. God forgive the other Hart's that have gone through the deaths of Owen, Helen, Davey, and Stu. WE WILL MISS YOU STU HART!

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A curious strike, but oh well.


He did have a point about how a lot of people who "shot" on McMahon eventually came back anyway (Piper and LOD being two examples off my head), and, of course, they looked like shit (whether or not by McMahon machinations) and were given the boot pretty quickly


There's a quote by the man in RDJ's sig relating to this, I don't think I need to repeat it for you.

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Wait, I think I've solved it. He's headed off to TNA to work for the Jarretts!




Who cares what the hell that piece of luggage says? It's mostly mumbled garbage anyways.

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Guest JMA

And people wonder why the IWC hate Warrior...


Fuck you and your political beliefs, Hellwig.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Warrior is a hippocritical eliteist piece of trash who has no place in the wrestling business anymore. This is probably a way for him to vent his idiotic frustrations over the fact Bret Hart is and will always be remebered in a positive light by most smart fans while he will not. Jim, you can go back to the oblivion from which you came, and never return. We don't care.

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Warrior's just jealous that he never hears from Vince and co. If you're gonna sell out, at least you have to be on good terms.

I dunno, remember when they used Warrior to sell their WWE Anthology? I bet Vinnie would take him back given the chance.........if only to humiliate him.

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

Who cares what the Warrior says? I mean, who is this guy? Warrior who? Isn't that the guy who no-sold his opponents buy shaking the ropes like he was an idiot? The best thing to do is to not read what he says. He's gone from wrestling, no matter what he says about "returning" in the next LOW game. We all know Bret Hart is ten times better than the Warrior, so forget whatever he says about Bret. Bret may have had a stroke, but Warrior is a nut. In religious terms, an angel by the name of the Ultimate Warrior thought he was better than God, Bret Hart. When God, Bret Hart, learned about this, he unleashed his Sharshootering wrath. But The Ultimate Warrior no-sold his wrath, so God put him in Velocity Hell for all eternity.

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That's insane, but it's fucking NOTHING compared to this, where he talked about Rick Rude...


Credit to wrestlingobserver.com:


by Rob Hirschbuhl


The Ultimate Warrior (now Warrior) was on the Penn State University Campus Thursday 10/16/03. He was giving a speech on living conservative lifestyle. Sorry it took me a few days, but I wanted to tell you about it in case you wanted to write about it.


Show had a huge crowd. More than the room could hold and alot of people were forced to stand.


Show started with a video package of some of his wrestling highlights. Biggest pops were for Hogan, Heenan, Andre, and the blue steel cage.


He spotted a few fans dressed up as the Ultimate Warrior before he got into the speech. One was also dressed as Hogan, but it was fully because he was pretty fat and only wearing yellow tights. He called them on stage and took

pictures with them and got the crowd to cheer for them.


His speech was incredibly conservative. He wanted to know who in the crowd was liberal and conservative. He went as far as to say he "could never be friends with a liberal." In his opening statement, one of the things he wanted to accomplish was "piss liberals off." Called liberals "Weasly



Quotes about wrestling:


Wrestling is "not good anymore." No surprise there.


He left wrestling (the break from 1993-1996) because "wrestling became perverse."


Called Vince McMahon a "scumbag" at least four times.


Quote: "In all of my years of wrestling, one thing I never learned how to do was wrestle." Kind of funny


Said his stint with WCW failed because he wanted to be the one guy who would spread a good message, and Hogan and Bischoff said that fans wouldn't get it and wouldn't allow him to do it. Said he'll never work for Vince or Eric again.


There was a loud hooting and hollering from people outside the room, and he paused for it to stop, and then addressed it by asking "Are those liberals?" It was pretty funny, but he really does not like liberals.


He changed his name (he never stated either of his old first or last names) to Warrior. I was curious as to how it all works, and here it is. It's his full name. His driver's license, apparently says Warrior. It his wife's and children's last name. His father left him when he was 12, and never accepted responsibility, and said that his father's last name meant nothing to him, so he changed it to something that did.


Said president Clinton was "disgusting."


There was a Q & A session afterwords. Alot of people got up and left and he thanked all of them for coming even though they didn't want to hear the Q & A.


After Q & A, he said whoever wants an autograph or picture could come up to the front. I couldn't believe how well he treated the fans during this. Alot of the people he was with were trying to get him to leave but he wanted to stay. He would talk to everybody until they didn't have anything to talk about. He signed anything you wanted, took endless pictures, he even spoke on the phone to one fan's parents. He came off as a very nice patient guy during this part. I told him I loved the work he did with Rick Rude. He said that was his best opponent because Rick was a guy who wanted Warrior to look good and who went out of his way to teach him things about the business. Said something kind of odd here, he said "As much as I loved Rick, I'm glad he's dead" and guys like Rick because he didn't want people who did drugs on the same planet as his children. I understood what he was saying, but he sounded real harsh, saying he was glad he died. Other favorite opponents were Hogan and Andre. I asked him "Is there anyone in the business that you're still close with?" He responded with a hearty "No." A fan asked if he had ever wrestled Ric Flair. Warrior said he had once, but doesn't think footage of it exists. Said "I don't think Ric liked me." When there was only like the final three or four serious fans left in the room, someone asked where he was going after this, and to my surprise he told us (it was a sports grille). He said we could join him if we wanted to, but I didn't really want to. He seemed to not like talking about wrestling as much as politics.


...that's what we should be fucking ENRAGED about.

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What does it say about Penn State that they would invite the Ultimate Warrior of all people to talk about being a conservative? ... Did I miss something here?

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You might be able to blame whatever conservative student association at Penn State for that, actually. I know that, at my campus, the Conservative Leaders Association were responsible for bringing him to my university to speak.


Of course, he must have forgot about Rude for our speech and just improvised with the liberal death threats.

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Guest JMA

Sign. Warrior is just using his "celebrity" image to push his political views. How is he different from someone like Barbara Streisand? IMO, people like Warrior/Hellwig, Limbaugh, Liddy, Hannity, Coulter, and Savage/Weiner actually HURT conservatives more than helping them.

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