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Crash Holly passes away

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Guest Choken One
You control and keep records of every doctor they visit and *gasp* maybe even set up medical coverage like every other damn profession.

They already have that.


Example: Pillman went around that, and used his heart condition to overprescribe drugs from different places.


You give them adequate time off to recover. This is where the independent board or commision comes in. None of this, working through injuries before Im 100% bullshit. You're hurt? You take your prescribed medicine, do your exercizes and rest and do not return until an independent medical authority clears you too. Then you won't have to rely on overdoses of pain pills to work though pain.


They only work through minor injuries.


When neck, leg and back problems arise, Vince gives them the appropriate time to recover.

Like Angle working with a broken neck? Or Lesnar working with broken ribs? Or HHH working with his entire lower anatomy ripped to shreds?

That was Angle's Choice, Vince gave Angle many chances to back out of the match.


Triple H could not wrestle as long as he wants but he chose to stay in the ring...

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Exactly...Vince himself has NEVER forced a wrestler to return from severe injury when they weren't ready...Now have some wrestlers gone against the advice of Doctors and forgoed common sense and returned? Yeah but Vince never told HHH for instance to return just 7 months later...

I love how everyone ignores what I say and Im forced to be redudant. This is why you need an independent commission or even *gasp* Vince himself (he is the boss, right?) that does NOT ALLOW them to work through their injuries.

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Like Angle working with a broken neck? Or Lesnar working with broken ribs? Or HHH working with his entire lower anatomy ripped to shreds?

Angle went around doctor's orders to wrestle that last match. It was out of Vince's hands to do anything but suspend him, but considering this was less than two weeks from the PPV, he had his hands tied.


EDIT: You meant Hunter's groin injury, I think. Nevermind.

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That was Angle's Choice, Vince gave Angle many chances to back out of the match.


Triple H could not wrestle as long as he wants but he chose to stay in the ring...

Angle should have been forced to sit out and rehab, he could have been killed, and who knows what risidual pain pill addiction he has suffered as a result (he admitted himself that they were the only thing getting him through).

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You're dead right. This is a problem is it not? Should not Vince realize what is happening as a result and set an example (like a literal example, that is NOT how a 60 year old man should look...)

I'd almost forgotten that, too.


When the owner is a poster-boy for sterioids, what chance does a small guy like Spanky or London have?


They don't even care about talent. All you've gotta do is be big and tall, or if you're short, built like Trips or Lesnar (or Benoit..).

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I love how everyone ignores what I say and Im forced to be redudant. This is why you need an independent commission or even *gasp* Vince himself (he is the boss, right?) that does NOT ALLOW them to work through their injuries.


So, we'd have three-four people left for each show then, huh?

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I love how everyone ignores what I say and Im forced to be redudant. This is why you need an independent commission or even *gasp* Vince himself (he is the boss, right?) that does NOT ALLOW them to work through their injuries.


So, we'd have three-four people left for each show then, huh?

If you rotate their time off, you'll always have enough healthy bodies. And hey, you might even be forced to push the Spanys of the world. That is what you all want isn't it?!

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I love how everyone ignores what I say and Im forced to be redudant. This is why you need an independent commission or even *gasp* Vince himself (he is the boss, right?) that does NOT ALLOW them to work through their injuries.


So, we'd have three-four people left for each show then, huh?

Actually, Van Dam would have to wrestle himself for two hours, three times a week.


It's possible.

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Guest Choken One
You're dead right. This is a problem is it not? Should not Vince realize what is happening as a result and set an example (like a literal example, that is NOT how a 60 year old man should look...)

I'd almost forgotten that, too.


When the owner is a poster-boy for sterioids, what chance does a small guy like Spanky or London have?


They don't even care about talent. All you've gotta do is be big and tall, or if you're short, built like Trips or Lesnar (or Benoit..).

Then why the hell did Spanky and London sign a contract then?


They should know damn well they weren't going to get shit with McMahon's Hoss Utopia.

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Guest Boddicker

Damn. This is really sad news. I was never a big fan of his, but he did entertain me a few times. It's just really shocking when someone who I've invested so much time watching on a regular basis dies. What a letdown. My heart goes out to his family and friends.

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Guest Choken One
I love how everyone ignores what I say and Im forced to be redudant. This is why you need an independent commission or even *gasp* Vince himself (he is the boss, right?) that does NOT ALLOW them to work through their injuries.


So, we'd have three-four people left for each show then, huh?

If you rotate their time off, you'll always have enough healthy bodies. And hey, you might even be forced to push the Spanys of the world. That is what you all want isn't it?!

Which Is Why I suggest the Cycle Rotation plan.


Hell, just keep it Smackdown and Raw as it is.


One week it's all Smackdown (two tv shows and two house shows)


Then it's all Raw (same pattern)


Reduce PPV's to 8 instead of 12 (get rid of No Way Out, Vengence, No Mercy and Backlash) which means Rumble (Jan), Mania (March), Judgement Day (May), Bad Blood (June), Slam (August), Unforgiven (Sept), Series (Nov) and Armagededdon (Dec)...

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I love how everyone ignores what I say and Im forced to be redudant. This is why you need an independent commission or even *gasp* Vince himself (he is the boss, right?) that does NOT ALLOW them to work through their injuries.


So, we'd have three-four people left for each show then, huh?

If you rotate their time off, you'll always have enough healthy bodies. And hey, you might even be forced to push the Spanys of the world. That is what you all want isn't it?!

Which Is Why I suggest the Cycle Rotation plan.


Hell, just keep it Smackdown and Raw as it is.


One week it's all Smackdown (two tv shows and two house shows)


Then it's all Raw (same pattern)


Reduce PPV's to 8 instead of 12 (get rid of No Way Out, Vengence, No Mercy and Backlash) which means Rumble (Jan), Mania (March), Judgement Day (May), Bad Blood (June), Slam (August), Unforgiven (Sept), Series (Nov) and Armagededdon (Dec)...

I would support that. Any type of attempt to help things. Combined with regular steroids and drug tests, and less seriou emphasis on bodies over talent would go a long way. If that doesn't help, then a commision needs to regulate it.

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My solution:


Keep all PPVs. If there's any revenue that wrestlers relish, it's this. Add to that, the PPV deals McMahon has in place, that would screw him "ten ways from Sunday" if he reneged.


Before the brand-split PPVs, let the brand without a PPV have two weeks off. Give their show (for that time) to the brand who HAS the PPV slot, so they get better build.

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Guest Korgath

Shit. Crash was one of the more entertaining people the WWE introduced to lil' old me. I really hoped his last run as a MFer would work out, but unfortunately by that time, no one took Crash seriously anymore.


Damn. Another young life, gone way to fast.


RIP Mikey, hope there's a 24/7 rule where you are.

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Guest Choken One

No One in this day and age will TOUCH a union unless Triple H himself supported it and that won't happen at all.


Their best hopes are to go the Actors Asscociation route if they want medical coverage (which I think they have now, but not sure)...

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There are at least five people who currently wrestle on each show who wouldn't get doctors clearence to wrestle, just from the amount of injuries they have incured and still suffer from. This is a tough business, one where people know the game, and anyone who stays in it understands the consequences. I wish it was different but wishing don't do shit except pass the time.

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There are at least five people who currently wrestle on each show who wouldn't get doctors clearence to wrestle, just from the amount of injuries they have incured and still suffer from. This is a tough business, one where people know the game, and anyone who stays in it understands the consequences. I wish it was different but wishing don't do shit except pass the time.

So they became wrestlers, they deserve to die. That's what you're saying? The roster is deep enough to allow 4 or 5 to sit on the sidelines and heal properly without fucking themselves up on pain pills and cocaine. As I said it would FORCE new people to be pushed anyway.

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You're dead right. This is a problem is it not? Should not Vince realize what is happening as a result and set an example (like a literal example, that is NOT how a 60 year old man should look...)

I'd almost forgotten that, too.


When the owner is a poster-boy for sterioids, what chance does a small guy like Spanky or London have?


They don't even care about talent. All you've gotta do is be big and tall, or if you're short, built like Trips or Lesnar (or Benoit..).

Then why the hell did Spanky and London sign a contract then?


They should know damn well they weren't going to get shit with McMahon's Hoss Utopia.

As people will quote "It's their dream. They don't care."


What pisses me off is that anyone with the proper funds and a decent eye for talent could drive them out of business..but nobody's been able to. Every time they've had competition creep up, it's been blind fucking luck that's saved them. Vince isn't a great buisnessman..hell, he's not even a great wrestling promoter. He's a talentless hack that's had everything handed to him. Look at what happens when nobody will tell him "no". We get the current product.


Hulk Hogan? Steve Austin? They were handed to Vince. Once they got moving strong, they simply got the chance to run with the ball. Yes, you could say that it was Vince's feud with Austin that "made" him, but it wasn't. Rocky? He was the only one really made in the WWF/E, but it was more of an accident than anything else. He didn't get over as they'd wanted (A bland, Hulk Hogan clone-babyface) but through his own charisma and mannerisms.


You don't even have to have talent to be a major player in that company. Look at Triple H. He's reportedly a hard worker..but is it really that hard when you've had Mick Foley, Steve Austin, and The Rock feuding with you for the entire time you were big? Trips is the ONLY thing Vince's ever created, and he's a failure without a sacrfice of talented guys waiting in line to carry him from feud to feud. Vince's own senility..or prejudices keep him from pushing the people the fans (and not just the IWC) want, but shoving the people that fit "his vision".


People went nuts when Jericho looked like he was about to break big, but what did we get? Triple H.

People were chanting rabidly for Van Dam, but what did we get? Brock Lesnar.

Eddy Guerrero's hot, but who gets the nod instead? Big Show, Nathan Jones, and company.


If the company ever gets hot again, it won't be because Vince made it so, but because someone finally was handed to him to become the next Rock, Austin, or Hogan.

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Glad to see this has turned into one big flame war.


Hope you feel proud of yourself, Slapnuts00

This is not a flame war, we are discussing a serious issue that is literally life or death. I am proud to have spawned discussion beyond the usual crap we bicker over. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the damn thread.

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Guest Choken One

Hogan was handed?


He went out and sought Hogan...dragging him away from AWA.



Triple H was a failure when he was the top guy in the company during WWE's biggest year? Product and Money wise. He became a failure by his Hogan imitation.


The WWF wasn't "big" until the McMahon/Austin got kicked off during the Tyson period (which if anything is the REAL catalyst for the resurgance). While's Austin's character was well defined before the McMahon series but the McMahon angle sent him off.

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Guest PowerPB13

Personally, I find it a bit sickening that someone would essentially use a wrestler's death as a soapbox to promote their views on the wrestling world...but what do I know?



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Triple H was a failure when he was the top guy in the company during WWE's biggest year? Product and Money wise. He became a failure by his Hogan imitation.

Trips was a success only through the blood of Mick Foley. Hell, anyone could've gotten over with the sheer ammount of TV time he had, and feuds with Rocky, Austin, and Foley. What an accomplishment..being a success when you've got the three most charismatic guys in the company to cary you.

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Personally, I find it a bit sickening that someone would essentially use a wrestler's death as a soapbox to promote their views on the wrestling world...but what do I know?



Personally, I find it a bit sick that these wrestling deaths are happening at all, and god forbid someone tries to anaylize why they are happening. I'm mad as hell, and if you're a wrestling fan you should be too.

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So they became wrestlers, they deserve to die. That's what you're saying? The roster is deep enough to allow 4 or 5 to sit on the sidelines and heal properly without fucking themselves up on pain pills and cocaine. As I said it would FORCE new people to be pushed anyway.


Please do not put words in my mouth. I never said they deserved to die, and Ieven said I wish it was different. Even from my own personal experiences knowing the late Curt Hennig, I regret the pain that is involved in the business, and the effect it has on the people involved. But the thing is, given the chance to change and take time off, it would be refused. They want to wrestle, and if Vince says no to them, they would do it anyway. It becomes a part of them, for good or ill, and the situation probably will never trully change.

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