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Guest Ray

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Wasn't thier a hardcore title match between Road Dogg and Bossman in winter '98 that was 100x better than it had any right to be?

I remember a hardcore match between Al Snow and Road Dogg that was suprisingly good. It was during Dogg's first reign, and the ending had Dogg hitting Snow with a piledriver outside on some pallets in the snow.

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Guest Choken One

Road Dogg in Late 1998 Early 99 was REALLY having a good slew of matches...


The aformentioned SNOW BRAWL, A really sick match with Gangrel that Included A DDT from like 10 feet high off. Bossman and Dogg had a good one two.


Didn't Al Snow and Val Venis have a really good brawl around early 2001 where Venis piledrove Snow on a cement block and took out for a while?

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The match with Snow on the Jan. 4/99 Raw (Mankind wins first title on same show) is one of my all time favorite Road Dogg matches. I love it.

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Guest Evolution
Bret Hart, British Bulldog & Owen Hart vs Steve Austin, Undertaker & Mankind, Flag Match, 1997

I'm still looking for a tape of that match. I was going to bring it up in this thread, as it is probably one of the most memorable matches I had before I went from mark to smark.

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Guest Goodear
All the Smackdown 6 stuff.

Yeah, those matches kind of got mishmashed together and written off as 'those SD 6 matches', with few of the individual matches getting remembered, which is a damn shame.

I think that really serves to highlight the weakness in Paul Heyman's booking style. Sure there were a whole bunch of really good matches, but they were all so jammed together and featured the same people so often that they aren't all that memorable.

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Guest Dmann2000
I believe the Lynn/RVD TNN Match was the only decent match those two pulled off...

And I was lucky enough to be there live for that.


You don't know how much that crowd (myself included) wanted Lynn to win that night.



As for forgotten TV matches- Rock vs Mankind- WWF Title Ladder Match 2-15-99.

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Guest Dmann2000
1-2-3 Kid Vs Razor Ramon-Raw 1995 (?) I believe this was when Kid turned...They restarted the match like 4 times because Kid kept begging to have anoter shot or someone interefered...then Kid swerved Ramon and turned.

OMG I have that RAW on tape- it also has the Hart/Lafiette match that was pimped earlier.


The Kid turn didn't happen though till Ramon vs Sid with Kid as the ref.

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There was a great Vampiro vs Hugh Morrus match on Thunder before Uncensored 2000 that was much better than it had any right to be and was my favourite Vamp match ever. Also:

Elix Skipper/Kid Romeo vs AJ Styles/Air Paris from Nitro

Sting vs Jeff Jarrett 2/3 Falls on Thunder

Riggs vs Kanyon on Thunder (shortly after the Flock disbanded, but Riggs still rocked the pirate look)

Also I'd be letting myself down if I didn't mention the first match I ever saw, which was Steve Austin beating Barry Windham for the TV title on Worldwide...my memory of that match was that it was awesome

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Also, alot Shane Helms' matches in early 2001 WCW, like that crusierweight gauntlet from Thunder.


Helms had alot of awesome matches in that time peroid, I wish he could be that good again. The Hurricane Gimmick is holding him down

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Austin/Shamrock was a good match from September '98. I believe it was from the first Raw back after the US Open and it was a great match up until the shitty ending (Undertaker, Kane, Rock, and Mankind all did run-ins and everyone just started brawling with each other).


yeah it was pretty good, and long from what i remember


another one that i think it's from the next or previous Raw was Kane & Undertaker vs. Rock, SHamrock & Mankind. This was when Rocky was getting hot as a face and everybody loved him. And he got the clean victory over Taker, like for the first time ever.


Plus Rocky, Shamrock and Mankind were somewhat enemies at this point so they punched and kicked eachother when they taged in and stuff like that.


this match is in the Best of Raw DVD.



Good thread

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Triple H, Lance Storm, Christian, and Test vs. The Rock, The Undertaker, Booker T, and Goldust from August 12, 2002 isn't just one of my favourite forgotten TV matches, it's one of my favourite matches of the summer.

That match was AWESOME. I wish I could have been there live but tickets for Raw sold out. That match put EVERYONE in it over, and seeing the face team selling for Christian and Lance made me laugh.


Plus that match led to the first Takerooni attempt, and that is always gold.

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1-2-3 Kid Vs Razor Ramon-Raw 1995 (?) I believe this was when Kid turned...They restarted the match like 4 times because Kid kept begging to have anoter shot or someone interefered...then Kid swerved Ramon and turned.

OMG I have that RAW on tape- it also has the Hart/Lafiette match that was pimped earlier.


The Kid turn didn't happen though till Ramon vs Sid with Kid as the ref.

That match was pretty cool from what I remember. I liked how after the last match, when it looked as if Kid and Razor were all buddy/buddy again, Kid raised his hand and then tried to schoolboy him for the win.


There was another Kid/Razor match from 95, the week after they started their "New Fall Season" (:rolleyes:) that was pretty good too. Kid was angry at Razor for babying him, so he challenged him to the match, and won after Dean Douglas interfered.


Hell, that whole Douglas/Razor/Kid angle in 95 was great.

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Guest Frank The Tank

That's not forgotten at all.


But here's a good forgotten Goldberg match.


Goldberg vs Sting on a September 98 Nitro. I believe it was on the same night as the previously mentioned Austin/Shamrock match.

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Sting vs DDP in 1998 when Sting was World Champion and DDP was US Champion.

Billy Kidman vs Rey Mysterio in march 1999 was the best match the 2 ever had against each other.

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Austin/Shamrock was a good match from September '98.  I believe it was from the first Raw back after the US Open and it was a great match up until the shitty ending (Undertaker, Kane, Rock, and Mankind all did run-ins and everyone just started brawling with each other).


yeah it was pretty good, and long from what i remember


another one that i think it's from the next or previous Raw was Kane & Undertaker vs. Rock, SHamrock & Mankind. This was when Rocky was getting hot as a face and everybody loved him. And he got the clean victory over Taker, like for the first time ever.


Plus Rocky, Shamrock and Mankind were somewhat enemies at this point so they punched and kicked eachother when they taged in and stuff like that.


this match is in the Best of Raw DVD.



Good thread

One of my favorite Raws ever. It had Austin/zamboni incident, Taker & Kane breaking Vince's leg, Foley's first goofy promo and that match.

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Austin/Shamrock was a good match from September '98.  I believe it was from the first Raw back after the US Open and it was a great match up until the shitty ending (Undertaker, Kane, Rock, and Mankind all did run-ins and everyone just started brawling with each other).


yeah it was pretty good, and long from what i remember


another one that i think it's from the next or previous Raw was Kane & Undertaker vs. Rock, SHamrock & Mankind. This was when Rocky was getting hot as a face and everybody loved him. And he got the clean victory over Taker, like for the first time ever.


Plus Rocky, Shamrock and Mankind were somewhat enemies at this point so they punched and kicked eachother when they taged in and stuff like that.


this match is in the Best of Raw DVD.



Good thread

One of my favorite Raws ever. It had Austin/zamboni incident, Taker & Kane breaking Vince's leg, Foley's first goofy promo and that match.


yeah it's awesome, it also has Owen "breaking" Severn's neck with the sitting tombstone from Summerslam 97

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Guest Frank The Tank

Regal/Finlay Parking Lot Brawl from Nitro in 96. That was a damn bloody brawl.

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It wasn't a TV match, but Rock/Mankind/Foley Cage from Break Down '98 is my favourite WWE triple threat match of the 90's.


Yet it's hardly remembered.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Booker T vs. Lance Storm from Nitro in 2000

Booker T vs. RVD vs. Jericho on Raw, can't remember when

Booker T and Goldust vs. Jericho and Christian- I think they had a couple of matches on Raw that were good

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DDP vs. Sting, the Nitro right after SuperBrawl IX (or the Nitro after that). Solid match filled with drama, and both men were ON.

If the match was when DDP had the US Title then i have already suggested that match,good to see appreciation for the Sting/DDP matches which i enjoyed.

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