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Guest Choken One

If Houston can nab Pettitte, Yankees will be in trouble and likely will overpay Colon for his services.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Schilling news could comes as early as tonight


Foulke is most likely in the bag, Red Sox offered him a 3 year deal worth between $20-24mill and if need be they're willing to add a 4th. He's going to give his decision by next week.

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Guest FrigidSoul
Jayson Stark is reporting that the Phillies offered Kevin Millwood a three year deal.

yup, with a club option for a 4th


suppose to be between $10-12mill per too

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The A's-Padres deal from last week finally went through today as they had to work out contract details with Kotsay and make sure his back was okay.


First post by someone on the A's message board I visit after the trade became official: "I am not a happy camper."


Here we go again. Hope Beane is wearing a bullet-proof vest today.

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Guest Choken One

How come the Yanks didn't make a play for Kevin Millwood?


He's a good #2 starter behind Pettite and if you can get Colon...


That's a Damn good trio right there to combat Pedro, Schilling, Lowe.

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They already have Mussina, so they'd only need two of those.


The White Sox re-signed Sandy Alomar. Not sure of the price, but if its around $500,000, its a good deal. Alomar has a little pop and is a decent backup.


EDIT: It's $750,000 with a club option.

Edited by alkeiper

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Guest FrigidSoul

Royals resigned a bunch of their bum players from last year to one year deals and 2 year deals (bums being Brian Anderson, Joe Randa, and Curt Lescanic)


Also for some reason the Padres might swing both Kevin Jarvis and newly aquired T-Long over to the Mets for Roger Cedeno.

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Royals resigned a bunch of their bum players from last year to one year deals and 2 year deals (bums being Brian Anderson, Joe Randa, and Curt Lescanic)


yeah.. Type A and Type B bums. I'd say all 3 were good signings.


And some other free agent news


Jose Lima is unhappy with the 500K/1 year offer, he'd take 1M/1 year from KC.


How about this rumor from an interview on the radio with the Royals General Manager Allard Baird


[baird] said he was contacted by a player who wanted to meet with him TONIGHT about signing a contract. The kicker is, he didn't even want his agent involved


No agent on the night before Thanksgiving


Sounds like Allard has a hot dinner date.

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Guest FrigidSoul
yeah.. Type A and Type B bums. I'd say all 3 were good signings.

the system needs to be revamped, because you know those guys are nothing special. I bet if I went and played I'd be a class B player and let me tell you, I'm not in the greatest shape for baseball right now (Football LBer/Safety yes)

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I bet if I went and played I'd be a class B player


Why don't you do it big guy?


Michael Jordan hit .200 in AA


I'd imagine that he's be a better athlete than Plunderin the Great, the High School football linebacker.


"I could hit .300 against these so-called pitchers. Why, in my day, we had real pitchers. When I was a boy, I saw Lefty Grove throw a fastball through a German tank. Shoulda seen the look on the Kaiser's face when ol' Lefty did that. Boy the crowd loved it. Especially when ol' Double X, Jimmie Foxx hisself, had carried that tank to home plate for Lefty. One-handed, mind you. He dislocated his shoulder three times on his way to the plate, but he just popped it back into the socket and kept walking."

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I'm not in the greatest shape for baseball right now (Football LBer/Safety yes)

I thought from what you've said before, you're not in the greatest shape for being mobile and walking around and stuff, let alone playing baseball. Now I know people like to say baseball is the lazy man's sport, but you might be going a tad far, Mr. Drug-Induced Coma.

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Guest FrigidSoul
I'm not in the greatest shape for baseball right now (Football LBer/Safety yes)

I thought from what you've said before, you're not in the greatest shape for being mobile and walking around and stuff, let alone playing baseball. Now I know people like to say baseball is the lazy man's sport, but you might be going a tad far, Mr. Drug-Induced Coma.

I meant body type shape.


Jordan couldn't hit the curveball...last I played I could. Although change-ups screwed with me big time.


and my drug induced comas are basically about 2 naps a day worth 2-3hrs a piece(plus my regular nights sleep) I might be able to stay up to play a whole half of football!!!...well...maybe one day

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Guest FrigidSoul

laugh all ya want, if I could be healthy again and working 40-50hrs a week again I'd take it in a heart-beat

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I do agree, however, that the system needs to be, lets say updated. Here's a brief explanation of the system....


The rankings, which are based on statistics over two years, are used to decide whether players are Type A, B or C free agents, and what draft picks their former teams get as compensation if they sign elsewhere. The top 30 percent in each group get an A ranking, the next 20 percent a B ranking and the group between 50 and 60 percent a C ranking.


First off, we have a percentage based system. So a player who plays a weak position in one league will get a higher ranking than we might expect. That might be fair, considering the elements of supply and demand. The system also takes statistics of the last two years. Again, perfectly fair, although I would go three years myself.


The problem Elias has is the stats themselves they employ. As far as I know, Elias doesn't reveal the whole system, but we know they use alot of counting stats. They also use alot of bullshit team-dependant stats, such as RBIs and saves. They need to evolve the system to involve more sabermetrically oriented stats. I'm not saying they should use whatever Baseball Prospectus comes up with, but they should use OBP instead of batting average,and stuff like that.

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Guest FrigidSoul
And plunderin, I'm not laughing at your health, just the general notion that any of us could play big league ball. I personally would hit .014 and make 100 errors a year, as a DH.

but you'd make at least 300k a year to do it

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Guest FrigidSoul
That wouldn't make me hit any better. And that's assuming I'm there the entire season.

with 300k you could buy a Hit-Away...its endorsed by Reggie Jackson, meaning you'll be a slugger in no time! hehe


Before my health problems I was a good athlete...only game I couldn't play was basketball and in Hockey I made a good Goon... I dunno if you consider that anything special though...I of course enjoyed knocking people down on their ass.


Hockey is like soccer to me, I can't watch it but I'll play it

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I am not really too fond of the idea of resigning Millwood to a multi-year deal. I understand, if Vazquez isn't available, that there aren't many other options.


Comparing Millwood to Bartolo Colon (the apparent top FA SP) Millwood had a lower opposing OPS, the BB, K, BB/K stats were all almost identical, and Millwood allowed about 2/3 of the HR that Colon did. So I don't mind (if Vazquez is not available) having Millwood....


for one year.


The Phillies can offer him arbitration. I would be shocked if he didn't take it. He could get up to 13 mil for one year next year. And this would also let the Phillies be free to dive into the huge bumper crop of FA starting pitching next year. I forget exactly, but I think Wood, Matt Morris, Javier Vazquez, and at least one other stud are FA next year. Why the need to commit long term to Millwood if those guys are going to be available?

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Because there's no guarantee those guys will be available, that you'll get them if they are available, or that they'll be any better than Millwood. Another advantage of signing Millwood is not losing a draft pick.

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I just think, in terms of risk/reward, that going one year on Millwood is the better option. I don't see Millwood as an ace, he hasn't shown he can be an ace, but they are about to pay him like he is an ace in a multi-year deal. I think it is worth the risk, to hope that a Vazquez makes it to FA next year.


And I am not too worried about losing a draft pick. Their system is stocked right now, and I think they could afford to lose a first rounder to get those guys.

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That wouldn't make me hit any better.  And that's assuming I'm there the entire season.

with 300k you could buy a Hit-Away...its endorsed by Reggie Jackson, meaning you'll be a slugger in no time! hehe

And Al, for your defensive incapabilities, you can get the Fred McGriff-endorsed Tom Emanski's "Defensive Drills". Watch as a bunch of teens robotically field and throw the ball. Hehe

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