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And when they do something on the level of Yankees vs. Red Sox, they can be mentioned as well.

The Red Sox level? HA! I think the A's, Cardinals, Reds, Dodgers, Giants, and Pirates all are past that level since they all have more world titles than the Red Sox. Bleh the Red Sox are lucky to have the Yankees as their mistress to whip them around or otherwise no one would care about them.

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Guest Anglesault

I meant the level of the feud


It is kind of bigger than your usual "Your city is near my city! Boo!"

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Guest Anglesault
And when they do something on the level of Yankees vs. Red Sox, they can be mentioned as well.

The Red Sox level? HA! I think the A's, Cardinals, Reds, Dodgers, Giants, and Pirates all are past that level since they all have more world titles than the Red Sox. Bleh the Red Sox are lucky to have the Yankees as their mistress to whip them around or otherwise no one would care about them.

It should also be noted, that although they haven't won anything in a long time, they sure as hell are worth more than teams that haven't done anything for at least 25 years like LA or Pittsburgh

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Why is a Yankee fan defending the Red Sox? Anyways I'm not even going to touch that last statement because it's so funny and so wrong on so many levels that its too easy to pick apart that I'll just let it stand alone.

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Guest Anglesault

Hell, the running joke around here is the pool to figure out the exact date in May that the Pirates will unofficially be out of playoff contention. It's not that much of a stretch to say that few remaining people have any respect for the Pirates.




And I'm not defending the Red Sox. I'm just not trying to claim that they're worthless. They're more often than not a good team that runs right into the Yankees and dies.

Edited by Anglesault

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Ahhh but you said the last 25 years. The Dodgers have two world titles in that time and the Pirates have one both more than the Red Sox. All three have the same number of division titles in that span, four, so hey Boston has that!


Red Sox: We've won as many divison titles at the Pirates....well in the last 25 years at least.

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Guest Anglesault

Stupid lack of addition skills hampers me yet again.


I knew the Dodgers had one around the 1980 mark. I was sort of sure about the 88 year, but not positive.


The 80s were a depressing time period for me


I've totally blocked out the Pirate win. it's like just absolutely not registering at all.


And, looking at the season (79) it's clear why I've blocked that fact out

Edited by Anglesault

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Guest Anglesault



I hate, hate, HATE The Sawx.


But only a moron would call them a consistantly bad team.


Part of the appeal of Sox hate is the fact that they've managed to blow so many sure things.

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Anglesault you don't Hate Hate HATE the Sox because without the Sox the Yanks wouldnt be shit. Remember who GAVE your team the best player in baseball history!

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Hey Bored, looking at the history of the World Series(Since 1903) the Red Sox and Pirates are tied in terms of World Series won at 5 apiece. The Red Sox won the 1903 WS over the Pirates(hah!) although they were then known as the Boston Pilgrims.

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Guest Anglesault
Anglesault you don't Hate Hate HATE the Sox because without the Sox the Yanks wouldnt be shit.

It's the other way around, my friend. :)


While the Yankee-Red Sox feud has basically carried the Sox for over half a century, the Yankees never had to depend on the Red Sox to create intrigue. (Yankees Giants, Yankees-Dodgers, Yankees-Royals, Steinbrenner in general)


And it was a trade. No No Nanette for Babe Ruth. :P

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Hey Bored, looking at the history of the World Series(Since 1903) the Red Sox and Pirates are tied in terms of World Series won at 5 apiece. The Red Sox won the 1903 WS over the Pirates(hah!) although they were then known as the Boston Pilgrims.

Well...it was the Pilgrims who won it but they became the Red Sox so technically yes they have five world tites so my mistake

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Cubs resign Grudzielanek for a year. Weren't many options available, so a decent signing. At the very least, they avoid the rabidly deteriorating Fernando Vina.


Yeah, when Castillo came off the market then the market was pretty much done.


I don't see where the Cubs need anything but bullpen and maybe catcher and you can bet if the Marlins fail to re-sign Pudge that the Cubs will come charging at him.


And has Lopez re-signed with the Braves or is he still free? Cause I know the Orioles want him more than Pudge.

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FoxNews and ESPN are reporting that the Mets will sign Kaz Matsui tomorrow.


Going to the Mets is he?


Well, he'll suck.


It seems like the Mets are coming a place for guys who are either a) overrated b) injury prone or c) well past their prime.


He's hoping that changes with Kaz, but now I wouldn't be shocked if he slipped on an apple core and broke his leg in five places.

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Guest Anglesault
Rest assured, Kaz is different. He's a career .309 hitter in Japan. He's hit 30+ home runs the last two years, and he has 306 career stolen bases. And he's only 28.

That sucks.


Now I really do wish injury on him.


But something embarassing.


Chronic jock itch or something

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Guest Anglesault

Nah, the Yankees rarely lose critical games. (2001 being a big exception)


They either take it all of ust flat t ail to show up for the Series.

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Guest Anglesault
So no thoughts on the M's possibly signing Tejada?

I'm actually surprised that Tejada doesn't go to an AL East team so he can face the Red Sox 19 times and MAKE LOWE PAY, PAY I SAY~! or whatever he was screaming after the ALDS.

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I honestly give little consideration to rumors until they become official. Otherwise, its an exercise in futility. In this case, however, Tejada would represent a huge upgrade for the M's, particularly if it meant moving Guillen to third and plugging that hole in their lineup.


Dodgers resign Robin Ventura for a year. Signing are coming fast and furious this evening thanks to the arbitration deadline.

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