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Most disappointing games...

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Yeah, FF8, but at least I enjoyed it the first time through. The GF animations being unskippable was inexcusable though.


FF9 was a bigger disappointment for me, because it was hyped up as this awesome return to old school. If they meant a return to boring, lame characters, then yeah, that's about right. Annoying heroes, good villians who didn't do as much as they should have, and a *terrible* ending made for a pretty lame game. Not terrible, but disappointing.


Chrono Cross. Because although it was a decent game on it's own, it had the Chrono name, and no connections to Chrono Trigger whatsoever, except for that very lame reference to Lavos at the end. I also hated the battle mode with a passion. It had potential, but the fact that all attack magic basically did the same thing really made it pointless and repetative.


I'm trying to think of some non-RPG that was really disappointing, but none come to mind. Weird that I seem to only be disappointed in RPGs.


Well actually DDRMax2 USA was pretty disappointing. After huge improvements from DDRUSA to Konamix and Konamix to Max1, Max2 was a step in the wrong direction with fewer songs and lots of generic radio trance that wasn't stepped very well. Especially compared to DDRExtreme, which came out almost the same time in Japan and had nearly double the number of songs and higher song quality, Max2 was really flat.

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I'm going to go with you on FF9. At least I was able to stomach finishing FF8 the first time. I couldn't get through 9. I finally quit when you had to fight the endless stream of bosses at the end. Talk about a boring game.

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FF9 was a bigger disappointment for me, because it was hyped up as this awesome return to old school. If they meant a return to boring, lame characters, then yeah, that's about right. Annoying heroes, good villians who didn't do as much as they should have, and a *terrible* ending made for a pretty lame game. Not terrible, but disappointing.


You can't be down on Vivi. He was the best damn thing in that game, and in my opinion the best character Square has done in years. Everyone else sucked, no doubt, but don't vilify Vivi.

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Guest Coffey

Soldier of Fortune II is a big one for me. I liked the first one a lot. I didn't love it, but it was fun to play. I can't stand the second one. It just doesn't feel like SoF.


I disagree with several of the games listed in this thread thus far however. Especially GTA: Vice City.

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Speaking of SD games, I forgot to put down SYM on my personal list. I rented it with great anticipation, but the it seemed like the computer always made every match either super easy or super hard... it was almost like the match ending was predetermined...



Predetermined finishes...IN A WRESTLING GAME!?!?!?!?!?!?


I'm as shocked as you.


Put the recent SD! game, Here Comes The Pain, on my list. Sure, it's great and all, but to me all it is an updated, juiced up Shut Your Mouth, and nothing more. I played Bra and Panties once and swore I'd never subject myself to such shit ever again, and the Elimination Chamber loses its charm WAY too fast. Not to mention to overwhelming repetition of season mode, it's just not as good as it was hyped to be, but then again nothing ever is.


Also, Super Mario Sunshine - No thank you.



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Beyond The Beyond = the suck


SNK Vs. Capcom - Endings are crappy and a horribly picked roster.


and Metal Gear Solid 2 comes to mind. Why MGS2?

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Because you got the distinct honor of playing the metrosexual rookie Raiden once the 2nd half of the game started until the ending.


Yeah, that was ghey.

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Beyond The Beyond = the suck


SNK Vs. Capcom - Endings are crappy and a horribly picked roster.


and Metal Gear Solid 2 comes to mind. Why MGS2?

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Because you got the distinct honor of playing the metrosexual rookie Raiden once the 2nd half of the game started until the ending.


Yeah, that was ghey.

Raiden wasn't all that bad. Besides, his sole purpose, occording to Hideo Kojima, was to give fans another perspective of Solid Snake, thus adding to the multi-dimensions of his character.


None the less, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater seems to be focused solidly (no pun intended) around Snake. However, we were fooled last time.



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Guest Askewniverse
Metal Gear Solid 2 comes to mind. Why MGS2?
Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Because you got the distinct honor of playing the metrosexual rookie Raiden once the 2nd half of the game started until the ending.

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

I'd say that you control Raiden for more than half the game. I think that two-thirds or even three-fourths is a better estimate. I pretty much suck at games that aren't either Tony Hawk or SmackDown, but I was able to beat the Tanker chapter in under 15 minutes.

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Besides, his sole purpose, occording to Hideo Kojima, was to give fans another perspective of Solid Snake, thus adding to the multi-dimensions of his character.


Oh god, that is just to much. :lol: I wonder if thats his excuse or Konami's?

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Guest MikeSC

Well, Xenosaga definitely let me down. The game was OK --- but Jesus, could you throw in a FEW MORE MOVIES, please? I felt like I was playing "Sewer Shark" (Sega CD references RULE!).


True Crime has done less than nothing for me. I don't know WHY, but it just PALES to GTA 3 and VC (come on, guys, it isn't THAT bad).


RAW 2 was a major disappointment. I've never seen a WORSE match type than the ladder match in that game (ooh, I get to mash buttons as fast as possible for minutes at a time to possibly pull down a belt? Joy!). Add into that the completely irrational storylines (did the WWE writers help with it? It seems like they did, seeing the utter lack of rational thought involved) and you have a turd.


Jak 2 is not bad, per se --- but driving in the city is just horrid and it is killing the game for me. Timed missions to drive across the city don't do much for me --- especially when the map on the screen is nigh useless. Call it a mild disappointment --- especially when compared to the uber-great Ratchet & Clank 2.


I'll also have to go with Metroid Prime. I want a little more action than the INCESSANT exploration that the game provided. Metroid Fusion was so much better.


...Suikoden 3 was good. Honestly.

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Metal Gear Solid 2 comes to mind.  Why MGS2?
Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Because you got the distinct honor of playing the metrosexual rookie Raiden once the 2nd half of the game started until the ending.

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

I'd say that you control Raiden for more than half the game. I think that two-thirds or even three-fourths is a better estimate. I pretty much suck at games that aren't either Tony Hawk or SmackDown, but I was able to beat the Tanker chapter in under 15 minutes.

I can beat it on European Extreme (beefed up version of 'Extreme' mode only available on the Euro releases of the game) in about 7 or so minutes. The Plant Chap. is a WHOLE different monster though.



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European Extreme on MSG2....



lets just say I gave up once once Raiden became nekkid...and really got bitter at it.



Gran Turismo 3 sorta let me down a bit. Well I enjoyed, it wasn't as good as GT2 though

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VS, whatever happened to Choko?!

I'll have Choko back up here sometime. Need to talk to my server provider about the reason I can't seem to get her back into my signature.


:D Don't worry, she's still there.


Edit: I was lazy before and didn't add the next part originally, sue me. I'm also and idiot and for a brief period of time, I forgot to add the next part. So I'll just shut up now.



.hack: Repetition

My problem with .hack is that it IS 1 game split four ways. Because there is nothing new except story.


I can at least justify buying Arc The Lad: Collection and Suikoden Series, because at least the games evolved with new and interesting aspects given to it.


Although, as you've probably seen, I cared less for Suikoden 3 than the other two. So that doesn't necessarily mean for the best either.


Suikoden 3: I am not sure why I disliked this game.  I am not sure  if I felt it was a disappointment after the quite enjoyable Suikoden 2, or if I just lost the patience needed to sit through an RPG.  Either way, I wasn't able to get through this game.  Plus, it got my hopes EXTREMELY up when it asked for data from Suikoden 2, as I assumed this meant characters would return.  When I figured out that was not the case, I was extremely disappointed.

Basically, I think the biggest problem with Suikoden 3 was there really was no tie in (that at least I saw, I never fully beat the game) in with the rest of the game. Besides the True Runes, it really had no inkling on what had happened before.


And I was fucking expecting McDohl showing up. Come on, the guy is NEVER going to freaking die. Well, unless those two guys (I never remember their names) go at it. And I don't think those two fighting will be the final determining thing of the Suikoden story. I believe an outside act/intervention in that fight will bring the end to this story.


Shit, got side tracked. My bad.


-The monsters level up with you! It's almost impossible to build up without it becoming a 30 hour ordeal.

:huh: ...um, maybe you just didn't know how to abuse the system, but because of a read error on a memory card, I went through on a second time and leveled to 40 with Squall at the beginning of the game easily. Took me... Maybe 20 hours tops.


FF9 was a bigger disappointment for me, because it was hyped up as this awesome return to old school.  If they meant a return to boring, lame characters, then yeah, that's about right.  Annoying heroes, good villians who didn't do as much as they should have, and a *terrible* ending made for a pretty lame game.  Not terrible, but disappointing.


Chrono Cross.  Because although it was a decent game on it's own, it had the Chrono name, and no connections to Chrono Trigger whatsoever, except for that very lame reference to Lavos at the end.  I also hated the battle mode with a passion.  It had potential, but the fact that all attack magic basically did the same thing really made it pointless and repetative.


I'm trying to think of some non-RPG that was really disappointing, but none come to mind.  Weird that I seem to only be disappointed in RPGs.

Can I just agree with everything said for both games here. FF 9 was a return to old school, but really didn't have a lustering story to it.


Chrono Cross basically turned around and slaughtered the groundwork called Chrono Trigger. It DOES have connections to CT, but basically writes it off, and makes discrepiences so bad it took a crack team (or in this case, a guy with too much time on his hand) to fill in the blanks missing.


I think the reason most disappointments are RPGs is because the standards are set in stone and really haven't evolved much over time. Then again, therein lies another problem with RPGs is that they haven't evolved as greatly as others have.

Edited by Vitiated Spirit

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Speaking of SD games, I forgot to put down SYM on my personal list.  I rented it with great anticipation, but the it seemed like the computer always made every match either super easy or super hard... it was almost like the match ending was predetermined...



Predetermined finishes...IN A WRESTLING GAME!?!?!?!?!?!?


I'm as shocked as you.


If irony was a metaphorical concept, Ripper would say we were using that concept RIGHT NOW


Raiden wasn't all that bad. Besides, his sole purpose, occording to Hideo Kojima, was to give fans another perspective of Solid Snake, thus adding to the multi-dimensions of his character.


If by that he means "make a character so unappealing that fans will be clamoring (and paying) for a full return of Snake in MGS3," then yes, that makes perfect sense

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Soul Calibur II, if only because the first one was one of the greatest games of all time and SCII seemed to trade in immersion for gimmickry. It's a good game, but it just lacked something for me.


Devil May Cry 2 is an obvious choice here.


X-Com Apocalypse really pissed me off by ditching the Lovecraftian alien design and getting a place in line for real-time strategy (back when that was en vogue).


Bomberman 64 gets on my list for, oddly enough, not sticking with the aging gameplay design. Thankfully, Hudson figured out that all they needed to do with The Bomberman Formula was to give it better graphics and more options in Bomberman Generations.

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The monsters level up with you! It's almost impossible to build up without it becoming a 30 hour ordeal.

No, it's not "almost impossible". If anything the flaw with building up is that it's too easy.....


Leveling up in it is pointless most of the time. Even at level 100 your base stats suck. Getting good stats is all about intelligent junctioning either from knowing where to draw or refining. You can get insane strength without fighting battles and it takes very little time.

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The monsters level up with you! It's almost impossible to build up without it becoming a 30 hour ordeal.

No, it's not "almost impossible". If anything the flaw with building up is that it's too easy.....


Leveling up in it is pointless most of the time. Even at level 100 your base stats suck. Getting good stats is all about intelligent junctioning either from knowing where to draw or refining. You can get insane strength without fighting battles and it takes very little time.

*shakes head*


That's probably my #1 complaint against FF8. Junctioning was really quite backwards and really hurt the gameplay immensely when you can bypass leveling using it.


Remember that second time through? Beat the game with Squall at 40. My other characters barely reaching 25ish.


Oh. And Aura or whatever it is called is the cheapest spell in the game. And the item that does the same.

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Guest FrigidSoul

ET for the Atari




that stupid Pugsley Addams game for the SNES


That game for the original Sega Master system where you have to put together a map to an Arcade which is scattered about your families large mansion...well when you do finally get it and you try to make your way there for some ungodly reason there are fucking Ninjas in the forrest. Why are ninjas trying to keep me from going to an Arcade?!

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P.S. I think Andrew meant "Street Fighter III", since that was a huge let down, while SFA3 is awesome (I think, anyway).


No, SFA3. I thought the SFIII games were a bit of a letdown, but still awesome.


I loved Karin, World Tour mode, and the return of the old school characters...but that was it.


Some one decided to make the game a bit more like 3D fighters, with the "counter hits" and two-button throws, didn't like that. Sure, there's X-Ism, but you only get one Super and miss out on a lot of play mechanics.


The A.I. is a cheap bastard--and don't forget the Super Psycho Crusher of CPU Bison.


The music sucked.


The announcer sucked.


There wasn't a truly great home version available. The import Saturn lacked a translation mode a la Vampire Savior, the PS version was good for PS but after playing Dreamcast I can't stand the loading times and choppy animation. The Dreamcast version was a half-assed port hampered by a controller not fit for Capcom fighters (which is why I don't have a home copy of any SFIII). The GBA version looks decent enough, but way too expensive for a game with compromised gameplay.




I heard the sequel's good, but I don't own an X-Box and I said SHENMUE and not the sequel. Boring, slow, and little going for it besides the graphics.


Yippee! Ask about sailors for x # of hours. Sounds like fun to me.


I heard it gets better later, but I doubt it is worth it.


Well, at least they have that arcade...


Will Scarlet:


Yeah, the PS2 SD games have been a bit of a letdown, but HCTP satisifies me quite well. BTW, a friend of mine made a CAW of a chick that looks like Fukakyon and plays kinda like a Hardy. Interested?


Sakura: I saw the credits of Here Comes the Pain...you were a motion capture actress in that game! And you never told us!? :P


Xenosaga: I can't call it too much of a letdown...because, I think some people may not have have heard this, but I hated Xenogears!


Oh, a few more disappointments...


SNK vs. Capcom Collectible Card game thing: the first SNK/Capcom crossover...and it's one of *those* types of games, on a system that hardly anyone owns. Thank goodness for MotW...yet finding a Dreamlink cable to connect to the DC is either hard or extremely expensive.


Soul Calibur II: less polished gameplay, still lame endings. Well, it's a disappointment for me. Your results may vary.

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Raw 2 was a huge dissapointment. After all that hype and what semed like a year of delay, it felt like they released a beta version to the public.


As for Shenmue, the story is perfect and for all the waiting for time to pass by complaints, theres always the arcade. Only problem for me was the dialing on the phone took a while and getting lost in the dark. Its a bitch to get home in the dark.

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To throw in some old stuff, Batmand Forever and Shaq Fu on Super Nintendo. Shaq Fu was hyped so much, but the gameplay stunk.


More recent, I was disappointed in the Great Escape. All the stuff I played had potential to be fun, but the movement was done too poorly. If you have to run to what's behind you, he doesn't turn around, he jogs backwards. Cheapness like that ruins what could be a really awesome game.


Men in Black II:Alien Escape was lousy the one time I tried to play it, right after I got my system, but I'd have to try again.

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Xenosaga: I can't call it too much of a letdown...because, I think some people may not have have heard this, but I hated Xenogears!

Ok... I know this is meant as a joke, but um... If it's here in the gaming forum, everyone's heard it.


BTW, I'm actually disappointed with Asheron's Call 2. With all the hype it got from Microsoft, I was expecting a lot more. Well at least more than what was given. Add to the fact, I'm tired of them "nerfing" practically everything there is in the game. Add in that they are STILL working on fixing skills (a full year later when it was said to only take 3 months); there is no economy whatsoever; no storage space unless using spoof characters; regular loot is pathetic at best and the Quest loot is downright abusive (in that there is no point to regular loot); "Hero" equipment needs Arcane Lore to use it (and Arcane Lore is untrainable unless you do a specified quest); some classes are useless now (Tacticians and High Leveled Rangers [more do to they don't have a specified role] come to mind); crafting downright blows since you can't create a level 50 weapon or armor and must find Quest/Unique loot; and probably the worst of it, the first major storyline has JUST BE STARTED~!


...but just to add, I'm still playing AC2. Why? Because my dad introduced it to me, and probably the only reason I'm staying is because of him. If it was me, I would've bailed out by now.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Xenogears was a great RPG, you sure somebody didn't screw with you and put a Xenogears label on a SaGa Frontier game? hehe

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Xenogears was a great RPG, you sure somebody didn't screw with you and put a Xenogears label on a SaGa Frontier game? hehe

:angry: Don't remind me about the SaGa games... I'm SO pissed with the entire series. Ugh~!

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Disgaea: Hour of Darkness


I love the concept, but putting it in use is the problem ... everything is so over the top as far as levels and powers go that it almost feels pointless to do anything. And the graphics are incredibly disappointing ... it honestly looks like something that could have been done on N64 or PSx.


The Prinnies fucking own it though. I MUST admit that.

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