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Big Show as US Champ

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Wasn't the WWE going to make the US Title a belt based on "good wrestling" or something like that? Good to see they couldn't even go one title change without putting it on someone crap.

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They're paying Show so much that they figure they gotta do something with him. No matter how useless and unover he is.

I'd say he's over than the majority of SD! wrestlers. That has nothing to with him and everything to do with who he's been associated with over the past year though.


Vince hates the midcarders anyway, so I'm not surprised Show gets preferential treatment over all of them, even Eddie.



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For the push he gets he's not as over as he should be. Jobbing him to Jeff Hard and Booker T every week on Raw last year really didn't help him any.


He is damaged goods. And whenever they go into their "no one can beat the Big Show!" rants it just makes me laugh

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