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100 Reasons kane is better than Goldberg

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Since the 2 are going to feud in the next few months i thought it fitting that i do this topic.If it's in the wrong folder then i apologise in advance.


1)Kane had a better fuck up at summerslam.


2)Kane threw Chris Jericho through bullet proof glass on his first try while goldberg had try two times.


3)Kane will job to anyone,even Rene Dupree.


4)Kane has won more titles than Goldberg.


5)Kane drove a golf cart at wrestlemania 17.

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8. Goldberg just looks like a Stone Cold wannabe, but Kane actually does look scary without the mask, despite the fact that he resembles Uncle Fester currently.


9. Kane hasn't tried to end a wrestling legend's career yet

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Guest Salacious Crumb
>>9: RE taker?

I was referring to Goldberg mulekicking Bret Hart in the head, which ended his career.

You know Hart did wrestle several matches after that. In all honesty it was Hart's fault he can't wrestle now. Had he taken time off right after the match he might have had a few years left on his career, instead he wrestled Benoit where he took several german suplexes.

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12) Goldberg has never tried to improve the announce team on Raw by setting JR on fire.


13) Kane is such a ladies' man he can even score with dead girls.


14) Kane is good at The Weakest Link.

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>>9: RE taker?

I was referring to Goldberg mulekicking Bret Hart in the head, which ended his career.

You know Hart did wrestle several matches after that. In all honesty it was Hart's fault he can't wrestle now. Had he taken time off right after the match he might have had a few years left on his career, instead he wrestled Benoit where he took several german suplexes.

To be even more fair. WCW wouldn't give him the time off.

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15)When Kane looks into a mirror we can see what he thinks(msg raw)


16)Kane has Abyss ripping him off but Goldberg has Gillberg.


17)Kane was involved in a better Elimination Chamber match.

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19)Kane has beaten Steve Austin,something Goldberg will never do.


20)kane is hardcore,once in 2001 he swung a chain around which bounced of the mat and hit him in the balls and he didn't even sell it.

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Guest FrigidSoul

26.) Kane can come out and wrestle the following week after being thrown into a flaming dumpster


Goldberg needs two months off after punching a limo

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Gokdberg has drawn more oney than Kane.


Goldberg's Title win in 98 was eons better than Kane's.


Goldberg got over by working his way and destroying jobbers...to low carders...to midcarders...to Hogan, finally. Kane was thrown in with Taker and Foley automatically, and is boring.


It would be noticeable if Goldberg were removed from RAW, not so for Kane.


Goldberg (in story) doesn't get pummeled by a non-wrestler every week.


Goldberg has defeated "the untouchable 100% booking power he'll never job to Goldberg, Steph rulz!" Triple H.


Goldberg main evented his first PPV match in the company...Kane was left off this year's WM after being on TV for what, 4 and 1/2 + years.


Awful topic. Kane sucks just as bad as BG...at least Goldie is exciting and ok to watch on TV.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

27) Kane is fireproof.


28) Piss Kane off and he'll go right for you testicles. Well, maybe Shane McMahon's testicles.


Eh. This sucks. Bossman is better than both of them combined.

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Guest FrigidSoul

32.) You can set Kane on fire and not worry about being hit up by angry holocaust survivors

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