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Guest One Trick Pony

Um who the hell booked this awesome RAW?

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Well, the Rico / Val feud has been going on since Rico got his 3rd win (he beat Val on SNH). And Val obviously wants Jackie as seen in previous SNH segments. I'm shocked the two didn't have a match at Unforgiven.

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Guest Choken One

Why would they? Until Three weeks ago...WWE forgot Sean Morely was still under contract.

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Well, SNH feuds don't get PPV blowoffs, that's why. ESPECIALLY not for a dual-brand PPV.


Although maybe they'll use this for Armageddon, since it's been bumped up to Raw.

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Guest Choken One
Well, SNH feuds don't get PPV blowoffs, that's why. ESPECIALLY not for a dual-brand PPV.


Although maybe they'll use this for Armageddon, since it's been bumped up to Raw.

Unforgiven was Duel brand. It was 100% Raw suck.

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Guest Choken One

What swerve? One fucking swerve from Hardy...and well executed at that. (Not the acutal SWERVE itself...but the Post-most promo was great.

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Guest Sturgis
...I enjoyed when Jackie's nipple popped out of her top.

For pics of this go to Titan Towers in Stamford, Conneticut cause they will be floating around EVERYWHERE.

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Sorry, Rico beating Val the first time was his 4th TV win. It happened on July 14, 2003.


Anyway, if anybody wants footage of the Jericho / Stratus kiss or Jackie's nipple slip, hit me up on AIM.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

No wonder WWE wanted people with Soap Opera writing experience....for Lita/Trish/C-Unit/Jericho.



I hope they dont end up in bed together like Billy/Noble/Nidia/Torrie. Which one WASNT the bitch in that? LOL

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Matt Hardy comes down to propose to Lita, instead he gets her fired.


Lita is fired... no wait, she's back.


Kane comes down and clears out Evolution... beats up Goldberg.


That, along with crying for Austin when he'll be back before NWO - it's not a good idea to keep jerking your audience around.

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No wonder WWE wanted people with Soap Opera writing experience....for Lita/Trish/C-Unit/Jericho.



I hope they dont end up in bed together like Billy/Noble/Nidia/Torrie. Which one WASNT the bitch in that? LOL

Nope, it's the chemistry/charisma they've got going that makes it work. We've seen tons of shitty soap opera attempts before and they've all sucked except for this, Spike/Molly, and Angle/Steph.


Also, no good can EVER come of an angle where Torrie is involved. It's like a cardinal rule.

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Ok, so I'm watching the replay (as I missed it the first time) and I must admit:


whoever the fuck booked this isn't apart of RAW. Cause it makes too much sense. And I'm enjoying it. A lot... Dammit. I can't bitch about this show at least much.

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Well, in-ring wise this show was sub-par to average at best. But angle-wise everything made sense and I marked for Version 1.0's heel promo... though he needs the Matt Facts back, dammit!


The whole romance stuff is starting to get to me though; I can actually feel myself turning more and more into a fanfiction writing fangirl every time I watch Raw.

Edited by Gosunkugi

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Kane comes down and clears out Evolution... beats up Goldberg.

This makes sense because kane hates everybody(except vince?)and even though nobody mentions it,Kane lost his mask to HHH.

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Jericho and Trish both have tons of charisma and acting ability which is why their scene worked great. Even though the stuff with Hardy was still good, it didn't come close to the level of the Trish/Jericho stuff because Lita can't act her way out of a paper bag.

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I can actually feel myself turning more and more into a fanfiction writing fangirl every time I watch Raw.

Don't you dare.



If I see ANY fan fiction romance of wrestlers together I will {insert something here} all of you that do.

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Don't you dare.



If I see ANY fan fiction romance of wrestlers together I will {insert something here} all of you that do.

It's already been done.


I don't know where, because I don't really wanna know, but it's probably already been done.

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Do you think the hollywood consultants have something to do with this? Has Stephanie been fired without the net noticing? RAW was good for a change, it will be VERY interesting to watch the ratings over the next couple of weeks. This could very possibly change the WWE's mind about bringing back Austin or Stephanie

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Raw was very much just...there


The "your a girl" stuff between Trish and Jericho is cute and all but they really need to decide where that is going. Plus, mentioning on RAW if I remember right Jericho and his wife had a kid one week before starting this angle REALLY throws some things off the mark. Still, it's cute so I'm ok with it.


The V1 (what a crappy entrance though) turn could be seen from miles and miles away but Version 1 made it work with his mic work. Hope he enjoys jobbing to Orton in a few weeks cause his future lies in pushing Rocky Maviva VERSION 2:The beta release. More bugs than the original and less upside.


Also, when did it become RAW IS ORTON??? The McMahon family gets less camera time than this dope.


RAW overall though was same old bull, just constantly spinning the wheels till either Austin or Foley returns. And Orton vs RVD?? Back to the lower cards with you Van Dam! And how much more does Evolution have to do? THE FANS GET IT! They are a major heel stable...STOP THIS.


Boy, I yell-post alot.

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All I remember being funny was King suggestion of a Inferno match and that got ross ticked.

Something like...


"I'll be singing Boomer Sooner while I run my ass out of Salt Lake City. Would you like that???"


I busted out laughing, myself.

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Matt Hardy comes down to propose to Lita, instead he gets her fired.


Lita is fired... no wait, she's back.


Kane comes down and clears out Evolution... beats up Goldberg.

Wrestling without swerves just wouldn't be wrestling.

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Guest Goodear

What's REALLY funny about the Kane situation is that he has an enitre heel faction of four guys that include Triple H, Ric Flair, and a guy thats built like a mini-van backing off scared to death...




... but Shane McMahon has no fear.

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