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WrestleMania XX Could Be 5 Hours

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Some of us are morons because we admit Austin/Vince or Triple H/Foley sound like a good matches?

They're both much more appealing then...........


Orton vs. Anybody except HBK


Jindrak and Cade vs. La Resistance


The Basham Bros. vs. Anybody


Any matches involving Nathan Jones, Bautista, John Heindenrich, The Cat........should I continue?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Does anyone think the Taker will actually lose at WM?



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Guest RollingSambos

I seriously doubt that Heidenreich or The Cat will make the card. The Bashams and La Resistance are also not Mania material, IMO. Batista might.

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Guest Choken One

WWE Title Match

Brock Lesnar Vs John Cena


World Title Match

Triple H Vs Randy Orton


The Undertaker Vs Kane


Bill Goldberg Vs Steve Austin


Chris Benoit Vs Chris Jericho


Kurt Angle Vs HBK


Eddy Guerrero Vs Rob Van Dam


I.C Title Match

Matt Hardy Vs Booker T


Edge Vs Christian


Mick Foley Vs Mr. McMahon


Woman's title Match

Lita Vs Molly Vs Trish Vs Victoria


Cruiserweight Title Match

Mysterio Vs Knoble Vs Tajiri Vs Dragon


WWE Tag Title Match

Paul London and Spanky Vs W.G.T.T


World Tag Title Match

Val Venis and Lance Storm Vs Rene Dupree and Rob Conway


Battle Royale The Big Show



Doug Basham

Danny Basham

Sean O Haire



Orlando Jordan

The Cat

Dvon Dudley

Buh Buh Dudley








Mark Henry


If Foley HAS to be on the show...Stick him with McMahon, as it'll give Vince a fucking slot on the card and HE HAS TO HAVE ONE ya know...Foley can finally his one up on vince that he never got.


HHH/Foley been driven to the ground.

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Guest RollingSambos

I will admit that HHH vs. Foley would probably suck...Foley is really out of shape and has 4 years of ring rust, and HHH is a shell of the worker that he used to be.

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5 hours? Here's what I bet happens


1 hour devoted to nostaliga bits, fair enough


1 hour will be devoted to all the matches smarks want to see. All these matches will be given 5 minutes at most.


3 remaining hours for marathon matches of the smarks' true favorites... you know who I mean

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Are you guys forgetting how good of an ass-kicking Foley took from HHH this past summer. In one night Foley had me dreaming about that match again. You guys are nuts. I will stake my life on the fact that at Mania in his comeback at MSG Foley could have a good match with Nathan Jones.

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Guest Besus

I can watch 2 of Kane/Taker matches on tape.

Maybe it's just me but I dont wana see Austin/Vince again.

HHH/Foley again? Damn.

Goldberg/Lesnar could be decent.


Im still not interested in either match.

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Guest Choken One

He wasn't on it last year and still stole the show from Booka (which a fucking monkey could) and HHH.

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Guest Choken One

Orton gets HHH or Rock.


The rock is likely best anyways...He can make Orton a star if REALLY tries...


That means we can have Angle/HBK.

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Guest JMA

I REALLY don't wanna see Lesnar vs. Goldberg. It's just another "dream" match that will turn out bad. Lesnar is superior to Goldberg in every way. It would expose Bill to be in the same ring with Brock.


Keep McMahon OUT of wrestling matches. Period.


As for Foley, he shouldn't be facing Triple H. He's been retired for a while now. Make the stipulation mean something.


Kane vs. Taker MIGHT be okay.

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As for the Foley v HHH thing, someone said that Foley should go over. WHY should he ?


If it was Chris Benoit in there instead, people would say Benoit should go over, and would then use the 'Foley's retired and shouldnt go over an active wrestler' excuse. Fact is that Triple H is an active member of the roster and there is no way that someone who probably wont be back after WM should beat someone who is likely to be around for a while.


As for the 5 hour thing, I'm all for it, as it gives them a chance to provide for the smarks AND the marks. Get some nostalgia in there and get some AWESOME wrestling in there. It's not as if there isn't enough time to do it in.

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As for the Foley v HHH thing, someone said that Foley should go over. WHY should he ?


Because HHH beat him THREE times in a row on PPVs last time. A 4th win for HHH would be fucking pointless.

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Guest RollingSambos

No one is paying to see Kane vs. Taker based on the sheer workrate. They are paying to see the return of the Dead Man.

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As for the Foley v HHH thing, someone said that Foley should go over. WHY should he ?


Because HHH beat him THREE times in a row on PPVs last time. A 4th win for HHH would be fucking pointless.

And a Foley win would have a point ?

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Fuck nostalgia. The WWE should make NO mention to the history of WM at WM 20 and use it to spotlight/pass the torch to the midcard guys who should be main eventing but not do to bullshit politics ala WM 10............

This is quite possibly the stupidest and most closed minded thing I've ever read in this forum.

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Foley should at least get the final win (his JOB back) plus it would please fans.

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As for the Foley v HHH thing, someone said that Foley should go over. WHY should he ?


Because HHH beat him THREE times in a row on PPVs last time. A 4th win for HHH would be fucking pointless.

And a Foley win would have a point ?

If you can't see the point in that, then you don't deserve having it explained to you.


I'm getting sick and tired of "smarks" thinking that every match SHOULD put over a young guy, and that there is no place for nostalgia anymore.


I really am.

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Foley should at least get the final win (his JOB back) plus it would please fans.



The fans will be so fucking into the match, they'll go crazy when Foley finally overcomes HHH.

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Guest RollingSambos

We shouldn't be sweating this because HHH vs. Orton or HHH vs. Foley isn't as set in stone as say, Kane vs. Undertaker. I mean, if you think about it, they've teased a Foley vs. Orton match more than anything. We really won't know where they are going until like December/January.

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Even then it's hard to tell where they are going at times.


Hell, they might just wait a few weeks before the WM show to promote for anything, just to piss us off.

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I'm not surprised by the news though. After all, they considered replacing Goldberg with Foley for the SS ME.

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I remember when piper went out on top a wrestlemania 3. It was such a good moment. Why can't some of you just be happy that it is a good moment and enjoy it. The more good moments the WWE creates the more fans will return.

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I remember when piper went out on top a wrestlemania 3. It was such a good moment. Why can't some of you just be happy that it is a good moment and enjoy it. The more good moments the WWE creates the more fans will return.

Believe me, I WOULD enjoy Foley going over, but the thing that annoys me is that if it was someone that people on here liked, people would say that Foley should job.


Also, Piper lost the match and went out on a high.

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