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Kurt Angle recruiting Bret Hart

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Guest Anglesault
Angle knows that he'd have a better shot at getting a match out of Ken Shamrock by then,

Why the hell would he want to do that?



I'm still wondering though, if Bret came back as a commentator, would you guys be against it or no?


Does he slur his words?

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Bret Hart would be OK as a commentator in a three man team, because his speech is fine, but the last time I seen, it was quite a bit incoherent, but with a little help, that could possibly be helped.

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I'm up for a Bret farewell speech.


I dont' want Bret getting in the ring and dangering himself putting on a ***** classic with Angle.


BUT...BUT...BUT...everyone needs to really shut the hell up because NO ONE thought HBK would come back and put on the amazing performance that he did at Summerslam 2002 after his back surgery/injury.


NO ONE. Everyone thought he was going to fucking blow in the ring...but everyone was proved wrong. So never say never people.

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Guest TheHulkster

A masked Shamrock coming out and Anklelocking Angle at the Rumble wouldn't be the worst idea, but it's highley unlikely. The Bret match has a snowballs chance in hell of happening. I'd be happy enough to just see Bret give a farewell speech.

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Guest Anglesault
A masked Shamrock coming out and Anklelocking Angle at the Rumble wouldn't be the worst idea,

No no no no no no. Bad idea.


Can Bret ref?


Imagine they did Shawn vs. Kurt with guest ref Bret?

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Guest FatLesnar
Can Bret ref?


Imagine they did Shawn vs. Kurt with guest ref Bret?

What would be the point of Bret coming back to ref that match, though? I could see the logic behind Bret as the ref in a Vice McMahon/Shawn Michaels match, but not an Angle/Michaels match, unless the story of Angle trying to recruit Bret was made public, which would then make Bret look like a pansy... so overall I think it's a pointless idea. McMahon/Michaels, McMahon/McMahon, or Austin/Michaels are the only matches that would make sense to have Bret ref.

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Guest FatLesnar

What's wrong with a Cena/Angle title match at Mania? I think it would work if they actually built towards it... unless of course the Goldberg/Brock match is supposed to be double-title, but I doubt it, since that would basically put an end to the roster split.

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Guest Anglesault
Can Bret ref?


Imagine they did Shawn vs. Kurt with guest ref Bret?

What would be the point of Bret coming back to ref that match, though? I could see the logic behind Bret as the ref in a Vice McMahon/Shawn Michaels match, but not an Angle/Michaels match, unless the story of Angle trying to recruit Bret was made public, which would then make Bret look like a pansy... so overall I think it's a pointless idea. McMahon/Michaels, McMahon/McMahon, or Austin/Michaels are the only matches that would make sense to have Bret ref.

I had a scenario where they had Kurt make some note of Bret Hart being there (after it was promoted for weeks that Bret was making his first return into a WWE/F building in forever) and give a long speech about how he idolizes him and yada yada blah blah blah when his arch rival (heel turned HBK) comes out and sneak attacks him before Bret somehow chases him off.


Although Austin//HBK would be perfect for this.


I'm just trying to get Kurt an important match. :)

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Guest FatLesnar

What would be the reasoning behind turning HBK heel, though? He's as over as a motherfucker right now.


I say if Angle needs an important match, let him drop the belt to Cena, or something.

Edited by FatLesnar

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Guest Anglesault
What would be the reasoning behind turning HBK hell, though


He's a great heel. And he really doesn't have a lot left to do as a face.


Fight HHH...again?

Fight Jericho..again?

Fight Suckbag...again?


I think a heel turn and brand switch could give him something interesting to do.


I say if Angle needs an important match, let him drop the belt to Cena, or something.


He should try to stay face for a while. He's got some mileage left.

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Guest ligerbomb03

I would love to see HBK vs. Angle at Mania or any other ppv event. Could be a great match.

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The guy's got books to shill. He'll want the attention that he can't get outside of the Canadian media.


All the people who write Hart off amuse me, because he's obviously teasing the idea in his head. He wouldn't be writing about dreaming of wrestling like a few columns ago if he didn't really want that last run.


I think at this point the only thing holding him back is common sense. I don't like the guy, but it'd be the weirdest moment ever if he ever did return.

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Guest Anglesault

It's also still kind of strange to see that the only thing keeping him from returning to the WWE is his health, and you know, not that deep personal hatred of Vince McMahon he had going for five years.

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Money talks, even the most passionate bullshit walks.


And while I hate Goldberg with the power of a thousand suns, his "GOLDBERG ENDED MY CAREER FOR GOOD THAT STUPID SON OF A BITCH but lets not dwell on that" column reminds me of his simliar Montreal-related whining back when.

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Guest Anglesault
Money talks, even the most passionate bullshit walks.


And while I hate Goldberg with the power of a thousand suns, his "GOLDBERG ENDED MY CAREER FOR GOOD THAT STUPID SON OF A BITCH but lets not dwell on that" column reminds me of his simliar Montreal-related whining back when.

Has FGB apologized for that yet?

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Guest Trivia247

Angle: oh Come on Bret you can do it....Now put down your Liquid Meatloaf you drink through a straw, throw away the walker, and put down the excedrin migraine and Believe in yourself...and the three I's!

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Has FGB apologized for that yet?

No, but sometimes he's more hostile to FGB about it than others.



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Bret and Kurt would be risking their LIVES to give us a dream match most of us have wanted to see happen. Because of their current conditions, its just too big of a risk and is simply not worth it.


It could work if


a.) It was a technical wrestling match without huge bumps.




b.) Purely amatuer style although I doubt Bret would be that able to work that.


Either way, it wouldn't be as great as we would like it to be. Its a damn shame too.

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Guest Choken One

And We thought HHH played politics.


Angle is really being selfish here, making statements he knows he can't back up (unless this is all a work of sorts but that's about as likely as the whole NWO thing being a work).


Hell, Why would Angle a man whom is nearing his end as well with a SEVERE SEVERE neck injury problem even want what might be his FINAL WM be against a man who can't take a bump.


I wouldn't think Angle/Bret would want to work a mat match, which MAYBE Bret could pull off....


This is angle knowing all the high profile names are taken (GB, BROCK, AUSTIN, UT, CENA, BENOIT, KANE)


This pretty much leaves him with match with TBS or perhaps someone like Jericho, whom might be in the same boat as he is come March.


Let it go Kurt.


If Bret ever does have a match, He needs to do it with Shawn or Vince.


Why? Think about it, obviously more history and Shawn and Vince can bump the everloving fuck outta it for Bret whom will only have to punch and kick and maybe a couple suplexes here and there...The emotion will MORE then make up for it.

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Has FGB apologized for that yet? 


No, but sometimes he's more hostile to FGB about it than others.




Goldberg said he was sorry on Byte This.

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I don't want to see Bret in WWE whether he's wrestling, refereeing, or saying a goodbye promo.


Wrestling and McMahon have fucked him in the ass time after time. Heading back would only be asking for more.


I hope there is one person out there who can say no to Vince McMahon and mean it, forever.

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Guest RollingSambos
I can safely say that if this match did happen, it would go down as the most disappointing match in history due to the condition of both participants.


Angle's neck will be healthy in 6 weeks. Yes, he may fuck it up again, but it will be healthy in 6 weeks.

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I think he can see that unless he somehow gets Bret to come back, fights for the title, or fights Shawn, he's stuck with a "who the hell cares" match on the biggest card ever.

I'd kinda assumed that it would be Kurt vs Edge at WrestleMania next year.



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