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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Triple H vs. The Rock at JD 2000

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I'd call it ***-ish, because what I saw was good, but it lost my attention too often to go higher.

They have medication for that.

I'm also the guy who read Have a Nice Day in two days.


I do have an attention span. :)

Pfft..... I finished it the day I got it.

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I enjoy really long matches- there's a lot to look for and analyse.


Of course sometimes they will end up being dreadfully dull (Xavier v. Daniels from ROH is an example) but there are long matches like War Games 92 and Angle/Benoit v. Rey/Edge that just seem to fly by and don't seem to be 20+ minutes

The greatest long match (an my personal favorite) is and always shall be....




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I'm loyal to HBK/Bret because it was the first one in the WWF even though Bret was all pissy with his selling and stuff. It is some quality wrestling though.


Brock/Angle was hurt major by the TV commercials, but it got really good at the end. The spot where Brock goes to the top for what seems like to be a 2nd try at the Shooting Star Press and Angle jumps up and does the Belly to Belly off the top is just AMAZING.


HHH/Rock is excellent as it showed those wrestlers could both go the distance.


It's hard to say, but I really think HHH/Rock is just a tad better then HBK/Bret...because HHH/Rock were on the same page.

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I'd call it ***-ish, because what I saw was good, but it lost my attention too often to go higher.

They have medication for that.

I'm also the guy who read Have a Nice Day in two days.


I do have an attention span. :)

Pfft..... I finished it the day I got it.

Pffft.........I read it in 2 seconds. Poor Foley.



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I consider Rock/HHH one of the best matches ever (yes, I just said that) and would rate it ****3/4, just because of the interference ending. That said, I mark out every time I see UT run in and HWHOOP ASS~!

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Don't think you'd guys agree with me, but the interference at the end made it more dramatic. Rock had to fight off DX while HBK tried doing the right thing. As soon as Taker came out, the crowd went Crazy, as did I, and the ending to the match was the best possible if they wanted HHH to win the belt again. As for the match itself, it was great not only because Rock and HHH made it believable without stalling too much like in Brock and Angle but basic moves won some of the falls. I'd give the match *****, what else would you want for one hour? These guys are human too.

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It was a fantastic match... problem is that there's so many great matches from 2000 that it tends to get overlooked. But the match was well paced, told a great story, and I don't think anyone's mentioned it, but that crowd was fucking BOILING hot.

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Don't think you'd guys agree with me, but the interference at the end made it more dramatic.

I love the ending but I hate the match. Maybe I'm just weird that way.


As for the match itself, it was great not only because Rock and HHH made it believable without stalling too much like in Brock and Angle but basic moves won some of the falls.


Is that supposed to be a good thing?

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JD has one of the greatest endings ever...the fact there was a bunch of controversy (as far as when did HBK call for the DQ) adding great drama to the match too.


Not to mention the return of Taker was so fucking markout moment.

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Angle-Brock was fucking awful.

Just curious, are you juding that while taking in all the other crappy, 4-minute matches that have occured over the course of the last 6 months?


Because if that match (which I personally liked very much) was awful, then I can't think of many matches this year that would get past a -** level.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Bad 4 minute matches >>>>> Bad 60 minute matches.


There was nothing good about Angle-Brock. It felt overly long, riddled with crappy selling, psych that all over the place, 1,000 belly-to-bellys and a ton of stalling. It was shit. Pure fucking shit.

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I love the video package before JD 2000. That "In one hour..." thing. It rules when it says their lives will flash before their eyes and quickly shows like their old gimmicks throughout the years.

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