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Guest Joe_G

Kwickee ROH 11/29 Results

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Guest Joe_G

OK, first off Corey, I looked all over for you but didn't see you. Sorry, brah, maybe next time.


I arrived during the Special K vs. SAT/Carnage Crew/Slugger match. The usual nuttiness, but the one the night before was much better. End sees a Spanish Fly attempt on Hydro (I think) by a Maximo and Devito (you read that right), but they argue over who gets the pinfall, allowing Special K to steal a victory with a rollup. Crew and SAT argue afterwards but don't fight.


Gauntlet Series:


CM Punk vs. Jimmy Rave: The crowd (which sucked for the first part of the show) shit all over this, but I thought it was good. Rave works over Punk's leg for a good portion of the match, but gets hit with the Pespi Plunge for the Punk win.


Punk vs. Matt Striker: Punk tries to fight off Striker but gets locked in the Strikerlock and taps out.


Striker vs. Colt Cabana: A good amount of comedy. Striker hits his DVD for the win.


Striker vs. BJ Whitmer: This would be a preview of the finals of the Field of Honor. Striker goes for something off the top but takes a bad spill to the floor. The ref throws up the "X" and other refs come to the back. But BJ flips out and attacks Striker on the floor, throws him back in the ring, and hits a nasty wrist-clutch exploder for the win. Afterwards they actually ask if there are any doctors in the house.




Outkast Killaz vs. Slyk Wagner Brown/April Hunter: This was scheduled to be Wagner vs. Oman Tortuga, but the skinny Outkast Killa remembers what happened the last time in Boston, so they make it a tag match. Killaz win by hitting a double team on April.


Xavier vs. John Walters: Xavier was in full on cheap heat mode prior to the match. Walters won and Xavier attacked him with a chair post match.


Briscoes vs. Maff/Daniels: Briscoes win when Jay hit the J-Driller on Daniels. Very long match and excellent. Lots of great moves and nearfalls.


Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles: Fans wanted a title change...and didn't get one. Joe chokes out AJ for the win, then puts him over afterwards on the mic. Hard hitting, excellent match.


It took them forty-five minutes to set up the barbed wire. Punk came out for a while and called out Daniels, saying he was responsible for what happened to Lucy. Daniels reiterates he didn't do it, but does know who did. They brawl and the fans were dead quiet. Lousy angle.


Steve Corino vs. Homicide: The show was running long so no lengthy intro for Corino. Boo! As for the match...well, I'll be taking some of these spots with me to my grave. Both guys bled profusely, Corino from his forehead and ear. Too much nastiness to count. Corino has his submission locked in and Julius Smokes throws in the towel. Homicide won't shake hands afterwards, so Corino says he wants one more match. End of show.


Oh, and Mass is getting the second anniversary show on 2/14/03. WHOOOOO.

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My ratings are based on whether or not I'd bother to watch more than 1 time.


Report from the second row-


I arrived during the Backseats/TWA match. Can't rate it, didn't see it.


Special K v. Carnage Crew/SAT/Slugger

-Slugger sucks. Badly. Keep him away from wrestling. One of the shittier scrambles. Special K tried hard but god damn Slugger sucked and the Maximos were there usual selves. 0 for 1.


CM Punk v. Jimmy Rave

-I really liked this match. A lot. Most didn't. The legwork was cool and it was awesome seeing the Pepsi Plunge live. 1 for 2


CM Punk v. Matt Stryker

-Short and to the point. Punk's knee was shot and Stryker capitalized. I liked it. 2 for 3.


Colt Cabana v. Matt Stryker

-Not that good. Colt didn't dance or anything. Meh. 2 for 4.


BJ Whitmer v. Matt Stryker

-Not as good as their previous battle but still decent. I can understand their reasoning for not allowing them to go longer as I'm sure the FOH finals will be better. Whitmer got put over as a monster with a huge exploder right on the injured Stryker's noggin. 3 for 5.


Intermission- I didn't feel like getting up so I bullshitted with other people around me.


SWB & April Hunter v. The Outcast Killaz

-Decent tag but I wouldn't watch a second time. None of them do anything for me. 3 for 6.


Xavier v. John Walters

-GREAT FUCKING HEAT! Everyone was just ripping the shit out of Xavier. Match was good too. Walters juiced at the end. I can't wait for their rematch. 4 for 7.


The Briscoes v. The Prophecy

-Awesome and long tag match which had some slow parts but was great all around. Both teams work well together and you can tell that the Briscoes have a long future in wrestling. 5 for 8.


AJ Styles v. Samoa Joe

-THE MOTHERFUCKING BOMB DIGGITY. Tremendous match. The near fall with the Styles Clash blew the roof off the fucking joint. Both guys were on their A game tonight. Finish kinda sucked though. I wish Joe had a better choke move than the Rear Naked Choke....it always deflates the crowd. Which sucks because this match ruled it. Joe did a great promo after the match. 6 for 9.


Barbed Wire Intermission w/ Interview- I didn't really pay attention, opting to continue bullshitting with friends (and stiffer enemies).


Homicide v. Steve Corino

-CZW be damned....this was the most violent match I've ever seen. PERIOD. When Homicide shoves a fork into Corino's ear and jams it in, ITS ULTRA-VIOLENCE, BABY. The spots were crazy-go-nuts including an Exploder Suplex into a Barbed Wire Table, Catapult into Barbed Wire, Monkey Flip into Barbed Wire, and an ending I won't soon forget....a chokeout with the wire. Simply fucking awesome. I wouldn't dare compare it to their 8/16 match because quite frankly, they're different animals. This is a blood marks' wet dream. 7 for 10.


With only three meh matches.....this show gets a thumbs up from me.


Minor Notes-


*I noticed CoreyLaz during the barbed wire match but quite frankly I didn't feel like going over and saying hi when I was seeing a man being forked in the ear. Sorry C-Laz. I said Fuck Jeff Jarrett for you to AJ though.


*Waited outside for wrestlers for over 45 minutes freezing my ass off. Saw Dan Maff, The Outcast Killaz, Ref Garry (awesome guy), Ref Hansen (fucking hillarious), Dunn & Marcos, Xavier, Homicide....and then THE GROUP. Oh yes. Traveling in one car was what I'd like to call "The Group of Awesome McCools". AJ Styles, Colt Cabana, Christopher Daniels, and Samoa Joe. Talked to everyone of them and shook their hands. Truly nice guys. All of them personally thanked us for coming to the show. Also, I saw CM Punk ribbing Matt Stryker. Apparently they were riding together and Stryker must've walked around the parking lot like three times looking lost. Punk shows up in his car laughing at him. Oh CM Punk, that prankstah.

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Guest Joe_G

I thought that the 11/28 show was consistently better, but 11/29 show had three amazing matches (namely the last three).

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Never, were you in section C or B? Joe, which section were you in (or were you in General)?


I arrived during the start of a promo outside with Julius and Homicide. Decent promo with Julius being INSANE. Brrrah!


Backseats vs. TWA (Hotstuff Hernandex and some schmuck) was decent. Backseats were awesome, and my girlfriend threatened to leave me for Kashmere. What a cunt...

Hotstuff botched some spot where he was supposed to suplex his partner over the top rope, but they were too far from the ropes, so it looked more like he was trying to push him over the ropes and onto BSB. End came when the Backseats hit the T-Gimmick on Hotstuff's partner. Decent opener, *1/2.


Special K vs. SAT/Devito/Loc/Slugger...ugh. Slugger is worse than I am, and I wasn't trained. My girlfriend threatened to leave me for one of the Special K kids (the one in the green shirt with the AWESOME facial expressions; I haven't seen any Special K besides their match from Scramble Madness, and they look different, so yeah), so that's cunt count #2. Special K busted their asses while I was surprised Joel and Jose didn't botch much. This one kid (who I will now refer to as YELLOW HAT GUY) kept ragging on the SAT all throughout the match, and yelled to Jose "TRY NOT TO FUCK UP AND KILL ANYBODY TONIGHT, OKAY?" He = teh w1n. Decent ** encounter, but Slugger fucking sucks.


CM Punk vs. Jimmy Rave was decent, but the three dicks in front of me (one looked in his 40's, one in his 20's, and another in his 30's) were trying to sound TOO smarky by going "a new direction for Ring Of Honor: an entire show completely lacking highspots." That made me wanna choke 'em all out, but my girlfriend was leaning her head against my shoulder, and I didn't want to disturb her. Hell hath no fury like a Framingham woman scorned!

Anyways, decent enough match. Excellent, EXCELLENT psychology, but since most Rave work I've seen has been high-flying encounters, and most Punk matches I've seen were brawls, I was a little disappointed. Again, GREAT psychology, and the finish was pretty good. **


CM Punk vs. Stryker was...meh. Stryker looks like a physically fit Vince Russo with a hockey player haircut (wild, untamed, but thin hair), and I was surprised by how much I actually got into him considering everybody rags on him for having no psychology. Really good moves and decent psychology as Punk kept egging Stryker to go for his knee, and then waffling him with elbows and forearms every time he did. I dig the Strykerlock. *1/4


Stryker vs. Colt Cabana was okay. Colt had TONS of heat, and didn't capitalize on it at all. Pretty bland match with nothing happening too much. Too much stalling, and barely any real action. *1/4


Stryker vs. BJ Whitmer finished the Gauntlet off...and Whitmer makes me wanna hit him. I understand the entire point of this was to give a taste of the Field Of Honor finals, but...nothing happened. Some standard warm-up shit, and then the "injured" angle. Whitmer's Exploder was fucking GREAT though, and his actions post-match were good. *

OVERALL GAUNTLET RATING: *. Nothing too good happened outside of Punk's selling of the knee and Stryker's solid moves.


Slyk Wagner/April vs. OCK was...meh. April is about the equivalent of Chyna when talking in-ring ability, but she's 1000x hotter (post-surgery Chyna). Slyk moves pretty good, but this match felt too Velocity-ish. *1/2, just for April's boobs and Slyk's coolness.


Xavier vs. John Walters was, as Never and Joe said, VERY MUCH SO full of heat. Yellow Hat Guy was like "XAVIER, YOU'RE THE WORST FUCKING CHAMPION EVER," and Xavier went "yeah, well I'm your Mother's champion." This has prompted Yellow Hat Guy to bring a homemade title belt called the "Mother's championship" to the next RoH show. Walters seemed to be doing his best Benoit impression, right down to his attire. Decent match, **1/2.


Briscoes vs. Prophecy was VERY good. Daniels' heat was PHENOMENAL, and I think I might have been the only person giving him the XXX symbol. Meh, it's gravy. Yellow Hat Guy was about to lick Maff's asshole he was so into him (he was the one that yelled "MAAAAAAAFF!!!!!" all the time). Solid match, and the I marked the fuck out (as did most) for the Angel's Wings and the J-Driller. ***


Samoe Joe vs. AJ Styles was AWESOME. No other way around it. Both men busted their ass, AJ did his usual "jump the guardrail, dive back over" spot, and a STYLES CLASH TO SAMOE JOE~!~!~!~ Solid fucking bout with a bad finish (FUCK the Choke Sleeper), but not bad enough to warrant a bad rating. ***1/2


It took FOREVER to set up the barbed wire, and my girlfriend decided to go into full-on cunt mode. "This show fucking sucked, the last two matches were bad, and there's nobody on this show that's nearly as good as anybody in NECW." That last statement made me go off on her, as I told her that AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels are two of the best wrestlers on the fucking planet right now, and that it's obvious I won't take her to another wrestling show again.


Corino vs. Homicide...oh my. GORE!! GORE!!! GORE!!!! Corino didn't bleed as much as he used to, and REALLY needs to get back in shape. I know he's never been the best physical specimen, but he could at least put down the Whopper and do a few sit-up's. Brutal fucking match that saw Homicide do the majority of the bumps into the barbed wire, and the finish came when Corino used Guillotine's gloves and wrapped barbed wire around Homicide's neck before applying the Cobra Clutch on the mat, and Julius threw in the towel. Solid fucking match. ***


OVERALL SHOW RATING (average match quality): **3/4

OVERALL SHOW RATING (enjoyment): 5/10. I liked half of the show, but the Gauntlet was VERY dull (and waaaaay too long), Slugger fucking sucks, and nothing special happened before the intermission at all.


I wish I brought a pen or a marker to the show last night. Why? Because AJ Styles was signing autographs by the food table during the set up of the barbed wire. Dammit!

Decent show, and I might come back on 2/14.


For the 2/14 show, I say we organize a TSM section in the General Admission bleachers.

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Now the question...which do you enjoy more ROH or TNA?


And I have a hard time believing the gauntlet was that bad.. Punk was likely hurt from the top of the cage legdrop on 11/28 though.

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Well, considering I've seen only some select matches from RoH's first year, and they've mostly been way better than TNA...but this show was just very, very boring. The matches weren't that good, and the very fact that the only really good matches were on last was a bad plan.


Since I don't know any of the current RoH angles (aside from "who took out Lucy" and the apparent Homicide/Corino feud), I'd have to say TNA's better.

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

Oh dude, Corey, you GOTTA go to the Fall River Z1 USA show on February 7th. Zack and I have already said come hell or high water we're going to that.


Hm, 2nd Ann show on Valentine's Day...means the crowd will be lower by like, 10 people.

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And I thought I was the only one who was bored by the show.... the World Title match was the only one that made me feel I was at ROH event. Other than Homicide stabbing Corino in the ear, I thought the barbed wire match was lackluster... the crowd was dead all night

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Guest Rob Van Dam
Oh dude, Corey, you GOTTA go to the Fall River Z1 USA show on February 7th. Zack and I have already said come hell or high water we're going to that.


Hm, 2nd Ann show on Valentine's Day...means the crowd will be lower by like, 10 people.

Have you seen the card for that show yet, it is basically a pwf show. ROH puts out better shows every month.

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Yeah, some dude that's buddies with Sheldon Goldberg (NECW President) told me about the Fall River Z1 show. Pretty cool dude, but I think he was hitting on me lass. I might need a ride, since Fall River is pretty fucking far from Franklin (and the only reason I went to the RoH show was because my girlfriend lives all of a mile and a half away, if that, and Saturday is our day).


But yeah, VERY lacklustre show. Joe/Styles was very good, but most of the rest of the card seemed like Velocity fodder. Xavier was hilarious, though, and Yellow Hat Guy is my favorite prick.

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Nope. Most of the matches were very boring, and I didn't get into anything before the first intermission besides Whitmer's Exploder onto Stryker. After that? Very solid card, and makes me believe that if they just got rid of the Gauntlet series, the show could have been that much better (and it would have gotten out earlier to boot).

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Guest Jimbo

Just how bad was the damage to Corino's ear?


"After the fight, Corino offered Homicide his hand but Homicide refused and walked off. It appears that Corino has quit Ring Of Honor. We will have more on this soon."


Not sure if Corino is really done with RoH, but I know he was pretty pissed about getting nicked in the eye last time with the fork, so I wouldn't be suprised if getting his ear messed up would make him walk again....

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