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Anyone Miss Kurt Angle?

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Kurt Angle's character has become so stale and boring it's kind of refreshing having him off the shows. This way maybe I'll begin to miss him and be excited when he finally returns to action, but at the moment I don't really care.


Brock is doing great as champion. Some fresh faces like Benoit and Cena are near the top of the card. Hosses are being kept away from the top. Not just Angle, but other stale characters like Vince, Steph and Taker are off the shows at the moment.


Angle being away for a few weeks/months may be a blessing for Smackdown.

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Hosses are being kept away from the top.

So me seeing Big Show, Jones, Morgan and A-Train around the champ all the time was just an hallucination? Righto.


I'll agree they need something new for Angle, though.

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Guest nikowwf

Eh...i could do without the better workers getting hurt. Plus Angle's not always at the top of the card....so it doesnt free up as much space as say, HHH getting hurt.



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Hosses are being kept away from the top.

So me seeing Big Show, Jones, Morgan and A-Train around the champ all the time was just an hallucination? Righto.


They been in the mid-card since Survivor Series. The shows have been built around Brock, Cena and Benoit. Which is nice for a change.

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Since Survivor? That's been less then a month, not like it's been a significant amount of time or anything. Jones has proven to be useless, and Big Show is almost as painful to watch.

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Guest I Fear Hogans Air Guitair

the only good thing about Angle's Injury is the fact that guy's like beniot and cena are being pushed up the card.

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Guest Besus

Yeah Im glad he's gone.He's boring.


You worned out the gimmick-John Cena,To Kurt Angle


Brock is doing great as champion.


Brock is boring as champion.

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Guest Choken One

No. Angle is boring as champion and it's not because of his character.


He is better as the challenger(look at the Summer of 01) then he is as the champion.


I haven't even noticed Angle was gone...


The fact they haven't even MENTIONED his absence shows how important Angle is to WWE right now.


I can't blame them, Angle has only about 10 months left in him.


as for the hosses being the main?


Um...They are merely Lesnar's Henchmen...Kinda like Dino Bravo to Brock's Earthquake.

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Guest Choken One

No. Angle is boring as champion and it's not because of his character.


He is better as the challenger(look at the Summer of 01) then he is as the champion.


I haven't even noticed Angle was gone...


The fact they haven't even MENTIONED his absence shows how important Angle is to WWE right now.


I can't blame them, Angle has only about 10 months left in him.


as for the hosses being the main?


Um...They are merely Lesnar's Henchmen...Kinda like Dino Bravo to Brock's Earthquake.

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Guest Besus
What's everyones hate for Big Show? He can be decent and atleast has some charisma unlike the other hosses.

I dont hate him and I agree. Im beginning to like A-Train too.

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Guest Choken One

I've always like tbs...save for the horrid 2002 run...


He was GOLD in 2000 with the comedy and this year as a wrestler.


A-Train? He is a lost cause.

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It's not that I don't miss Kurt, but I am not fretting over his absence and wondering when exactly he'll return. The way they book him, it's almost better if he takes is mini-breaks. Knowing the booking crew, they'll have him come back as the goofy dork he was in June-July 2001.

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Brock is doing great as champion.


Brock is boring as champion.

If you think he's boring then fine, but he's being booked great as a heel champion.


He's the number one traget on Smackdown. Benoit and Cena are both gunning for him and fighting each other for the shot. Holly sucks, but there is another person gunning for the champion.


Whenever Angle returns he'll probably be gunning for Brock and on top of all of this, Brock has a stable of hencemen around him. That's a mighty fine heel champion.

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Guest MideonMark

I have to say I agree with Fear Havoc on this. I don't really miss Angle at all. If this was 2000 or 2001(comedy Angle with Austin and Vince, not superman face Angle) then yeah I'd be missing him, but lately hes bored the piss outta me. I watch wrestling to be entertained, hell I'm one of the few people around here who loves Goldberg cause he entertains me immensely(I'm sorry but I just can't help marking the fuck out for him, his entrance, the Spear, the Jackhammer, everything). Lately Angle hasn't been entertaining me and he doesn't even come close to the entertainment value I get from John Cena and Chris Benoit, who at least are fresh faces at the top of the card. The main event scene on SD since Survivor Series, for me, has been more entertaining than its been in a long time.


Also I wouldn't exactly call Nathan Jones and Matt Morgan main eventers. They've both been fed to Benoit in recent weeks and their only victories have come over Shannon Moore, hardly main event. They're Brocks bitches, simple as that.

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Kurt Angle's gimmick both heel/face has run it's course and it is time to tweak it a little more, or just scrap it all together. Of course in my opinion he should retire immediately, so it shouldn't matter anyway.


Oh and Brock is flat out BORING to me. Just a big guy with muscles and powermoves to me. His character was ruined by the lame face turn and then turning him right back heel again. Call it character assasination by Vince if you want, but to me Brock is extremely boring.

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It's hard to notice that Kurt's absent from the shows when I no longer watch SD. He suffers from the same problem as a lot of guys--entertaining as a heel, horrible as a face.


See also: Jericho, Chris.


Okay, maybe not horrible, but comparatively lame. Angle always worked well as the cocky prick comedy heel. He can't cut a serious, money promo it seems. Okay, sure...in a video package to hype him he can, but Sean O'Haire was fine in that case.


I do miss his matches, though.

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Guest Coffey

If he gets another kickass video package for his return, I'll mark out.


That last video package for him, the one set to "Clocks" by Coldplay, was the best video package to date. Better than all the Desire videos even.

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Guest Choken One

Why should he?


I mean...I'm hoping he doesn't appear until the Royal Rumble.


Imagine the Pop he'll get when he comes out...He'll been gone at that point for 9 weeks...


Hell, don't even promote him being in the match to give his "return" more of a HOLY SHIT markout moment for the fans.

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I'd rather see him make a surprised return and attack Cena. Have him say he's sick of seeing guys like Cena, Benoit and Holly steal his spot against Brock and lets get Angle back to being a heel where he belongs.

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Guest Choken One

No Way...He needs to be in the rumble...


You can have him come in and be all buddy with Cena and working together and then Angle makes like Sid and dumps Cena...

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The problem with the WWE is that ever since the "Attitude" era, EVERYONE IS A HEEL, or acts Heelish. The way faces/heels crack back and forth on each other reeks of being a heel, so they are all basically the same thing. Angle's act is just too geekish to be entertaining as a face. Add to the fact that in WCW/ECW/Japan/ROH faces got over because they were good workers, more then just good characters, and that element is truly non-excistant in WWE.

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Guest Choken One



If he wasn't a good wrestler no one would give two shits about him at all.


I'd take ECW out of that list and maybe WCW.



RVD got over because he was a good worker? No...He got over because he made millons of Pot references and gave them catchy Slogans and flopped around for 5 minutes and Posed for the crowd and would interupt the match to have a 12 minute convo with a fan.


DDP got over in WCW. nuff said.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I am not saying that I disagree about Angle being stale, but for crying out loud Brock is the stalest to me. I agree that he is being booked properly for a heel champion, but when he isn't going all out in ring, I could care less. I just hope Benoit gets the title off him. I also want hell ot freeze over and pig's to fly too though.

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The sad thing is, I've hardly noticed his absense. The whole face Angle skit is so boring, I'm not waiting for Angle to appear like I was in say 2000. Mainly because other than his in ring work, he brings nothing interesting anymore.


Hell, if he left the WWE...the sad thing is, it wouldn't be to big of a big loss to them anymore. Benoit can fill Angle's spot, Cena can fill Benoit's.

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Angle was tons more fun as the guy bragging about his gold medals, talking about the three I's, and just being this guy who is so damn proud of himself and thinks everyone is below him.


Angle as a face is boring, the guy just kind of stands theres as a face.


Angle is awesome as a heel but as a face he couldn't be more boring.

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I like Angle as a tweener. when he's a face, he's bland. As a heel, he's a dork. When he's bragging and kicking ass, it's all good.


I don't ever remember really liking Jericho as a face, but seeing him work a match as a face again gave me hope.

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Guest Adrian 3:16

I've always been a big Angle fan, but him taking time off for awhile is a good thing for 2 reasons:


- given his condition lately its for his own good


- with Angle and Taker both out it let's Benoit have a shot at being top face


I agree that comedy heel Angle is more fun than serious face Angle, and I would book him as a mystery entrant in the Rumble for his return.


As for whoever is bitching about Brock's merry band of hosses- GET OVER IT. They're harmless. Big Show has been a very good heel on Smackdown over the past year. Jones and Morgan suck but they were both used to put Benoit over and haven't beaten anyone besides Shannon. And I won't defend Jones but remember that Morgan is just a rookie.


As for making Brock look bad by bringing up how "he's the smallest member of his team", I say it actually makes Brock look better by surrounding him with even bigger guys that he can still beat and order around as henchmen.

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