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FANTASTIC column I found on VKM

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By "The Headliner" (whoever that is)


Vincent Kennedy McMahon is not popular with Internet wrestling fans. One might even go so far as to call him the fourth most criticized individual on the Web, behind only George W Bush, Bill Gates and, of course, Triple H. In fact Bill Goldberg probably falls in at around number five, so Net fans can hardly be pleased that he and The Game are still feuding over the World Title. And who is responsible for irking the online crowd in this way? That's right - Vince McMahon. You see my point.


Whatever is deemed to be wrong with the professional wrestling industry, however, you can be sure Vinnie Mac will be awarded the blame. Be it the lack of competition, the low status of Lance Storm or the departure of Jeff Hardy, McMahon will always foot the bill in terms of online accusations. Is it any wonder that VKM has such disdain for the Internet, when Ask Jeeves suggests "Problems Of Xfl" as an additional search term to his name?


Of course, Vince is the chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment, the largest and most dominant pro wrestling organization in the world, and as such he naturally enjoys (and shoulders) a certain amount of responsibility for the direction of not only his company, but the industry as a whole. He is without doubt the most influencial man in the wrestling business. Therefore, many changes in that business are and will be a result of decisions he has made. And Vince McMahon, like any other human being, makes mistakes.


Yet for all of his perceived errors in judgment, Vince McMahon is most likely the reason that you became a wrestling fan. There are exceptions to every rule, but the odds are strongly in favor of WWF/E television being the first wrestling show you ever watched. You may have expanded your horizons since then, and may even have left WWE behind in favor of NWA:TNA or other, independent groups. But, the chances are, WWE will always be responsible for getting you hooked on the sport, and the man who made that happen is the subject of this column.


One of the most frequent accusations thrown Vince's way is that he is "holding down" a certain wrestler. If a seemingly deserving athlete doesn't make it to the top in a given time period, it's because he's being held down. But on further consideration, how much sense does that theory really make? Vince McMahon is paying this performer's wages. He may be a rich man, but with all the cuts already being made in the company, can he really afford to keep somebody on his roster from whom he doesn't expect to earn results? Is there any logic at all in employing somebody, only to hold them back from achieving what they are capable of achieving? The financial formula is simple: The more true Superstars that are sold to the masses, the more money Vince makes. So to cry allegations of "holding down" appears to be the easy answer, but far from a sensible one.


Elsewhere, McMahon is often lambasted for the death of regional wrestling. Now let's look at that one. Okay, perhaps the territories at the time suffered at the hands of this new competition in the marketplace. But recall what I said about WWE's part in attracting you to wrestling. If Vince McMahon had not gambled on expanding his company across North America, do you believe pro wrestling in general would have the fanbase that it has today? Would Ring of Honor, Combat Zone Wrestling or even the old ECW have garnered worldwide attention, if the world wasn't already familiar with WWE? Instead of suffering an untimely death, these regional promotions have seen their potential audience explode, thanks to the exposure that VKM created for his own product.


But if we decide to ignore this fact and imagine that Vince has killed off any chance of competition for his beloved WWE, let's ask ourselves one question: Can we really blame him? Almost any businessman with a lick of ambition would do the same thing in McMahon's position. Who doesn't want to be the most successful in their chosen field? The difference between McMahon and his fellow dreamers, however, is that he had the balls to make it a reality. His national expansion of WWE wasn't, as many of his detractors believe, simply a matter of going back on his father's word not to compete, and laughing sadistically at the fruitless attempts of his new competitors. The truth is, Vince and his team of upstarts were threatened by failure every step of the way, dealing mainly in bluffs and critical risks, never truly knowing if they would succeed. Luckily for us, the wrestling fans of today, they did.


And lucky for us also is the fact that some of the armchair bookers we hear so much from on the Web are still in their armchairs, and not behind a desk at Titan Towers. Let us not forget that majority rules - and this is something many Internet fans hate, because like it or not, Internet fans make up a definite minority in WWE's audience. Going back to Lance Storm, he may be the Internet's golden child, but the harsh fact remains that his ring style just doesn't interest a large enough portion of the fanbase to justify the kind of push most online columnists would try to give him. This is reflected in his live crowd reactions, and thus in his position on the card. Technically sound he may be, but WWE fans on the whole will not fully accept this style into their hearts until there is a degree of intensity involved. In my opinion, Chris Benoit has this, Lance Storm does not. But the online critics will sooner blame McMahon for the lesser Canadian's disappointing spot on the card, citing poor gimmicks or not enough mic time.


Because naturally, it's always Vinnie Mac's fault. Just like it was Vinnie Mac's fault when Jeff Hardy became more concerned with "personal issues" than with being a WWE Superstar. And this is, of course, the same Vinnie Mac who recently had the barefaced gaul to put the World Title on a man whose name was being chanted in arenas up and down the country. Despicable.


Vincent Kennedy McMahon is not popular with Internet wrestling fans. But although I know it's not going to happen, some day I would like to see newcomers log onto a wrestling discussion board without feeling they must immediately insult the man before they can truly fit in. Because if it weren't for that failed football promotor, neither they nor I would be discussing wrestling at all.


The Headliner appreciates your feedback, so please email any comments to:


[email protected]






That was really well written and made some very true points. I think everyone who calls themself a wrestling fan should give it a read, sometime or another.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

He does make some good points, but he also says shit that makes no sense. I don't remember anyone saying that Jeff Hardy's problems were caused by Vince. Jeff Hardy is a fucktard and it doesn't take much to see it. Also I hardly ever hear anyone saying why Lance Storm should be a Main Eventer or the main attraction in the WWE, and that's because he shouldn't. The article makes good points but he could have made better cases with the instances listed above.

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I agree, excellent article. VKM does get more than his share of hate, he deserves alot of it, but he should get some praise from us for when he does good, which he does at times.

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Guest Choken One

The only criticism Vince got for Jeff was if anything "he gave him to many chances"...

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Guest M. Harry Smilac

I never blame anything on McMahon.


When in doubt, Blame Canada.

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Is there any logic at all in employing somebody, only to hold them back from achieving what they are capable of achieving? 


No, but we're talking about WWE, so the point is moot.


The financial formula is simple: The more true Superstars that are sold to the masses, the more money Vince makes. So to cry allegations of "holding down" appears to be the easy answer, but far from a sensible one.


WWE only seems to sell to the masses on one particular new star every 6 months or so, rather than attempt to elevate as many as possible. Usually they're the OVW guys, too.


But it, yeah, takes time. Right.


Because naturally, it's always Vinnie Mac's fault. Just like it was Vinnie Mac's fault when Jeff Hardy became more concerned with "personal issues" than with being a WWE Superstar. And this is, of course, the same Vinnie Mac who recently had the barefaced gaul to put the World Title on a man whose name was being chanted in arenas up and down the country. Despicable.


bps can take this one. It's too damn easy.

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Guest Choken One
Is there any logic at all in employing somebody, only to hold them back from achieving what they are capable of achieving? 


No, but we're talking about WWE, so the point is moot.

Yes there is a logic...



Keep them from being useful in other companies.

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Is there any logic at all in employing somebody, only to hold them back from achieving what they are capable of achieving? 


No, but we're talking about WWE, so the point is moot.

Yes there is a logic...



Keep them from being useful in other companies.

Oh yeah--forgot about that.

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He may be a rich man, but with all the cuts already being made in the company, can he really afford to keep somebody on his roster from whom he doesn't expect to earn results?



Is there any logic at all in employing somebody, only to hold them back from achieving what they are capable of achieving?


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I quit reading after this line:


One might even go so far as to call him the fourth most criticized individual on the Web, behind only George W Bush, Bill Gates and, of course, Triple H. In fact Bill Goldberg probably falls in at around number five


There is more to life outside our little wrestling world.

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Guest Adrian 3:16
He does make some good points, but he also says shit that makes no sense. I don't remember anyone saying that Jeff Hardy's problems were caused by Vince.

I remember quite a few people blaming Vince for Jeff Hardy's condition for pushing him too hard to take his bumps and for the hectic wrestlers' schedule, even though he was actually pushing for Jeff to take time off and get his shit together, which Jeff refused until his firing.


I also remember people blaming Vince for Crash's death when Crash wasn't even working for him at the time. Vince is the cause for a LOT of the problems with wrestling today but he is not a monster that leads them to drug related deaths, don't forget about all the help and second chances he's given to wrestlers like Jeff, Eddie G, Scott Hall, Bulldog, Regal, etc.

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Guest Choken One

He Gave Jeff countless time off's...was VERY lenient towards Jeff...


Jeff was often always late but Vince always let it slide.


Jeff took his body to those extremes and Vince always offered to rest him but Jeff never would.


Vince McMahon doesn't enough credit for his willingess to give a second chance...just ask Eddy Guerrero, William Regal...

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Guest wrestlingbs

When I first started this article, it sounded like he was going to make a good case. But near the end it read more like the current trend that is popping up in the IWC: the anti-IWC community.


It happens in all major fields, be it entertainment, sports, even industry. If people bash something for long enough others will start bashing them in response. And while I do think this guy was trying to make some justified points, he failed to reach out of that ant-IWC mindset.


Be it the lack of competition, the low status of Lance Storm or the departure of Jeff Hardy, McMahon will always foot the bill in terms of online accusations.[/qoute]


His point about Storm is valid. Yes, the guy dosn't have what it takes to be in the upper card. But Hardy? There are stronger examples of Vince bashing.


The reason I think a lot of people bash Vince is the same reason people bash Bill Gates sometimes: because while his product is good, it could be a lot better.

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... what a piece of shit.


I have no idea where to start... um... him thinking Vince is logical is pretty damn funny... I guess wrestling was never around before the WWF saved us all - thank GOD for that. I don't think I could take watching wrestling in the back-alleys and smoke-filled bars...


What. A. Schmuck.

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Guest CronoT


... what a piece of shit.


I have no idea where to start... um... him thinking Vince is logical is pretty damn funny... I guess wrestling was never around before the WWF saved us all - thank GOD for that. I don't think I could take watching wrestling in the back-alleys and smoke-filled bars...


What. A. Schmuck.

Amen, brother.


Talk to any person who worked for Vince, and has a snowball's chance in hell of working for him again, and they will tell you EVERYTHING.


Ask Bret Hart, or Raven, or Scott Hall. Wrestling under Vince McMahon is less like a job, and more like the Mideaval Feudal Lord/Vassal system. Vince holds all the cards, and only his chosen few ever actually rise to the status of true stars.


Terry "Hulk" Hogan and "The Rock" Dwayne Johnson are probably the only two to ever make it out of under Vince's shadow. The only reason that Vince supports and makes money from Dwayne Johnson's movies is because he owns the intellectual property of his wrestling name. So, anyone who wants to bill him in a movie or what have you as "The Rock" has to pay Vince a royalty to use that name.

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I quit reading after this line:


One might even go so far as to call him the fourth most criticized individual on the Web, behind only George W Bush, Bill Gates and, of course, Triple H. In fact Bill Goldberg probably falls in at around number five


There is more to life outside our little wrestling world.

Agreed. I was quite confused about where he got that info from.


Terry "Hulk" Hogan


You know Hulk's real last name isn't Hogan, right? Just checking...Oh, and what's the point of dropping wrestlers' realk names? I can't stand that. It's not "cool," like those who do it seem to think it is.


I'm glad to see so many were enthralled by the article, regardless of whether or not in a negative manner or a positive manner.

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I don't remember anyone saying that Jeff Hardy's problems were caused by Vince. Jeff Hardy is a fucktard and it doesn't take much to see it.

ohhhh, so many fat chicks would disagree with you. Be very careful not to say that around them, as they would tear you apart quicker than a super size value meal.

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I don't remember anyone saying that Jeff Hardy's problems were caused by Vince.  Jeff Hardy is a fucktard and it doesn't take much to see it.

ohhhh, so many fat chicks would disagree with you. Be very careful not to say that around them, as they would tear you apart quicker than a super size value meal.

So, Vince shoved that coke forcibly up Jeff's nose (or whatever it was)?


For cryin' out loud, he was taken off house shows, given plenty of time off and still was stuck in angles with Trish and HBK. Vince gave him too many chances.

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Guest JMA

The guy who wrote this article sounds like a WWE apologist (or alternatively a McMahon sympathizer).


I find it very annoying when the IWC bashes itself.

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I quit reading after this line:


One might even go so far as to call him the fourth most criticized individual on the Web, behind only George W Bush, Bill Gates and, of course, Triple H. In fact Bill Goldberg probably falls in at around number five


There is more to life outside our little wrestling world.

Sounds like a joke to me.

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