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Guest Italian Stallion

Story I just heard.. Shocking.

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Guest Italian Stallion

The only reason why I am coming here for advice is because I would never, ever go to someone I know and possibly ruin this poor girl's reputation.


*Be advised this is a rape story and its very disturbing*



This girl, I have known her for a few years now. She is one of my very close friends. We have been through a lot and I feel like I can talk to her about anything and everything. Well I guess she feels the same way because she just told me the story I will probably never forget.


She was in her senior year of high school. Its not the nicest place but its not south central. Anyway, at her school, before you graduate, you have to make a big report on whatever you want. Thats way too much freedom for high school students. You can make a video or whatever. 3 guys got her on her way home. In broad day light. Took her to one of their homes, and raped her in the backyard.


This story is just getting started. High school boys have wild amaginations. They beat her then raped her. While recording the whole thing. They did everything possible to her. It lasted for a pretty long time. The 3 boys let her go but never went to the police or anyone about it. She knew she was being video taped but didn't actually know for what reason.



Turned out that a few days later the 3 boys made copies of the video tape and handed it out at school. To random students. All the students who received the video tape turned it into the police. The boys were all presecuted and put in jail for kidnapping, rape, nd a few other charges. This happened a few years ago and 2 of the 3 kids are still in jail.


She told me this story but had to leave right after she told me. Im just tripping out right now. I dont have any idea on what to tell her or what to say. I have known her for a long time. I know the way she thinks but after she told me this I feel like she opened a whole new part to her and Im totally lost. She doesn't want my help on this but Im just tripping out on what to say or anything. I have never heard anything like this so hearing this from a close friend is shocking.



I probably left out a lot of parts or skipped them cuz Im still tripping. If you are lost on any part of this just ask and I can fill in. But don't ask where this took place because I dont want to even mention the state for obvious purposes. It was probably on the news when it happened anyways.

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Guest Waldo

Isn't this the same guy who said his aunt died and he couldn't get his girlfriend to help because "all she wanted to do was fuck"?

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Guest Italian Stallion
Isn't this the same guy who said his aunt died and he couldn't get his girlfriend to help because "all she wanted to do was fuck"?


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Guest Italian Stallion

I dont know why they handed out the tapes. These kids were 17 and 18 at the time. I don't know if they even cared or what.

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I'm confused. You said she didn't want your help on this. But help with what? It's not like it just happened and the rapists are on the loose, so she needs someone to find them and crack their skulls. Though they do deserve that.

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Why would they hand the tapes out?

Some people are crazy enough to believe that their friends at school will watch the tape, and NOT contact the authorities.



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Guest JumpinJackFlash

I thought it was going to be for that project. Imagine, you're a GIRL(!) and you're in school one day, presenting English projects. They show one video tape and its you being beaten and raped. Imagine it for a secnd.....okay? Okay. Are you freaked out right now? That would be weird. :huh:

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You make it sound like high school stupids are just stupid apes.


Anyway, at her school, before you graduate, you have to make a big report on whatever you want. Thats way too much freedom for high school students. You can make a video or whatever. 3 guys got her on her way home. In broad day light. Took her to one of their homes, and raped her in the backyard.


This story is just getting started. High school boys have wild amaginations.


These people are obviously mentally disturbed. For one, because they did what they did in the first place, and secondly...if they actually believed it would be cool to do for a project, then they are far long gone. People like that have no business doing public.


What confuses me is why she told you this, you should really talk to her about it ASAP and first ask why she told you. There are two main reasons that I feel that someone would just up and out of nowhere tell someone something like this.


After knowing someone for a while and having something of a relationship with them, they would tell someone this in hopes that you would help them get some sort of revenge. That may sound crazy, but I've heard of that happening before. I'm not saying she's using you, but I'm just saying maybe she hopes (maybe she doens't even KNOW she hopes this) that you'd take the information, and take the matter into your own hands. Perhaps this is why she told you right before she had to leave...in hope that she would say it, then leave, and you would be forced to sort it out and do what she might never thought she could.


The other reason that someone might tell you something like this is obvious...they simply need someone to talk to about it so that they can come to terms with it. What you should do is suggest that she talk to a professional about it, anyone who goes through something like that really should talk to a professional about it.


My point is that someone doesn't just tell you something like this, without REALLY wanting your help in one way or another. It isn't a case where they go "Hey, guessed what, I was raped...tee hee hee" and then you go bowling and never mention it again. Like I said, she may not even KNOW that she wants you to do something...but she does.


Just remember, don't take the matter into YOUR hands...all you can do is help HER to get help, in order to come to terms with it, and if I was a betting man, I'd say she hasn't done that yet...I think that's rather obvious.

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I know it's weird, but think of it this way, she's now comfortable telling people about it, that's good, she felt she could tell you about it, that's good, and they got put in jail, that's good. Still, fuck. It's kinda weird she just mentioned it and left.

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Guest Italian Stallion

Alright I will fill in some spots or questions you might have.


Their intention was to make the video for the project but they got too excited about and couldn't wait to show it that they just made copies of it and passed them out.


Second, she just didn't mention it out of nowhere. She has already talked to a pro about it and shes gone to therapy and everything she needed to go through. She was coming down on cocain and she was very emotional. I was taking her home, and we went to her house. We sat down and just talked for like 5 hours straight. When she told me it was like 5am. We were kind of in the discussion on rape and something like that before she told me. Shes not too open about it. Her parents feel like its something she wants to forget so they let her bring it up now a days. Its not something that is brought up ya know. But I guess ever since she was in therapy she hasn't talked about it to anyone but herself. She writes down her feelings so they aren't all crammed in her mind but thats about all. She didn't show me what she writes nor do I want to even venture in there. It would probably scare they shit out of me.


I dont think she was telling me to get revenge. This happened in a state a thousand miles away and it would be hard to go there and give them a good mafioso beating. She felt like talking about it. I didn't do much of the talking. She didn't really tell me what happened after it happened. She told me abou what they did to her. Really sick stuff man. These teenagers got ideas from every possible porn movie and used it. The worse part is that she was beat before it pretty bad.


Im known to friends as someone they can talk to and help them deal with things. But with this, Im in way over my head. I haven't talked to her about it since then but I don't want to go on as if she had never told me.


I just have no idea on how emotional she still is about it so I dont know what to say or how to express my own feeling against it. I dont want to say something wrong.

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Guest Korgath

Well, for one thing, it's obvious that she trusts you enough to share intimately with you. It's wonderful to see that you've built up such a friendship.


Stereotypically, when women share things (especially with guys), they don't expect much in return. So there's no need for advice, or help. Just cherish the trust she's shown you and support her (but don't SYMPATHISE).


She may not show it now, but some emotional scars take years to heal. You need to be there for her when that happens.

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Just out of curiosity, was she doing Cocaine recreationally or because she was upset?


And she probably just wanted somebody to talk to. Best thing you can do is be there for her.

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