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Guest The Son of Sting

Malice aka Gigantes found dead

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Guest vicvenomjr

Thanks for the note....


No really I thought he was good. Great, god no. Good, yeah. Maybe I was distracted by the whole New Church angle, which I've always thought was genius.

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Take you head from between your legs and look at him for a minute. He was a good big guy. Not everyone has to be the next Chris Benoit or Kurt Angle. Wrestling has become like basketball. People are so worried about who can trade the most armbars in 30 seconds just like the same people are worried about trying to "break someone's ankles" thats they forget the basics. The Smackdown Iron man show showed that people dont really give a big shit about pure wrestling, or long wrestling and that the big monsters sell the shows. And big guys have a place in wrestling just like big guys have a place in basketball.

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He was a horrible big guy. I remember when he was the wall and awall in WCW and I saw him in TNA. This reminds me of that Newsradio where the guy died in the copier. Everyone went around and said nice things about him even though no one really knew who he was or liked him.

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Guest MikeSC
At what point does the mass media really begin to put together an investigation into this?


And not just some cute HBO show, desperate for ratings.

So, because a guy is a drgu addict and dies, it's wrestling's fault?


You know, I don't notice a hue and cry for the music industry to be investigated to the rash of young deaths there.


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Take you head from between your legs and look at him for a minute. He was a good big guy. Not everyone has to be the next Chris Benoit or Kurt Angle. Wrestling has become like basketball. People are so worried about who can trade the most armbars in 30 seconds just like the same people are worried about trying to "break someone's ankles" thats they forget the basics. The Smackdown Iron man show showed that people dont really give a big shit about pure wrestling, or long wrestling and that the big monsters sell the shows. And big guys have a place in wrestling just like big guys have a place in basketball.

The Wall sucked. Watch some of his work in WCW and try not to cringe.


If big monsters sell the shows then how come the Smackdown! with Rey v. Matt did a better then expected rating?


Big guys have a place in wrestling but the Wall was just awful in WCW

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I never understand this board. More often than not, when someone dies, people trip over their dicks in a race to say how much he was loved and how much he'll be missed (e.g. the kid from Ladybugs) but then this guy dies and it's like people don't give a shit, they'd rather talk about how much he sucked.


I thought he was pretty entertaining, not necessarily the best big man but certainly not the worst. As sacrilege as this might be on TSM, I've probably watched and enjoyed more Wall matches than Rey Jr. matches. Sadly, that's not even an exaggeration.

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Guest TDinDC1112

I don't feel sorry for people who live a destructive lifestyle and die because of it. I feel sorry for good people who die in car accidents and stuff like that. These wrestlers who abuse their bodies for 15 years and then die at 40 from a heart attack don't deserve to fealt sorry for.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Just on the whole "people gushing about him because he's dead" thing, Scott Keith once referred to is as : "Well, he sucked, but now that he's dead, he didn't"


The he in question was Louie Spicolli, btw, not Malice

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Guest TDinDC1112

I don't think him being a great, or horrible wrestler has anything to do with it. I just never can believe how crazy everyone gets when someone dies in wrestling. It's like, oh, I can't believe it, Hawk died, how horrible. Or, oh my god, Pitbull 2 died, I feel sorry for his family. When people do it to themselves, that's what I'm saying irritates me. I'm not going to tell anyone what to do. Hell, I think drugs should be legalized, but I'm not going to go feeling sorry for people who abuse their bodies.


For the record, I kind of liked his look. He wasn't exactly the greatest in ring performer, but when did that ever matter in wrestling? It only matters on message boards.

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Guest Coffey
He wasn't exactly the greatest in ring performer, but when did that ever matter in wrestling?  It only matters on message boards.

That's the quote of the week right there. Sig worthy even.

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Once again I will not comment on whether I feel sorry for him until I know for sure what exactly he died from. With that said I am not going to lie and say he was a good worker, as I feel he was not. I did not rush in here to gloat over the fact that he sucked in the ring, the only reason I mentioned it was because others were mentioning he was entertaining. Now, obvisiously different things are entertaining to different people, so no one is right or wrong. I just get the feeling that some people hate someone until its popular to like them, such as when they die, and then all of a sudden that person becomes great.

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Having spent a lot of time in the TNA folder since its inception, I recall on many occasions people claiming to like Malice. They always stated that they liked him "For a big man". I don't think I ever heard anyone say he was a great worker or cut great promos or whatever. But for a big man, he was entertaining in the ring. I hated his work in WCW but I hated everyone in the MIA in WCW. I definately agree that when someone died everyone suddenly became a fan, but since there have been so many deaths this year, it seems to be the opposite.

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Guest Coffey

I've never liked Malice. I didn't like the Wall, I didn't like A-Wall, I didn't like Malice.


I've never liked his work or look. Now that he's passed away, that hasn't changed.


Just trying to say that I haven't jumped on some bandwagon.


I've spent a lot of time in this folder too. :P

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We didn't think he was a good wrestler so we shouldn't mourn the loss of a human being with a family and friends lest we become smark hypocrites. Brilliant. This is why wrestlers hate internet fans...

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Did you read what I wrote or are you just stupid? I said I will not judge whether or not I feel sorry for him until the cause of death comes out. I am merely saying that I am not going to change my opinion of his work because he is dead. Don't put words in my mouth.

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Guest TDinDC1112
We didn't think he was a good wrestler so we shouldn't mourn the loss of a human being with a family and friends lest we become smark hypocrites. Brilliant. This is why wrestlers hate internet fans...

Are you stupid? Wrestling ability has nothing to do with it. I will not mourn his loss because he did it to himself. Everyone can say everything about "waiting to see what really happened," but we all know that if you take drugs for extended periods of time, it weakens your heart. Normal people do not have heart attacks in their thirties and early forties.


If someone goes into the middle of the street and decides to start doing jumping jacks, and a car comes and runs him over, should we feel sorry for him? I know that's kind of crazy, but I think people that take drugs know the consequences. There are consequences with everything people do in life, and part of the problem with our society is people don't think there are consequences for their actions. If you're irresposible with your life and body, I don't have time for you.

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Guest MikeSC
We didn't think he was a good wrestler so we shouldn't mourn the loss of a human being with a family and friends lest we become smark hypocrites. Brilliant. This is why wrestlers hate internet fans...

Are you stupid? Wrestling ability has nothing to do with it. I will not mourn his loss because he did it to himself. Everyone can say everything about "waiting to see what really happened," but we all know that if you take drugs for extended periods of time, it weakens your heart. Normal people do not have heart attacks in their thirties and early forties.


If someone goes into the middle of the street and decides to start doing jumping jacks, and a car comes and runs him over, should we feel sorry for him? I know that's kind of crazy, but I think people that take drugs know the consequences. There are consequences with everything people do in life, and part of the problem with our society is people don't think there are consequences for their actions. If you're irresposible with your life and body, I don't have time for you.

I'm shocked as heck to say this, but I completely agree with DC here.


The man had a long-standing drug habit. It wasn't a secret and it got him fired from jobs. So, ODDS ARE, the drug habit is what led to his death --- either directly or indirectly. If it turns out that his death was COMPLETELY independent of his habit, then yes, it is a shame.




It is simply the odds catching up to you. It's the same reason I refused to feel sorry for the lead singer of Blind Melon when he died. He brought it solely upon himself.


I save my empathy for those who deserve it.


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Guest TDinDC1112
Do you think TNA will do a tribute this wednesday?

If a tribute is showing his picture and name/years alive for 4 seconds at the beginning of the broadcast, then yes. But how many times did he really work for them? No more than 10 I don't think. I think a little picture at the top of the broadcast is fine.

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I'm going to ignore the flames and hold to my stance that as a human being I feel sorry that a man has died and out of respect for his family and friends who are in real sorrow I will not insult or judge him.

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Guest Coffey

Right, but thousands of people die every single day. Women & children too. Just because he was a wrestler, and you know his name, that doesn't make him any better than anyone else.

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I am finding that the whole 1 death is a tragedy, a million deaths are ba statistic thing is comign into play. I haven't been on the board that long, but I remember a lot more sympathy for Crash Holly when he died, and let's face it, he wasn't a great wrestler by any strech of the imagination. I have heard of this man, although I don't think I ever saw one of his matches, and, drugs or not, it is sad. It is sad whenever anyoen dies. Plain and simple. And yes, there should be some kind of investigation, or rather, there should have been, a long time ago. Remember what jake said in Beyond the Mat? I bet he wasn't alone there.

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Normal people do not have heart attacks in their thirties and early forties.

My mom was 42 when she had a heart attack. My uncle on my dad's side is 34 and he is in the hospital right now from a heart attack, too.




Anyway, it is sad that the guy died, but he chose to play that game. I'm more sorry for his family.



Poor sod.

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Guest vicvenomjr

"And not just some cute HBO show, desperate for ratings"


What the fuck does HBO care about ratings? They still get the subscription money whether people are watching the channel or not.

*****hey prick, the HBO Real Sports show never does monster ratings, ever. A rassling story guaranteed that, that's why they did it. Period. The Costas show with McMahon did good ratings, that's why they had the lunatic back. They didn't even do the real sports investigation well, which showed they really weren't in it for a true investigative piece but rather the cheap ratings points.


With all due respect don't be an asshole when your not totally in the right MF.

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Guest vicvenomjr

"And not just some cute HBO show, desperate for ratings"


What the fuck does HBO care about ratings? They still get the subscription money whether people are watching the channel or not.

*****furthermore asshole I love how you say that HBO doesn't care about ratings. Then why isn't K-Street and Carnival a guarantee to be brought back? Or even The Wire? All are praised by almost all critics who watch, but guess what their RATINGS suck, so there probably not going to return.


On the other spectrum HBO sure as hell plugged The Sopranos as the most watched show last year (thru RATINGS) when it was on. Everyone knew it because HBO made sure it was all over the news. What does this do? It makes people feel that their missing something really important and that they should also subscribe to HBO. Similar to the old adage, everyone's doing it so why shouldn't I.


Ratings are everything whether your HBO or some Wayne's World reincarnation. If people aren't watching, the show won't return. Real Sports struggled for ratings, so guess what they go to the best ratings grabber out there-rassling. It did the trick. Just like it did for Costas' show, that no one watched until VKM lost it.


It was obvious it was a ratings ploy because the investigation piece was horrid, unearthed nothing and allowed VKM to get by without a scratch.


You sir are a true moron, in every sense of the word. Don't try to come accross as all knowing when your stupidity is on such a high level it truly is rediculous.

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Guest vicvenomjr

Furthermore The Wall WAS a good rassler. Why? Because he entertained me in the early stages on TNA and isn't that what most people should only care about, if he was entertaining. A 6'8" monster who was from the dark side and just destroyed everyone from Sabu to Shamrock. That was entertainment.

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