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Star Ocean 3

The Titillating World of Cosplay

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That is an excellent Mara Jade, even though the hair needs to be redder and the lightsaber purple.

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umm wtf?

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Settle down, Beavis.


I just posted that in "Pictures I Like" a day or so before you did here, I was fuckin' with ya.


p.s. SwaggerJacker, means like carjacker, you jack someone's car, steal it. Swagger is someone's style. SwaggerJacker, you jack some one's swagger. It's my new favorite word.

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Ok I wanted to add some stuff I found off google. Here's one



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That's easily the best Katamari cosplay I've ever seen. Really well done, even if the Katmari itself is kinda lacking in imagination.

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God i hate Naruto.




Thats the greatest thing ive ever seen!




No wait, that is.

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Im not sure if thats a chick or a really girly guy..




Some people have FAR too much time.




Ladies and Gents, we have a winner.

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That is one ugly collection of females trying to be the FFX ladies. One of the tragedies about cosplay: Really ugly women dressing up as "hot" video game characters.

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Yeah Yuna and Lulu are especially unfortunate, although to be honest it's not like any of them actually resemble the character their supposed to be. Like I recognize Keepa and Datto on the blitzball team (although Datto's a skinny little stickman), but that's about it. Their Wakka looks like he's been training by eating Crisco. Kimahri looks like a plush toy.

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