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The Titillating World of Cosplay

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"Blakuma" (nice) would save every movie. Picture The Bridges of Madison County, except with that guy randomly kicking Meryl Streep's ass every so often. GREAT FILMMAKING.


Andrew -- Aussies are essentially British, so two out of three ain't bad. The problem w/movie Cammy was the outfit. I know it was essentially a kid's movie, but they just botched the costuming so bad.

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I'd like to go to one of these things dressed up as Takada in HUSTLE. Leading my own Takada Monster Army.


Well, I actually wouldn't like to go to one of these things, but I still want to dress like Takada.

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Andrew -- Aussies are essentially British, so two out of three ain't bad. The problem w/movie Cammy was the outfit. I know it was essentially a kid's movie, but they just botched the costuming so bad.



Well, descendants of British whores and criminals several hundred years removed from the island, raised in a freakin' hot climate around some of Mother Nature's freakiest-looking beasts.


However, their culture and dialect is vastly different. Regardless, even a stump-stupid Brit will still sound more educated to us than the smartest Australian. Although I believe literacy rates are on par or (in some areas) higher in Austrialia than the UK, and higher overall than the US.


(Stupid American)Well, they had Einstein, after all. (/Stupid American)

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I've heard some Aussies who sound indistinguishable from your standard Brit.


As for stump-stupid Brits sounding "educated" to us, I have two words: East Ender.

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Cammy's game outfit is stupid anyway. Yeah she really looks like a special forces agent...

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Changing the outfit if it is practical, like in the X-Men movies: acceptable.


Virtually every single "Allied Nations" soldier being dressed in powder blue in a bright-green tropical nation-state? : even sillier.


And regardless if it looked like she was Special Forces, it actually would have made much more sense with the conditions she'd be fighting in than her movie outfit. Or at least it could have been more camo-green.


I don't know where to begin on Bison's short-bus Stormtrooper/Power Ranger dudes, but at least I could buy that they were armored...even if they were bright maroon/red.

Edited by AndrewTS

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I think SF has an unfair reputation. It's funny and it seems to be silly on purpose. The changes are weird but don't seem that big of a deal. MK movie is just as different from the game but that's never stopped everyone from loving it. I think i'd actually rather watch SF movie than MK.

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MK1 is competent, but I don't have a DVD of it like I do Annihilation.


I'd probably get the SF Movie DVD if it had tons of special features and the movie wasn't on TV all the time.

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I never get tired of watching MKA. It's so crazy. I have never quite understood the dragon tattoo thing giving them access to Earth. Why add that in?

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I never get tired of watching MKA. It's so crazy. I have never quite understood the dragon tattoo thing giving them access to Earth. Why add that in?


No idea.


However, come on...submit to your woman-ness and admit the real reason you like watching it is the scorching on-screen chemistry between Kitana and Liu Kang.

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Now that I think about it, that looks kinda like Leena


Regardless, her hair's a nice shade of violet. Or is that fuchsia? I'm bad with colors.

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I notice from a lot of cosplay pics that cosplayers are white... I don't mean your general caucasian white, I mean "buried underground for years and highly reflective" white.

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Guest Leelee


Now that I think about it, that looks kinda like Leena


Regardless, her hair's a nice shade of violet. Or is that fuchsia? I'm bad with colors.


Fuck you.

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Guest Leelee

1) By saying "regardless" in that tone, he's inferring that looking like me is a negative trait.


2) I'm far more attractive than this girl.

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