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Star Ocean 3

The Titillating World of Cosplay

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That chick is dressed up like Kasumi, not Mai or Chun Li.


Kasumi:  from Dead or Alive

Mai:  From the Fatal Fury/King of Fighters games


She doesn't have the rack of either, though, but still cute.

The outfits are almost exactly the same except for that rope on her back. Weird.

The color, too, though.


That's because Tecmo completely ripped off the character design, just like everything else about DoA.


Although unless the costume in DoA3 changed, she should have shoulders on the outfit, white leggings, a dagger/sheath around her waist.

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So like...is this practiced in conventions, parties, pageants? What's the social structure here? What a weird hobby.


I've decided I find it retarded unless the person is a tiny cute asian girl.

You basically have it right. It's more or less game and anime geeks gathering in masses, dressed as their favorite characters.

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So is it at all wrong that I now want to bang a girl doing cosplay? Just take her in the janitor's closet at a convention and bang her brains out?

Maybe I should start frequenting these things. I'd probably be the best looking guy there.....


*Damaramu convention sexual predator*

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My ex-roommate has been into cosplay for years... She always dressed up as Super Saiyan Goku.... I was going to go to a con as Kuririn/Krillin, and she offered to get the costume made if I shaved my head... I would have done it too.


And I would hit every one of those girls, including the one dressed up as Felicia.


But then again, I am a self-admitted slut....

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I'd probably be the best looking guy there.....



I've seen pictures! Most of the guys are tiny skinny 15 year olds that never get any sun. And the chicks somehow are hot......except for the fat ones dressed as fairies.

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I actually had the same idea, because there's a convention coming up near me. But all the guys there can't be ugly nerds, right?

A friend of mine goes to cons all the time. He's thin and in good shape, used to play football in junior high...basically he's normal, but is into anime, gaming, drawing, and other geeky past times. :P


So yeah, there are some normal folks there, too. And speaking in a totally non-gay manner, I suppose he's pretty good looking. *shrug*

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is it just me or are asian females the only ones that can pull off cosplay right? (and even then it's still lame)...i know some folks that cosplay, mostly skater and goth white females and usually it equals teh ghey...i dunno, i just think cosplay is wack, but to each their own...

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is it just me or are asian females the only ones that can pull off cosplay right? (and even then it's still lame)...i know some folks that cosplay, mostly skater and goth white females and usually it equals teh ghey...i dunno, i just think cosplay is wack, but to each their own...

Well, generally I think the Asians pull it off better, although there are a few good white ones.


However, the Asians even do the white characters better:




Incidentally...they actually have cosplay porn in Japan. That's something new...but it's Japan. We know of worse things.

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Incidentally...they actually have cosplay porn in Japan.  That's something new...but it's Japan.  We know of worse things.

oh those quirky and crafty Japanese, they never fail to come up with new "interesting" things...

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Guest Hero to all Children

The main reason that Asian cosplay usually looks so good is the fact that most of these people would die of shame if they were to do it as sloppy as the majority of our geeks does it.


But what do you expect if you have a nerdy sub-culture that usually still lives with their parents (so counting liberal arts college paid for by their parents) who want to be part of some kind of community because of the overwhelming lonely?

Just take enough of those people and suddenly a black High School graduation robe, a guiness foam witch hat and a stick can pass a Hermione Granger cosplay on a 6'0" pasty-white whick.


It's basically a blowjob pool. Everyone makes everyone else feel good deliberately.



Also: No, it's not wrong to sexually desire good-looking women and engage into sexual relations with them on completely shallow grounds. Just don't lie too much about how 'beautiful' they are, we have enough mediocre camwhores already.

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That's some vast overgeneralizing there, HTAC. Sure, there are some complete losers out there in cosplayland who couldn't stitch a seam if they had a sniper waiting to cap them if they failed, but there are also some perfectly ordinary and fine-looking people out there who really do put the effort into their outfits. I'd much rather deal with cosplayers than with the people who dress up as Starfleet officers.


Who's lying about beauty? I freely admit that I'm at least mildly attracted to well over 50% of women within a stone's throw of my age bracket, especially if they're wearing some unusual clothing, which cosplay is all about. And "mediocre camwhores" is just plain mean.

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Guest Hero to all Children

I will backpaddle a bit, retracting a few of my statements. Or adding new ones, depends.


There's a few really gorgeous cosplayers out there but .. well .. there aren't too many. It may be more or less than the generaly gorgeous/okay ratio in society, my bet would be on less but I've seen too many negative examples to count as unbiased.


I really used to be into Japanimation or whatever you kids call it these days.



Well, "beauty" is a debatable thing then. I can honestly say that I don't know too many beautiful girls but I know enough girls I'd "do." This doesn't mean they're beautiful, it just means that they're average or a bit below or a bit above. But not mind-blowing.



And regarding the camwhore thing I was basing this on the sad fact that a lot of not really beautiful girls can gain a massive following on the internet by flashing some nipple. If you encourage a few of the more mediocre cosplayers enough with compliments then they're liable to go down that road.

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And regarding the camwhore thing I was basing this on the sad fact that a lot of not really beautiful girls can gain a massive following on the internet by flashing some nipple. If you encourage a few of the more mediocre cosplayers enough with compliments then they're liable to go down that road.

And we end up with more girls taking their clothes off for all mankind. (And if they're THAT ugly, we've always got the Back button.) What's the problem?

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Guest Hero to all Children

It creates clutter for elitist fucks like me who like their naked girls to be exceptional in their own eyes. Basically it's over-saturation. There's already loads of mediocre girls and .. really, nothing against them but it's nice to get to the exceptional ones without wading through half a mile of the same "I lick my boob shots" over and over again, especially if the girls are so perfectly average.


But hey .. if they do a cosplay camwhore thing, more power to them.

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But what do you expect if you have a nerdy sub-culture that usually still lives with their parents (so counting liberal arts college paid for by their parents) who want to be part of some kind of community because of the overwhelming lonely?


What does living with your parents how to do with anything? It's acceptable and widespread worldwide, and that negative stigma has basically disappeared. Since the economies worldwide have taken a bit of a hit, hey, it happens. That's also why the 18-25 demo is so desirable, because they generally have more disposable income.


Many of them work (that age range, not just the ones you're talking about), go to college, and pay rent/buy groceries, car payments and insurance.


In my case, most of my college tuition is paid for by financial aid since my dad was a veteran, and the small difference is student loans.


I cosplayed as Cody from Final Fight before--er, not the Alpha 3 version.


It creates clutter for elitist fucks like me who like their naked girls to be exceptional in their own eyes.


If you're talking about blond bimbos, meh. Boring as hell.


Well, Pantera is smoking, but generally I find them dull. Give me anything else: short, tall, black, Asian, big booty, small booty, small-chested, etc. The real over-saturation is the proliferation of the Pam Anderson type, which is soooo generic because you see them all the time on TV, movies, etc.


--okay, Pantera is blond and I find her smokin', but most blondes don't do anything for me.

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I cosplayed as Cody from Final Fight before

So... you wore a plain white T and jeans?


Good job, you also managed to cosplay as James Dean

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Guest Doomsault







HAHAHAHAHA cosplayers are fucking losers!

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Just because you've got cool pics of Igor "Ivan Drago" Voychanchin in your sig doesn't give you the right to stretch the screen out like that, and I'd say that most of the girls in these pics look better in their outfits than you would.

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I was John Cena at the sports bar the other night for the PPV. Does that count?


The girls that do this and have the bodies to look accurate enough are incredibly attractive. If I were anywhere that had these conventions, I'd totally head there to get some play. Nerdy girls are some of the easiest.

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I nailed a bunch of them, because I had two step sisters that do that shit. I didn't nail them... though I could have if I wished.

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You know though dressing like a "punk rocker" or a member of the Misfits attracts chicks for some reason. And not the ugly fat punk chicks. Hot preppy bitches with shirts to small for them and skirts that display there ass. It's true.

My friend used to have a mohawk and then huge 10 inch liberty spikes and he wears a leather jacket with studs down one arm and spikes on the shoulders and those kinds of chicks flocked to him.

I can't count the number of times I heard "Cool hair! Can I touch it!? Can I touch your jacket!? You know you're pretty cute."

It happened all the time. Now I wonder how a misfits devil lock would attract chicks. I wonder if it would work on the same premise as the spikes?

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