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Ted the Poster

Fun with Google

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This isn't any thing amazing, but it might get a good chuckle. Go to Google and type either "miserable failure" or "weapons of mass destruction" in the search bar(without quotes, of course) and then click the "I'm feeling lucky!" button. I'm not liberal or conservative by any means, so that's probably why I thought it was funny.

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Guest mesepher

my buddy told me about the "miserable failure" thing last week during finals, and my reply to him was "words can not describe the humor I found in that"

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I've never seen this either. What in the hell does the "I'm Feeling Lucky" do? I've never done that before, until I saw this thread.


I like Bush, blah blah blah, but I did laugh at this.

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"I'm feeling lucky" doesn't give you a list of websites, like google normally would, it just goes to the #1 website that comes out of what you searched.

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*Types in french military victories, hits "Feeling lucky..."*


Did you mean: french military defeats 





No standard web pages containing all your search terms were found.


Your search - french military victories - did not match any documents.


Pure gold. :headbang:

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