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The Royal Blue

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Well you can't have the shower yet.  We...I mean...I'm using it now.


::Shower curtain closes, with moans being heard.::

Thank god you're finally over my sister.

Says who?


::Gets up to do karaoke, sings Elvis Costello's "Allison", dedicated to a lovely young lady.::

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Guest Bottled Black

* Walks up to front door, sees Closed sign *


God Damn it, had a helluva a day coulda used a drink, Guess I'll come back tomorrow.


Hey anyone know if this is one of them New York pussy bars where smoking is banned?

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I'm rebelling. I have an "in" with the owners (aren't they a lovely couple?), so I'm saying that this bar pulls a pre-holiday all nighter. Post, drink, fuck, fight, piss, shit, moan, groan, tinkle, tangle, shock, stop, drop and roll this ma'fucker!

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Guest Bottled Black

Hey now that what I'm talkin about.


* Walks behind bar, makes himself a Captain and Ginger *


Ahhh the sweet nectar.


* Walks back, grabs a barstool and lights up *

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Guest Bottled Black

* Finishes drink put a Fiver and a note under the glass *



Hey Blue thanks for the drink, Sorry about the mess in the bathroom had taco bell for lunch. Be back tomorrow for another round. Munky


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*swings in by a rope across the bar*


*Rod runs in in nothing but a pair of Daisey Dukes*

God dammit Rod...I told you....if you're going to follow me around....don't come in your "night gear". Freak.

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Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Hey guys, the party doesn't have to stop. When The RoyalBlue closes down, PissClub starts up. There's no rule about not talking about PissClub, but seriously, how many of you would tell your friends you go to a urine and cat themed club?

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*enters The Royal Blue*


Fuck! What the hell happened here last night?


*cleans up*



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Guest Bottled Black

* Sneaks out from work for a quick liquid lunch *


Hey Blue, can I get a captain and ginger?

Were ya able to get the bathroom cleaned up alright?

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Guest Bottled Black

Thanks buddy, Hey are the bartenders allowed to do shots with the patrons in this fine establishment?

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Guest Bottled Black

* Finally wanders back to bar and sees tequilla at his seat *


Here's to TSM's own Cheers.



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