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Guest Choken One

Worst Movie of All time..

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I think the owrst movie I've ever seen was Bruce Lee Fights Back From the Grave. I got it long before I knew of the Bruce clones.

Your just lucky you didn't see Fist of Fear, Touch of Death.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

What was wrong with Jaws: The Revenge.......besides having a terrible plot. The acting wasn't bad....well, almost pretty good. And the killing scenes....er.....scene...oh fuck it. It sucked.

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Wing Commander ws not so bad that it belongs on a worst 10 list. Now, the Super Mariio Bros. movie I could see on there...

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I don't see how HALF of these movies can be considered "worst ever," since they have some semblance of quality to them. And by "semblance of quality," I mean "you can watch it to see how bad it is."


Island Of Death is FAR worse than anything listed thus far, as are The Zombie Chronicles and Piranha 2: The Spawning. Just because a movie has very little plot, that doesn't make it a bad movie. If there's something truly redeeming of it, such as cheesiness (which IS a redeeming quality when talking bad movies) or comedy (when it's not intentional), then it can never be considered a "worst movie ever."


And on that note, hit The Sixth Sense (whose only redeeming factor was Bruce Willis being his usual awesome self, and the pretty good direction; the script was boring, predictable, and overly feel-good until the end).

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And on that note, hit The Sixth Sense (whose only redeeming factor was Bruce Willis being his usual awesome self, and the pretty good direction; the script was boring, predictable, and overly feel-good until the end).

Unbreakable was much worse than the sixth sense


"...Thats why they called me Mr Glass..."

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Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Eight Legged Freaks


...for Dames' comfort

Every movie that Arquette ever did should be on the list.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Eight Legged Freaks


...for Dames' comfort

Every movie that Arquette ever did should be on the list.

Ready 2 Rumble might be the only movie I seen him in.


And that Muppets Christmas movie from last year where he plays the major male role. DAMN HENSON!!

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Wing Commander was pretty bad and quite possibly the most boring action movie I've seen, but I don't think it's the worst. All of the aforementioned Bruce Li (Not a typo) movies are good candidates. I like some kung fu movies but man those are some god damn awful movies.

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And on that note, hit The Sixth Sense (whose only redeeming factor was Bruce Willis being his usual awesome self, and the pretty good direction; the script was boring, predictable, and overly feel-good until the end).

Unbreakable was much worse than the sixth sense


"...Thats why they called me Mr Glass..."

Such a slow movie.


The only good parts were me and a buddy rambling on and on about Unbreakable teaming up with Breakable to solve crimes...which would always lead to Breakable...breaking.

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I liked "The Patriot".


The only movie I ever wanted to walk out of was "Bringing Out the Dead". That was Hussein regime-worthy torture.


Also, I don't know if anyone remembers "Hush" starring Gwenyth Paltrow. It was considered a horror movie, but I assume I'm doing you a service by spoiling the fact that no one dies.


And I have never seen "Chairman of the Board" or Pauly Shore's catalogue. Should these be considered?

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One of the worst movies I can think of is 40 Days, 40 Nights. The movie is complete shit, is not funny in any aspect, devalues relationships, and makes Josh Hartnett have to apologize for being sexually assaulted.

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Guest FrigidSoul

I just thought of another one.


Jesus Christ Superstar. A bunch of hippies drive out into the middle of nowhere(using one of those old electricity powered vans) and re-enact the whole final days of Jesus thing in song and dance. At the end they leave in the van as if nothing ever happened...except the man playing Jesus is left on the cross to continue through the crucifiction.


I bet if Mr. Rant was forced to watch it he would kill all of humanity 20min into it.

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The worst movies I've ever seen were the Mel Gibson vehicles Ransom and The Patriot.

you've led a very sheltered life.


i think the most painful movie experience i've ever had was watching 'the godfather part III'. i'm not going to try to argue for that as the worst movie ever, but there is no single movie i hate more than that blasphemous piece of shit.


and 'bringing out the dead' was cool.

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Guest FrigidSoul
The worst movies I've ever seen were the Mel Gibson vehicles Ransom and The Patriot.

you've led a very sheltered life.


i think the most painful movie experience i've ever had was watching 'the godfather part III'. i'm not going to try to argue for that as the worst movie ever, but there is no single movie i hate more than that blasphemous piece of shit.


and 'bringing out the dead' was cool.

While their choice of getting rid of Robert Duval's character in favor of bringing in George Hamilton the movie on a whole made sense. Everything that Michael did to turn the family legit and seperate them from the other crime families in the end seperated him from his own family and left him to die alone. Basically making it that the exact opposite of what he was aiming for occured.


He also died alone in the home country his father was forced to leave...which is ironic.


GodFather 3 isn't a great film by any means when compared to the 2 previous installments but its not one of the worst films ever if you stay on course with the whole story.

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it was a total bastardization of the first two films. there was absolutely NO continuity of connie's character from the first 2 to the 3rd; michael's change of heart felt completely forced; and don't get me started on how pacino degenerated from being a master of subtlety into a total ham, he does not look like he's playing the same person in any way. everything fascinating about him from the first two movies was gone.


speaking of lacking subtlety, there's the initial confrontation scene between pacino and diane keaton, where everybody says exactly what's on their minds with elevated dialogue and loud voices. it's clunky, failed melodrama and it's painful to watch.


the whole look of the movie was all off: it didn't look like a 'godfather' film, it looked like any other film shot in 1990. why was everything so bright and crisp and boring? where were the dark browns? where were the shadows around everyone's eyes?


and there's also the presence of sofia coppola. to shit on a series of movies known for such great ensemble acting with someone who was that horrible is unforgivable.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Pacino's character was suppose to look like that...all the stress of what he had been doing for 20 years turned him into a shell of his former self.


As I said, compared to the previous installments its nothing special but still...it isn't the worst movie ever.

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Pacino's character was suppose to look like that...all the stress of what he had been doing for 20 years turned him into a shell of his former self.

it wasn't the hair-and-makeup look, it was the ridiculous overacting: the voice, the mannerisms, the body language. in the 70s, pacino was michael corleone, and everything was internalized and toned down. perfect example is the scene in part I when he's talking to carlo: "only don't tell me you're innocent. because it insults my intelligence, and makes me very angry." the way he plays it is supremely restrained, and that kind of restraint defined michael corleone as a character throughout the first two movies. pacino shows none of that restraint in part III: it's pacino playing pacino. that's what i meant by "does not look like he's playing the same person in any way."


As I said, compared to the previous installments its nothing special but still...it isn't the worst movie ever.

and as i said before, i wasn't arguing for it as one of the worst movies ever, but it's still a piece of shit and i hate it.

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