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Guest Choken One

Worst Movie of All time..

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Guest Choken One



There is no fucking arguement!


All those movies listed ('cept the Godfather Pt.3) weren't meant to be serious or great movies.


This movie was made by a Oscar Nominated Director with a A Major Hollywood star and they decided instead of having the two charismatic leads just converse or whatever...they would just climb mountains and walk across a desert and only have four lines of dialouge in the movie


Casey: Look! Animal Tracks!

Matt: Let's crow nest that mountain

Casey: They lead to water...or mating grounds

Matt: Mountain

Casey: If it's making ground we'll follow them to water

Matt: but what if they see us and get insecure?

Casey: Right...We'll hide.

Matt: Fine.




How can you even say Manos was that bad.

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It's all a matter of an opinion folks. Don't get all your crotchless panties caught up in a bunch. And I don't think any movie when it's pitched is intended to be a bad movie (Unless it's along the lines of Troma).

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You need to see John Waters movies.


Pink Flamingos owns you all.


I don't know if I would call it the worst ever, but Batman & Robin inspires venemous hatred in me like no other movie.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
All the above movies pale when compared to the suckiness of this little flick...


NOOOO!!!!! DEAR GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gomez Addams vs. The Kick Boxer!! (or was that someone else)

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All the above movies pale when compared to the suckiness of this little flick...


I prefer this one:



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Guest MikeSC
SHIT, I forgot about Mortal Kombat Annihilation. Man, did that movie ever suck.

How was XXX avoided any mention?


Or "The Ghost and the Darkness"? Kilmer is horrid normally --- and this is one of his worst films.


And, I'll go ahead and say it "Matrix Revolutions" was painful to watch.


I'll never see it -- but I have little doubt that "Cat in the Hat" would fit into the list nicely.


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All the above movies pale when compared to the suckiness of this little flick...


NOOOO!!!!! DEAR GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gomez Addams vs. The Kick Boxer!! (or was that someone else)

Actually I think I'd rather watch Gomez vs Kickboxer

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Guest FrigidSoul

kind of sad that Street Fighter was Raul Julia(I believe that was Gomez's real name)'s last film before his stroke that killed him.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Yeah, I've been in CT for a few days. New Year's Eve, me and my cousin decide to rent the myth, the legend, the classic...




We stopped at a video store named Tommy K's and under each copy of Gigli there was a note that said "At least it's better than Pearl Harbor".


YES! It was bad, but not the worst. I'm not even going to bad mouth it because I sort of expected it, but I knew I had to see it first.


By the way, half of the shit that you've posted shouldn't be considered "Worst Ever", Some people need to catch up on their movies.

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Guest El Satanico
My worst movie ever is still the 2001 Planet of The Apes remake... pure crap. Alot worst than Manos or Plan 9 because the filmakers actually thought it would be good.

Ed Wood considered himself a serious director and everything he did was an insane attempt at making good movies.


He wasn't setting out to make bad or cheesy movies. He truly believed he was making great movies. He may have been completely insane, but he took his movies serious.

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Guest MissMattitude
And on that note, hit The Sixth Sense (whose only redeeming factor was Bruce Willis being his usual awesome self, and the pretty good direction; the script was boring, predictable, and overly feel-good until the end).


Stir Of Echoes was so much better.


Jeepers Creepers was laughable, but Soul Survivors was the worst thing I have ever had the displeasure of watching.

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The Fear w/the cover of a wooden character that looks EXACTLY like Robin F'n Williams. First time I saw the cover, I thought it was actually him. This movie was awful, just plain awful.



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Island Of Death, people. Awful acting, awful dubbing, awful special effects, and it's all one big horrible plot to try to fit in as many original death scenes as possible (although I think death by watered limestone IS a cool death, everything else about the movie sucks, and it is one of the four movies I've had to stop watching because it was so bad)*.


Also, HALF of these movies have at least the "so cheesy it's fun" factor. A truly AWFUL movie is one you can't enjoy because there ARE no redeeming qualities.


With Ed Wood's films, you can at least sit back and go "well, at least he tried," and once you actually think about the movie, you realize just what a good PLOT the movie is. If not for Plan 9, there'd be no Toxic Avenger, so I can't rightfully say anything by Ed Wood is the WORST movie ever. Now, Bruno Mattei...THERE is a shitty director.

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Ok, here's the deal. People aren't going to sit through real bad movies and real bad movies are going to have the most easy access for people to find and watch. What gets termed as bad movies are those with a certain kitsch factor or a train wreck type of quality. Also if you look at the big picture, anything produced by a top Hollywood studio like Batman and Robin or Gigli is going to at least look good and have top notch technical aspects to it. You have to be a complete masochist like myself or CoreyLazarus or a few others around here to really have the mentality to sit through a real bad movie. So yeah, most of the stuff listed in this thread wouldn't even make my top fifty of what I consider to be truly bad films. Now if you want to talk about films that just plain suck, or were disappointments or I just plain hate, that is a bit different. Although, again, I'm telling you all Rajin' Cajun.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

To probably start an argument, for a movie that grossed over $300 Million, I thought Finding Nemo was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.


Not even five minutes inot the move im bored to death. Maybe it's because it's a kids movie, or the fact that outside the "graphics" the movie sucked donkey dick with a very pathetic plot, considering half the disney movies ever consist of "Character a goes in search for character b while meetings characters c, d, e and forming an alliance".



I think the only thing funny, or entertaining, was the Psycho theme playing on que with the picture of the evil little girl.

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