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USC Trojans

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Were's the Miami (OH) love? They only have one loss too, and it will be to an eventual top 10 team.

I think they are shunned b/c of the conference they're in. Which is kind of sad.....but then again if you are a really good team in a shitty conference(see USC) then it'd be easier for you to get victories.

So USC beat the Big Ten Champ easily because they were in a "shitty" conference? Que?


Pac-10 4-2 in bowl games.


Big XII 1-5 in bowl games.


Only match-up of Pac-10 and Big XII in the bowl season, Washington State beats Texas.


Now who is in the shitty conference again?

The Pac-10. USC played Pac-10 teams this season. They had a light SOS. OU played Big XII teams this season. They had a heavy SOS.

OU's opponents were tougher than USC's period. There is no denying that.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again.


This whole thing is a case of Human judgment vs. computer language.


The computer doesn't look at margin of victory anymore...so laying a 77 point win on A&M is no better than beating them by 1.


People (me, writers and coaches) saw USC and LSU as the top 2 teams. the knock on USC was from the computer saying they never beat anyone that good.


That's why I said before yesterday if USC beat Michigan (thus proving that they were as good a team as the human polls saw they were) the computer's stupid language would be wrong.


It'll get worse if LSU wins. Much worse. The computer language will spout out LSU and USC as the top 2...which is what the human polls said almost a MONTH ago.

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So Dama, what do you say to this?



I say so what? That's your opinion. Since that seems to be all we're going off of now.

"Well in my opinion USC and LSU are better. Despite the fact that I have no proof from the season aside from one game that OU lost."


And you're riding the rail on flamebaiting again. You were already warned about that.


And if the computer took margin of victory into account then OU would be skyrocketed to #1 and be untouchable by everyone else.

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"Well in my opinion USC and LSU are better. Despite the fact that I have no proof from the season aside from one game that OU lost"


THE "PROOF" is in watching the games this year. Computers don't watch games. People do. People say USC #1, LSU #2.


I didn't care who won on Sunday...since they're playing for a tie anyway...but now I hope LSU wins.


You want proof?


If LSU beats Oklahoma you'll have all the proof you can handle. Pac 10 beating Big 12 in the bowls...USC handling a top team...LSU beating Oklahoma who the "humans" said didn't belong in the game.


The best the computer can hope for is a draw.


Some system. A system that is only crowning their champion by forcing the coach's into settling with the #1 slot against their own preference.


Boomer Sooner!

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Were's the Miami (OH) love? They only have one loss too, and it will be to an eventual top 10 team.

I think they are shunned b/c of the conference they're in. Which is kind of sad.....but then again if you are a really good team in a shitty conference(see USC) then it'd be easier for you to get victories.

So USC beat the Big Ten Champ easily because they were in a "shitty" conference? Que?


Pac-10 4-2 in bowl games.


Big XII 1-5 in bowl games.


Only match-up of Pac-10 and Big XII in the bowl season, Washington State beats Texas.


Now who is in the shitty conference again?

The Pac-10. USC played Pac-10 teams this season. They had a light SOS. OU played Big XII teams this season. They had a heavy SOS.

OU's opponents were tougher than USC's period. There is no denying that.

And there is no denying you completely ignored my point after your ignorant statement that the Pac-10 is a shitty conference. Face facts, the Big XII has been beaten down this bowl season.

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"Well in my opinion USC and LSU are better. Despite the fact that I have no proof from the season aside from one game that OU lost"


THE "PROOF" is in watching the games this year. Computers don't watch games. People do. People say USC #1, LSU #2.


I didn't care who won on Sunday...since they're playing for a tie anyway...but now I hope LSU wins.


You want proof?


If LSU beats Oklahoma you'll have all the proof you can handle. Pac 10 beating Big 12 in the bowls...USC handling a top team...LSU beating Oklahoma who the "humans" said didn't belong in the game.


The best the computer can hope for is a draw.


Some system. A system that is only crowning their champion by forcing the coach's into settling with the #1 slot against their own preference.


Boomer Sooner!

You still haven't provided one shred of proof from the season that proves that those teams are better than OU. People did watch the games this season. They had OU at #1 from the preseason polls all the way to the Big XII title game. How ONE game can negate all of that is beyond me.

But all you have is that one game. You can't come up with any other reason why OU is worse than USC. Please...I'm still waiting for that reason.

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Were's the Miami (OH) love? They only have one loss too, and it will be to an eventual top 10 team.

I think they are shunned b/c of the conference they're in. Which is kind of sad.....but then again if you are a really good team in a shitty conference(see USC) then it'd be easier for you to get victories.

So USC beat the Big Ten Champ easily because they were in a "shitty" conference? Que?


Pac-10 4-2 in bowl games.


Big XII 1-5 in bowl games.


Only match-up of Pac-10 and Big XII in the bowl season, Washington State beats Texas.


Now who is in the shitty conference again?

The Pac-10. USC played Pac-10 teams this season. They had a light SOS. OU played Big XII teams this season. They had a heavy SOS.

OU's opponents were tougher than USC's period. There is no denying that.

And there is no denying you completely ignored my point after your ignorant statement that the Pac-10 is a shitty conference. Face facts, the Big XII has been beaten down this bowl season.

Yes the Big XII has been beaten down.

But the Pac-10 is still overall an easier conference to play in. I'm sure if OU and LSU played in it they could've posted even more impressive numbers.

But that's beside the point now. Nobody has come up with a shred of proof or a good reason aside from that one game why USC and LSU were better than OU this season.

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B-) GREAT post, BPS.

That's all you have? You still haven't given that reason either. Why? Because you have no reason why USC and LSU are better than OU except for that one game. I'm still waiting for it from all of you.

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THEY GOT WHIPPED and the people think USC is #1 INCLUDING the coaches.


And thats the beauty of colleg football.


It can happen in One, 1, Numero Uno, This many> 1 , game.

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And if the computer took margin of victory into account then OU would be skyrocketed to #1 and be untouchable by everyone else.

Yeah. They were wise to take it out. It shouldn't matter if you grind out close games like Ohio St. does or if you blow out opponents like OU. You just win the game. The human polls already give margin of victory the slight consideration it should have, so they were wise to make it inconsequential in the computers.


Though I still don't really understand *why* the computers are there, since they seem to be redundant on several levels to things like the SOS component (which is still mucked up anyway, since it's just a win-loss scale and isn't nuanced enough to work out a formula based on national standing. 8-4 Tulsa =/= 8-4 Clemson or 8-4 Florida.


I too was impressed with USC's ultimate win. I'll definitely be watching the Sugar Bowl Sunday night, but either OU or LSU will have to play absolutely incredible football for me to personally look at them as more impressive than the Trojans.

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What pisses me off is these OU fans who somehow think they "did enough" during the season that the last game didn't matter.




I'm not going to swoon because OU beat Texas. Hell...a lesser Pac-10 team beat Texas.

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USC lost in TRIPLE OT to a team that won a bowl game.


How'd the team that whipped OU do?


There was talk that OU was one of the greatest teams ever. Yes they aren't because of that game. But that still isn't a good enough reason why USC and LSU are better. Why? Because if you have watched the Sooners play AT ALL this year you would realize that that game was a FLUKE. It may have been 4 TD's but it was a fluke because OU didn't play like OU. If they did play like OU they would've blown KSU out. If you looked at the season you would realize that.

What is it with you people and your inability to look at the entire season? Throw your bias against OU aside for one fucking second. Is it that hard?

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If getting killed, 35-7, isn't reason one team is better than the other then something is wrong.

If having the most impressive season ever and playing better football than USC and LSU isn't a reason then something is wrong.

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Fact is that's all you guys have. "They lost to K-State." and like I've said. That's weak. Because OU's season proves that the game was an aberration. And if it'd happened at any other time OU would've stomped them into the field. You don't go from being one of the best teams ever to losing 35-7 because the 15th ranked team is better. That doesn't happen. It was a fluke. That's all there is to it.

Now come on...where's that proof from the season. Look at the big picture. You're afraid to look at the big picture b/c you know you'll be wrong. You'll see that OU played better than USC and LSU.

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Reason appears to be a foreign concept to you guys........and so does logic.......because if you think about this reasonably and logically you will see my point. But you can't seem to. All you can think is "I hate OU. I was waiting for them to slip up and they did. Now they're the worst team in history." Sorry it doesn't work that way. Based on the season they're the best team in college football. The numbers and the actual games played back me up. You can continue to talk to me but I know I'm right.

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And they lost by double digits. So if you want to make a case that OU > LSU its far easier than the one that says USC isn't #1

Hmm.........there is still no basis aside from that one game as to why USC is better than OU.

The who's better between LSU and OU will be decided this weekend.

But still. There's no logical reason why USC is better than OU if you look at the entire season.

Please. Put that game aside. Look at the season and tell me why USC was better.

And if you say "THEY LOST BY 28 POINTS!" then you are still dancing around the issue and basically admitting that you're wrong because you have no proof.

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