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Frankie Williams

Just and observation

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I havent been here in a long time so forgive me if this has been discussed before.


Ive noticed a few thing that have been similar in the grooming of both the Rock and Randy Orton.


When both started out, they were pushed as third generation superstars (Orton not as hard as Rocky but still the point was made).


After the fans not taking to them, they both turned into cocky heels and joined factions, Rock with the NOD and Orton with Evolution.


Both of their first major title reigns were IC reigns.


Now I know that is only 3 points, but you can deny the similarities of the two.


I know that Orton is not Rock, and Im not saying that I am a fan of his because I'm not, but dont forget, when Rocky first started, we had no clue what he would turn out to be.

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Yes, they're trying to catch lightning in a bottle with Orton. Of course, the Rock happened by accident. Meanwhile they're trying to force it with Orton, and not doing a good job, with the fans still not taking to Orton like they did the Rock.

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Guest Anglesault

Rock also joined the Nation and got over.


You can hear the popcorn vendor when Randy comes out.

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Guest JRE
Rock also joined the Nation and got over.


You can hear the popcorn vendor when Randy comes out.

Succccch bullshit- give it a rest.

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Guest Anglesault
Rock also joined the Nation and got over.


You can hear the popcorn vendor when Randy comes out.

Succccch bullshit- give it a rest.

Bullshit that Rock got over or that Randy didn't?

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Okay, I know I usually defend Orton, but Sault has a point.


Orton is as over as the ring post.

JR and King are not doing their jobs as announcers to put him over.

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After the fans not taking to them, they both turned into cocky heels and joined factions, Rock with the NOD and Orton with Evolution.


Well, Rocky was actually over and doing pretty well as a face for a couple of months before the fans turned on him. Orton had to get in a stable to try to get over.

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And those those three points, all similarities end. I don't hate Orton, but I am not about to say that he's over, that he's a consistantly great worker, or any of that. To compare Orton to Rocky, you need to just end it with those three points.


From the moment that Rocky debuted, he was over one way or another, not to mention that his matches were almost always solid bouts.

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The Austin feud in 97 helped Rock as well since Austin was the hottest thing going at the time and anyone could get huge heat by facing him.

It helped, but Rocky was going to be huge regardless. There isn't anyone in WWE right now who has the power to help Randy Orton like that though, not a single person.


Do you agree with that?

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JR and King are not doing their jobs as announcers to put him over.

Who let Vince in here???


JR and King are always verbally blowing The Heatless Wonder, they can't do much more(other than going to him on camera and fellating him, with a reach around).

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After the fans not taking to them, they both turned into cocky heels and joined factions, Rock with the NOD and Orton with Evolution.


Well, Rocky was actually over and doing pretty well as a face for a couple of months before the fans turned on him. Orton had to get in a stable to try to get over.

and STILL isn't over.



I keep expecting Evilution to kick him out, as the weak link soon. That's about the ONLY way to change things, otherwise ship his ass to OVW.

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The Austin feud in 97 helped Rock as well since Austin was the hottest thing going at the time and anyone could get huge heat by facing him.

It helped, but Rocky was going to be huge regardless. There isn't anyone in WWE right now who has the power to help Randy Orton like that though, not a single person.


Do you agree with that?

I would say Goldust as he could make any midcarder look good but he is no longer with the company. So far WWE has tried a battle of mic skills against Austin but the 3rd generation star was not ready and looked inferior. Then it was Foley's turn to get pushed down stairs. Weeks later it was HBK's turn to job to Orton on tv. Eventually it became RVD's turn to lose the IC belt and some tv matches against Orton. Well none of this worked so what did WWE do? Well they tried to promote Orton as elite up and comer Horseman on weekend shows and magazines but nobody is buying it. Then they started to get the video production genuises to make political mudslinging commercials for the next next big thing. Even though it helped Orton's image to get a cheap pop, it could not hide his weak in-ring skills. So what do they do? They go back to old faithful Mick Foley who is one of a very few men who would and could put anybody over. Will it work? I doubt it since Randy Orton does not have the skills to be as big as all of his supporters want him to be.

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JR and King are not doing their jobs as announcers to put him over.

Who let Vince in here???


JR and King are always verbally blowing The Heatless Wonder, they can't do much more(other than going to him on camera and fellating him, with a reach around).

Whenever I speak about Randy Orton, most of the time I am being sarcastic. And yes JR and King are still bad announcers.

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Guest Anglesault

JR and King are not doing their jobs as announcers to put him over.

Who let Vince in here???


JR and King are always verbally blowing The Heatless Wonder, they can't do much more(other than going to him on camera and fellating him, with a reach around).

I think it's a joke.


JR basically says "please care please care please care please care" subliminally when the Suckster shows up.

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Guest Deebo

Some of you have to admit that Orton's heat has been growing a bit the past few weeks.

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After all that's happened so far with Randy Orton, he should be over like hell, I'm talking insanely over.


I don't give a piss if he comes out to a small reaction here and there. He should be consistantly over, there should be no doubt to any of us that he's over at all, it should't be up for discussion. The fact that we do discuss if he is over or not, says everything in the world. How he's been pushed, it should be a no-contest when it comes to talking about if he's over or not.

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Guest Anglesault
Some of you have to admit that Orton's heat has been growing a bit the past few weeks.

Actually, they just started playing his music louder.

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Guest Disbadger

Chavo Guerrero Jr. has been heel for like 3 weeks and he gets more heat than Orton.


Hell, Chavo Guerrero Sr. debuted 2 weeks ago and he gets more heat. Maybe Orton should get one of those hats Chavo Sr. was wearing....

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Guest Besus

I'm watching Velocity now and Ultimo Dragon & Funaki are getting more heat than Randy Orton.


They're faces ofcourse they gona get heat on a b show against some barely over heels.


The air outside has more heat than Randy Orton.


(I live in NY...)


Someone must be having a cookout.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. has been heel for like 3 weeks and he gets more heat than Orton.


When did he get heat?

Hell, Chavo Guerrero Sr. debuted 2 weeks ago and he gets more heat. Maybe Orton should get one of those hats Chavo Sr. was wearing....


Chavo doesn't get any heat,stop kidding yourself.

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Guest Disbadger

Uh, you're the one doing all the self-kidding.


Both Chavos got lots of heat in the tag match on the last Smackdown. Plus they are both proven ratings draws. Which is much more than can be said for Orton.


and just so you can't play the "You're kidding yourself" card you seem so fond of, here.

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Guest Besus

Uh, you're the one doing all the self-kidding.


Both Chavos got lots of heat in the tag match on the last Smackdown. Plus they are both proven ratings draws. Which is much more than can be said for Orton.


and just so you can't play the "You're kidding yourself" card you seem so fond here.


Damn I misread your previous post.I thought you talking about only Sr. but anyways yeah Jr. gets heat but I haven't heard any response for Sr.When he got tagged in last thursday I heard nothing but Tazz,Cole and Eddie chants.


Sr. haven't got any heat.


I don't care who draws.Some wwe fans always bragging about a certain wrestler being a draw like if this person is drawing, they're gona get a check in the mail.

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Guest Quik

Orton still has a long way to go, but ever since the match with RVD, he's been growing on me. It wasn't perfect, and it did have some flaws, but they still put on a decent match. However, this is all dependent on whether or not the shit Orton wrote on his site was true. If he accidently busted himself open, he's an idiot. If he bladed, then that was good booking because he looked like a badass.

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