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Try outs for the Sooners! WHOO!

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I think if he's serious about this, we shouldn't see the typical 50 posts a day from him. If we do, this is all bullshit. In fact, if the tryout is on Friday, he should barely even be on here between now and then...all time should be spent completely whipping your ass into shape.


Good luck, man.

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I think if he's serious about this, we shouldn't see the typical 50 posts a day from him. If we do, this is all bullshit. In fact, if the tryout is on Friday, he should barely even be on here between now and then...all time should be spent completely whipping your ass into shape.


Good luck, man.

Well I'm sitting at school right now, I'm in between classes. As a matter of fact you probably still will see the 50 posts per day from me b/c I have a lot of downtime in between classes(an hour or so in the morning) and free time before I go to bed. But I won't be on for the bulk of the day.

And I'm not whipping my ass into shape before it b/c I was instructed not to workout before the try out because they said they want me to be fresh and not sore from a hard workout.

And he didn't tell me when the try out was. He said Thursday or Friday. I was supposed to do it today at 3 but I had a test at that time and the coach told me he'd find a different time b/c he's got another guy in the same situation as me. He said Thursday or Friday...hell it may even be next week. But I'm not working out until he tells me. What if I go work out like a demon tonight and wake up sore as hell tomorrow and he's like "Hey today good? See you at 3!"

So I'm going to wait until Coach Johnson sets a definite date before I hit that gym again. I'm hoping he'll say something like "Well it looks like the only time to do it is next Saturday....." because my ass will be gone to the gym.

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YES! I called Coach Johnson tonight and he told me not to worry about this week. He said he had 2 other guys in the same boat as me and we all are going to do it next week! Yes another week to train!

I'm going to be in that gym like a madman Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If he lets me know beforehand that it'll be on Thursday next week then I'll go on Monday and Tuesday as well. But if he calls me Monday and springs it on me for Tuesday then I'll have to avoid the gym on Monday so as to not be sore on the try out day.

Alright......an extra week to get my 40 down and to work on endurance...and I'm sure I can improve my bench by at least 10 pounds in a week. I've changed my max from 150 to 210 in 2 months before.

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Guest Just Looking

You should seriously learn how to long snap- good long snappers with size are hard to come by, and they're really valuable.

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I was told that today.

I was working on my 40 today..........did it 3 times......5 flat........5 flat.......4.9!!!! WHOOOOO!

This one guy was watching me and said "Damn big boy....you're fast."

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You should seriously learn how to long snap- good long snappers with size are hard to come by, and they're really valuable.

Hell yeah good point. It got me in the door as a freshman in high school and made me the backup in college as a freshman. Still do it in semi-pro ball, even though I only practice about once every 7 months :P. Shoot, the Texans even drafted a guy out of Texas A&M (Chance Pearce) who did nothing in college BUT deep snap. Guys who can do specialized jobs well are in high demand.

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Well I talked to Coach Johnson today.....it looks like Thursday is my day. I'm about as physically ready as I'm going to be in this time......so hopefully my heart and enough of my physical attributes will impress them....because I personally am not where I want to be physically.....but I will be by the time the season starts.

And if I dont' make it....I'll be back next year. I know within a year I can weigh 300 pounds and bench about that much. It's just that I'll only have 2 years of eligibility left as opposed to 3.

Oh well..........I know I won't be nervous during my first game...I'll be to psyched to play......but against Texas, which will be OU's first big game I'll probably be nervous as hell.

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Just take it one thing at a time and don't get too far ahead of yourself *cough*Playing against Texas*cough*

Yeah, no shit, Damaramu. I think you may be a little ahead of yourself here.


Not to rain on your parade, but just being a big guy doesn't guarantee you anything. Most teams will let most anyone with any sort of potential (i.e. size) have a tryout; they'd be stupid not to. But getting a tryout and actually getting a spot on the team are two entirely different things. I mean, come on dude, this is OU - one of the top three programs in the country. You think they got there by putting a bunch of guys right off the street in uniform? No.


Having a 4.9 40 time is all well and good, but honestly, how many times does an OL need to run that fast? You should be more concerned with improving your agility and your lateral movement.


Oh, and making the scout team isn't any big deal. All that means is that you'll be getting the shit beat out of you by the "real" team. You don't even get your picture taken with the team at the beginning of the year.


Not to say you have no shot; I've obviously never met you or seen you on the field...but I don't think I'd be getting my hopes too high. You don't hear too many stories of walk-ons at places like OU. And most of the ones that are "walk-ons" really aren't - they're guys who are good enough to play there, were actively recruited by the coaching staff but didn't get a scholarship (often because the school simply didn't have any more to give), so they agreed to become a "walk-on" and "make" the team that way, even though their spot was all but guaranteed.


Good luck, regardless.

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Oh I'm just trying to have a positive outlook. I spent the last week in the gym going the whole time "I'm never going to be able to do this." and then I thought "Man I need to be more confident about this." and I figured if I go into the tryout like a man that's determined not to fail I could have a shot.

Oh and an OL has to run fast sometimes. You know when I have to run in front of the RB and clear him a path. Or if I'm on special teams I need to be able to get down that field fast enough. Or run fast enough to protect the kick returner.

And I just want to play. The scout team may not go down in the record books as part of the team but I'm still putting on the uniform and running plays. Yes I'm not playing a real game or am I getting any glory...but I'm still lining up and doing plays which is all I really want to do. Plus I've always found anything involving tons of physical contact very fun. So being on the scout team and getting the shit kicked out of me is going to be fun for me.

Not to mention that Coach Johnson told me that "very few if any spend their entire careers here on the scout team" basically saying "If you make the scout team you may be able to move up one day."

So overall.....if I'm just on the scout team I'll be estatic.

But it's tomorrow......and if I don't make it tomorrow then I'll be back next year and the year after.

Oh and scout team members get 2 free tickets on the 50 yd line to ever game. That's a big plus to being on the scout team as well! I get to go to the games and I still get to suit up and play at practice.

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Good luck Damararu! Hopefully, you land an actual team position so we can chant "DA-MA-RA-RU"!


...ok, I will probably be the only one. Still, good luck!

Yeah well check out the recruiting class. My low chances took an even bigger dive if they don't redshirt all those kids.

I'm trying to remain optimistic......hell hopefully I get a shot on the scout team at least. That'd be fun for me.

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I'm fast approaching zero hour.....I'm so nervous I think I'm going to puke about 30 times before I actually make it to the field...but I can't let the coach know this........I must appear that I am confident and have the attitude that I *know* I'm already on the team. They'll like confidence...but not arrogance...gotta keep it on the border.

When I get out of school at 11:45 I'm going to grab some lunch then stretch.....and stretch some more.......whew.....this is gut wrenching.

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I really hope things work out for you Damaramu.



Yeah me to.

It would be embarassing to not make it because everyone is looking for me to. But you know if I don't at least I tried and at least I got that far. Most people don't even make it to a tryout...they're told "You aren't what we're looking for" before they even get the shot. So I'm happy about this at least.

And hey if I don't make it this year I can always go back next year. And by next year I'll be benching 280 and weigh around 320 lbs.

Well guys thanks for the support.

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After watching American Idol and all the people's friends going

"Oh hell know! She can to sing!"

I should have a friend come with me and if I am told no at tryouts he can run in and go "Oh hell no! He can to play! This team just lost a lot of ratings! Uh-huh!" *snaps fingers*

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Well I'm about to leave. In about 5 hours you're either going to have a reaction of:






B) Dammit......I'm going to go curl up and die now.

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So I got their and we were in the indoor training facility. The 2nd team was practicing and looking at me and the 3 others like "Walk-on scum!" It was cool seeing Paul Thompson throwing bullets to the endzone though. Then I saw one of the guys practicing fair catches. He'd just kick it straight up then signal for one and catch the ball.

So I stretched out and did some warm-ups then Coach Schmidt and Coach Johnson showed up. They warmed us up with a jog to the 50 yard line then some high knee runs.

Then we had to go and run the 40. We were on that synthetic grass crap(you know it's spongy and has those black beads that are like dirt) and I think I did alright, I did like a 5.0. I was wearing basketball shoes and the Coach said afterwards "You did good but this stuff slows you down and you didn't have the proper shoes. I'll take that into account and I won't blame you." So at least he's understanding.

Then we had to do shuttle runs and I don't think I did to good but he didn't act like he was offended....nor did he act impressed.

Then I had to do vertical leap. It was just me and 3 other try-outs and one of them is a transfer from Navy. And that sucker jumped fucking high.

I was the tallest and had the highest reach so I had to jump up to hit the thing higher......but I have a 22 inch vertical leap.

Coach Johnson afterwards said "Well Coach I think a couple of these guys will be joining you on Monday morning at 8 am." So I didn't know if he meant "These guys are moving on" or "Some of these guys need to be in better shape so I'm going to send them to you so you can whip their asses."

So anyways then he said "I'll let the coaches look at these boys and I'll call you tomorrow."

Oh dammit.........I gotta wait some more.

But hey if I don't make it through I'll just ask them what I need to do before I come back next year.

Then I'll be back next year for more.

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Continuing is a good thing. But I think they're doing it step by step. Which means if I am asked to come in on Monday then I may still be told to go home after that.

But hey at least I've made it farther than most people. Most people don't even get a chance to tryout.

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Yeah...I'm happy that I tried out but I honestly don't think I made it. I'm trying to remain optimistic but I just feel that I botched the vertical jump.

I've already got what I'm going to say to the coach if he does tell me I can't move forward. I'll say "Remember what I look like and remember the shape I'm in because next season....you won't recognize me."

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Continued Success.


By the way did you get in Jason White's face, and say "there's a hospital bed with your name on it...if you get in my way"

No he wasn't their. I think it was just whoever felt like practicing since official practice isn't until March 24th.

I'm still waiting on the phone call.

I will definetly be their next year and I KNOW I will be in the best shape of my life next year.

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