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Fun Pictures of the Debate

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Kerry - "You're gonna lose Elf boy."





"I have a chance... really I do, the "True Believers" told me so."




(Lieberman's thoughts) - "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!"




No caption needed.



Edit: If a mod could add an "e" to Debat at the title that would be appreciated.

Edited by Sass

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Guest JMA

Bah. I think Coulter has proven herself to be an extremist many, MANY times.


Why should anyone take her seriously?

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Bah. I think Coulter has proven herself to be an extremist many, MANY times.


Why should anyone take her seriously?

Because this column of hers contains, well, facts?

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Guest JMA
Bah. I think Coulter has proven herself to be an extremist many, MANY times.


Why should anyone take her seriously?

Because this column of hers contains, well, facts?

Must be a first...

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That's because it's pretty hard to argue with name calling.


Kerry was indisputably brave in Vietnam, and it's kind of cute to see Democrats pretend to admire military service.


Uh, uhhh, I guess if you want to fall into the belief that all Democrats are in the camp of Dennis "Department Of Peace" Kucinich, then okay. But even then, you'd be a nut.


I got nothin' to say but :rolleyes:


Physical courage, like chastity, is something liberals usually deride, but are tickled when it accidentally manifests itself in one of their own. One has to stand in awe of Kerry's military service 33 years ago. Of course, that's where it ends, including with Kerry


And Bush did so much more, protecting Crawford from the invading force of the Vietnamese!


In other words, :rolleyes:


But if Bush can't talk to Kerry about the horrors of war, then Kerry sure as hell can't talk to anyone about the plight of the middle class.


This will be a real stumbling block for Kerry. Especially since Bush was born into a poor family.



Oh, wait! :rolleyes:


For over 30 years, Kerry's primary occupation has been stalking lonely heiresses. Not to get back to his combat experience, but Kerry sees a room full of wealthy widows as "a target-rich environment." This is a guy whose experience dealing with tax problems is based on spending his entire adult life being supported by rich women.


How does this woman not get sued for libel or defamation of character?


This one is the King Of :rolleyes:

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"Look, I'm the real moderate up here, not Joe Lieberman. I'm so moderate I still don't know which party I want to belong to. I haven't even figured out if I'm against killing babies as they're delivered. Is this my index finger or my pinkie? What am I whistling?"

"General, maybe Mr Rove didn't return your phone calls because he thinks you're a raving lunatic."

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Guest JMA
Tyler is disqualified.

Oh, come on! It's all in good fun :(

I guess we ought to let the "True Believer" play and Deanlighten us.

Deanlighten > Joementum

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"Stay short and looney, Dennis. You make me look tall and almost presidential."

"Hey, John, I was thinking. We should cancel the World Bank and the IMF along with NAFTA and the WTO and create a Department of Protectionism. Isn't that a great idea?"

"Super, Dennis."


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