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What kind of old person will you be?

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I'm only 22 and I've always wondered how I'll turn out when I'm old.


I don't know if I'll still watch wrestling, it's been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, but I'm not as into it as I use to be...hell, there may be no WWE by then.


I think I'll still listen to rock and roll...not to say I won't aquire new tastes...but I can't see myself just dropping that and listening just to classical.


I hope when I'm old I'll still think farts are funny...old people today grew up in a different time and I can see why things like that are filthy to them...I hope I'm not like that.

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I'm only 22

Hit the road gramps.



In all seriousness, I try not to think about growing old and stuff...hell, I'm not 17 till June and I'm already fretting about time going so quickly around me. Seriously...it's February already, and that scares me. Growing old scares me.


As long as I'm simliar to now when I'm old, and healthy, that suits me just fine.

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I'm 33 and still do the things I did when i was younger. Still watch wrestling, still listen to gangster rap, still play video games, still check out the hotties. When you get older you just try and hide it better.

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I'll be one of those cool old guys that all the kids ask to buy booze and cigarettes for them, and I'd do it, too...






...only to call the police and tell them of some kids boozing it up and making noise while I'm trying to sleep. Basically, I'd be the jaded ass of the neighborhood, sitting on my porch in my rocking chair while smoking a pipe and drinking tea, telling everybody else what's wrong with them when I hate my own life.


Yep. Just replace "pipe" with "cigarette," and that's how I am right now.

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Guest T®ITEC

Hopefully I won't be so old!, buuut...


I don't think I'll change that much. I wouldn't bitch about my neighbours, and I'd freely buy minors cigarettes and booze. I'll still listen to '80s music, 'cause I grew up with it. I'll probably still watch "Law & Order" on TV. Aaand I'll shoplift like a bastard when I'm really old. Think Nick Swardson's bit about old people shoplifting. That'll be me.


Oh, and if I'm not doing any of this in Canada, then my life was an even bigger waste than I had imagined.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I'll probably be institutionalized or dead by the time I'm in my 60s.

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I turn 30 next week ( :angry: ), though I haven't really given much thought to getting OLD. I've seen what happens when people get old, though, and I could never due the nursing home thing and be a burden to my loved ones. If it were getting to that point, I'd eat a bullet and die with some dignity.

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I turn 30 next week ( :angry: ),

Only got a year and a week left before I stop trusting you.


Oh, and my grandmother is in her 70's, has Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, and is in a shitty nursing home because it's all we can afford. Trust me, you don't want to go that route. So eating a bullet sounds pretty cool.

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Oh, and my grandmother is in her 70's, has Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, and is in a shitty nursing home because it's all we can afford. Trust me, you don't want to go that route. So eating a bullet sounds pretty cool.

I've seen two grandparents get put into nursing homes already. After seeing the people in those places, I'd much rather blow my own head off than spend the last few months or years of my life like that.

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Thanks to technology, we'll be able to more or less be able to listen and watch the same things we watch today.


Think about it. Now that TV Shows on DVD have become so popular, you can be 60 and pop in a clear version of Thundercats to watch with your grandkids if you want.


Go pick up your 50 year old mp3 player and listen to a song from any era you wish without any audio distortion.


...Imagine how you'll feel when Ice Ice Baby is an 80 year old song....that you can listen to at ANY TIME.


I'm not changing much at all.



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Guest JacK

Old? Ugh, maybe it's just the impetuesness of youth, but I do NOT want to be old . . . well, in four years I finish uni and thus have to work, but I don't see that happening. My lifelong ambition is to never work a day, and I'm gunna do it if it kills me!!! (Well, maybe not).


I dunno, I think I'll be an old person all the old people point and laugh at, and then I threaten them with my walking cane. . . come to think of it, it'll be just like now. Dag Namit.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I see all these people complaining about getting old, but are you really doing anything to dramatically shorten your lifespan so you don't have to deal with it? Come on, goddamit, if you want to die young, you've gotta do something about it.

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Guest JacK

Hmm . . . well, I drink myself stupid, and have a tendency to not walk away from fights with people; that'll reduce your lifespan, especially since I'm 18, and gunna go out to clubs and stuff. Bouncers in Australia are like worse than the gangs and stuff, at least you know gangs of people with weapons are gunna womp your ass, you don't think a bouncers gunna pick you up and deck you.

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I'd like to see 50, then drop dead.


When I go to Hospitals to visit relatives, I hate to see people struggling to do the simplest things, I never want to be in that state. So like Dr Tom suggested, I'd find a way to end my life, so I can go before I can't even open a can of coke without help.

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