Guest Your Olympic Hero Report post Posted February 9, 2004 I will be ordering this without a doubt. I want to see HHH vs. Benoit vs. Michaels, I want to see Brock beat Goldberg, and I want to see Angle vs. Eddy. It will be interesting to see how the Foley/Orton thing shapes up. Obviously, Orton will go over in some fashion. My guess is that he will be a bloody mess by the end of the match, either way. The undercard needs to start being hyped soon. Jericho vs. Christian will most likely happen. Maybe Edge's return? Show finally loses the US title? Return of the Deadman Undertaker? It all sounds like alot of fun to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spaceman Spiff 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2004 I was definitely looking forward to the possibilities of Brock/Benoit, but now that's been botched. Triple H/Shawn/Benoit will be a clique lovefest with Benoit playing second fiddle, Brock/Goldberg could be cool just to see Brock kick his ass (the F-5 at RR was sweet), Kane/Undertaker contains markout value for the marks, Cena probably cannot carry show to a good match but if booked well (and to each's strengths, it could be decent), Foley/Orton could be a surprise, but who knows. Eddy/Angle should be great, but as of now there's not much else that will entice me to plop down $50 (or whatever the price is) for the PPV. -Kane/Taker - I've got zero interest in this feud -Orton/Foley - no interest, even if Rock gets involved -Brock/Goldberg - I love Brock, but we all know who's winning. Brock is *SO* going to get a big face reaction for winning -Cena/Show - like both guys, but the match is going to be merely "OK" -Benoit/HHH/HBK - probably a very good match, but I can wait for the DVD -Cruiser elim. match - should be good -Eddy/Angle - should be great We'll see as the card shapes up, but right now I'm leaning towards DVD only. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Austin3164life 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2004 Well, I'll most likely head to the local bar or Hooter's, which is what I usually do for pay-per-views. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spaceman Spiff 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2004 Scramble-Vision, then the DVD is good enough for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Austin3164life 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2004 Which match is going to be the surprise match of the night? I'm thinking Eddy/Angle as potential MOTN (possibly year?). If Goldturd actually starts to sell Brock's offense, and let's Brock control the pace, that could be interesting to watch (especially Brock's face reactions compared to Goldberg's). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spaceman Spiff 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2004 Eddy/Angle should be MOTN. HHH/HBK/Benoit *should* also be very good, provided they don't get too cutesy with the finish trying to protect HHH or HBK. To pick a "surprise" MOTN (not the true MOTN, but a match that had low expectations but turned out good/great/entertaining), maybe Cena/Show. Won't be a technical masterpiece, but it could be a fun brawl. Or maybe the cruiser elim. match, provided they give it some decent time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted February 9, 2004 MOTN seems to be a no-brainer that it'll be Eddy/Angle because if that 10 minute run in the rumble showed anything, 25-30 minutes of that should be fucking incredible. If they DO go with the fucking ladde stipulation, then the three way will blow ass but if it's straight up Three way (Elimination would be better), It could EASILY hit ****(if Angle/Brock/TBS and Taker/Angle/Rock can hit that mark, Benoit/HHH/Shawn should have ZERO problems with it). *If they want a fucking ladder match so badly, Just take the title off Orton and put it on RVD and he can do it with Mattitude. Or better yet, Take Shawn out of the fucking World Title Match, Call the rock up and tell him, hey while you are in Hollywood, can you shoot a couple quickie promos on Shawn and then we can have the two of ya improv a likely **** match...or at least put FLAIR in with Orton instead of Batistia. Batista can play sid. The CW Elimination will likely be 6 minutes of botched spots and rapid fire elimination and about 7 minutes of Grounded CW action with Chavo and Rey. I wouldn't mind if they went Intra-Promotional with the tag titles...I really don't want to see WGTT/APA and Batistia/Flair Vs Dudleys I'd perfer WGTT/Dudleyz and give them 15 minutes and they could do a old school memphis tag match... are their any potential suprise matches? I actually agree that Brock/Berg could be good if 'berg puts forth the effort...Scott Steiner dragged Goldberg to a ***1/2 match in 1999, I'm sure Brock can pull that off. TBS/Cena will likely be along the lines of Shamrock/Rock WM14...where Cena Squashes the hell out of TBS really quick only this time no offbeat finish but will be fun at the same time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mosaicv2 Report post Posted February 9, 2004 wat date has been set for Wrestlemania XX anyways? March 29? reply please Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted February 9, 2004 14th. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mosaicv2 Report post Posted February 9, 2004 14th. thanx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Highland 0 Report post Posted February 10, 2004 Is anyone else concerned that there will be no way WM can live up to the hype it's going to get, no matter how well booked or how good the matches are? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silence 0 Report post Posted February 10, 2004 Is anyone else concerned that there will be no way WM can live up to the hype it's going to get, no matter how well booked or how good the matches are? This is WWE, they can fuck up whatever they want to with their reputation, even the matches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cbacon 0 Report post Posted February 10, 2004 I'm really hyped for the show. Peharps more than any other PPV. All of the matches are building up nicely, and the notion of Benoit leaving the ring as champion are something i thought i'd never see. I'll be at the show, but i'll be sure to order/tape the encore on Tuesday when i get home. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted February 12, 2004 World Heavyweight Title Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit WWE Championship Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle US Title Big Show vs. John Cena Kane vs. Undertaker Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg The Rock and Sock Connection vs. Randy Orton and either Ric Flair and Batista Sable & Torrie Vs. Stacy and Miss Jackie The CW Battle Royale Chris Jericho Vs. Christian And hopefully a match for the WWE Tag Team Championship. The SD! titles were going well until someone got the idea to put them on the Bashams. Bashams > Scotty and Fatty Share this post Link to post Share on other sites