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Chuck Woolery

PROMO: "Friendly"

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He grins, in the background of every group picture. The smile is always there, gleaming white, but never in the foreground... always shifted to the back.


It is Mike Van Siclen, sitting in his hotel room, sifting through old pictures. Surely, he has several albums full at home, and the tidy lettering on the cover of this one reads "Stables". Van Siclen has been in more stables than he can remember, so occasionally, out comes the photo albums, a patient reminder of all of the stables...


The Monstars


GoldenEye, Assassin, Snow Demon... sitting in the background, blue hair, smiling as always. God, those were the days... breaking into the business, young, being taught everything. But eventually he broke away, turned to the next page...




GoldenEye, Big Danny, Snow Demon... sitting in the background, the blue hair now black, but the same smile, frozen into the background. Eventually, this stable would break up too, another page turned...


End of Days


Shadow, Trash, Triple E, and Avalanche... and Snow Demon, the outcast, the outcast who eventually was so angered with the stable that he sliced his initials into Avalanche's forehead... and became more well known as Jeremy Miller.


The book is closed, abruptly. There haven't been any stables in the cards since that vicious turn. Nobody could be trusted anymore... people? People use other people to get ahead.


Van Siclen stares out the window, seeing a couple, walking along, laughing and holding hands. They are a pair of people who can rely upon one another... a pair of people who might actually like one another.


Why don't I have anything like that?


It's the voice, again. The inner part of one's being that urges to find someone, maybe even a group of people, to latch onto. The portion of one's selfconscious that is begging to be loved by everyone. The piece of one's life that he must turn his back on, in order to get ahead in the world.


But every so often it speaks up again, a voice, desperate to be heard. Van Siclen can never quite be sure when it will emerge again, but he does his best to ignore it. He did it at the beginning of the year... told himself that he had nobody to rely on but himself, and made his promises based on that. But now, having completed only two of three, and the fourth one seemingly out of reach... he must reevaluate his priorities.


In the next room, the Unnamed chatter and drink. The voices of Royal and Maddix, Va'aiga and Duran, loud enough for Van Siclen to hear through the cracker-thin walls. He, the loner, them, surrounded by people. Maybe, just maybe, he wants to be like that. Wouldn't it be nice, to have people to rely on?


Then, though... Charlie Matthews, kicked out of the Unnamed, simply for being good. Why open yourself up to that kind of backstabbing, especially from people you think you trust?


But at the same time... wouldn't it be nice, just to be able to trust someone?


The only question is... who?

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Being new as I am I don't know much about MVS's history - but i'm intrigued.

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