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CZW 5th Anniversary results

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Very early results as so far all I know is that someone won a 4-Way match, and B-Boy turned face and joined John Zandig, don't know about any other matches yet. I'll update this thread as soon as I get them. LucharesuFan is in the same chat with me, and it isn't looking too good as far as results go, and the attendance sounds like it may be suffering from the BSB stuff.

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Bounty Hunter (a new guy) won four way over Dahmer, DJ Hyde, and I forget


B-Boy turns face and aligns with Zandig; Hi-V breaks up, apparently; full segment goes like Zandig ordering Hi-V out to the ring, and Dewey Donovan, B-Boy, Adam Flash, and some lawyer dude come out. Zandig says that hes had enough of Hi-V's shit and is gonna give them a chance to come over to his side of the ring and leave Hi-V. B-Boy and the lawyer apparently take his offer and side with Zandig, but Flash stays loyal to Hi-V. Zandig says, "FUCK FLASH!" and we're not sure what happened after that, but apparently B-Boy is now a face.


The following matches may not be in the right order, but the results are right:


DRS won three way tag team match over Corey Kastle & Niles Young and All Money Is Legal; Kash of AMIL apparently was injured


Rebel's Army go to a No Decision with Nick Berk & Z-Barr; Rebel's Army retain their tag titles


Jimmy Rave retains the Iron Man title over Jimmy Jacobs (w/ Becky "I want to Have sex with her and stick my $^*@! into her @$^%&* really hard" Bayless) and the debuting Joey Ryan


Sonjay is defending his title vs. Grim Reefer right now


Also, the following awards were given out for 2003:


Wrestler of the Year: Messiah (Whose apparently not at the show tonight)

Tag Team: Backseat Boyz (they didn't come out to get the award, apparently)

Breakout/Newcomer of the year: Jimmy Rave

Finisher of the Year: Joker Driver~!

Feud of the Year: Hi-V vs. Zandig

Face of the Year: Zandig


Lobo was the first and so far only inductee to the CZW hall of fame.



Attendance is no more than 300, estimated to be more like 250. Fans at the show apparently said some of their friends didn't come out of anger about the Backseat Boyz having left the company, so out of protest I guess there's not many fans there...


Messiah apparently isn't at the show and Zandig apparently even said that hes out of CZW. We're not sure if that's true or not, but that's what one person is saying they were told by someone at the show.






I've left the chat cuz I'm bored...so if anyone else wants to take over....that's fine, but I'm not gonna be posting any more results because I don't know them.

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Messiah gone too?


So...Mondo, Messiah, and the Boyz, all within a few months of each other are not in CZW for one reason or another?


At least I'll always have my tapes, because things are definitely becoming of teh suck in CZDub land. Fucking Zandig.

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Pretty much what LucharesuFan posted, but hopefully I'll add more results to this list when I get them.


-Scotty Matthews defeated Bounty Hunter, D.J. Hyde, and Jon Dahmer

-Lobo is inducted in CZW Hall of Fame

-Dirty Rotten Scoundrelz defeated All Money Is Legal and Cory Kastle and Niles Young

-Rebel's Army and Nick Berk and Z-Barr went to a no contest

-Jimmy Rave defeated Jimmy Jacobs and Joey Ryan

-Nick Mondo returned and inducted into Hall of Fame, they showed some sort of tribute video for him!

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Save for Chris Cash, B-Boy, Sonjay (who I can see in MLW and TNA) and Jimmy Rave (who I can see in Wildside or ROH), I don't think there's anyone left that I truly like.

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I'm gonna get a ton of heat when it likely turns out that Messiah's still with the company, so PLEASE everyone understand, that's just what one person was saying in the chat. Everything was so confusing, for all we know someone could've been bullshitting everything. I seriously don't think Messiah left, and I think rather it was instead a storyline, that he left or something...I don't see any reason why he would leave CZW, because he's so tight with everyone in their locker room in real life. But like I said, don't blame me if it turns out he's still with the co. His leaving is just what one dude said.


EDIT: Yeah, JustJoe is right. Scotty won the four-way. I remember now. I don't know why I listed Bounty Hunter as winning. Yeah, like JustJoe said, Scotty won the four-way. Sorry about that.

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-Sonjay Dutt defeated Grim Reefer to retain the Light Heavyweight title.

-I guess Nick Mondo wasn't inducted into the Hall of Fame, instead he was awarded the Bump of the Year award, bullshit if you ask me.

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Ok, Nick Mondo got inducted into the Hall of Fame after getting the Bump of the Year award. Hopefully, some better results will start coming in so I won't have to constantly correct myself.

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It's nearly midnight here on the east coast, and CZW hasn't even gotten to H8 Club vs. Homicide and Mafia, the Fans Brings the Weapons match, or B-Boy vs. Excalibur if that is even still going to happen.

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D.J. Hyde defeated John Zandig to win the CZW Heavyweight title. Don't know if I would put a whole lot of faith in that, but you never know.

That was a joke. It didn't happen.


But it's still funny just to think about the possibility.

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From the CZWFans board...


Scotty Matthews d Jon Dahmer, DJ Hyde and Bounty Hunter in a four way


Lobo is the first inductee into the CZW Hall of Fame




Rebel's Army and Berk/Barr went to a no-contest


Jimmy Rave d Joey Ryan and Jimmy Jacobs in a 3 Way Dance


Sonjay d Grim Reefer to retain Light Heavyweight Title.


Zandig comes out and presents Bump of the Year award to Nick Mondo. Mondo comes out and gives a speech. Video for Mondo now playing. Mondo is also inducted into the CZW HoF


Mercedes Martinez d Sumie Sakai


B-Boy d Excalibur


Ruckus and Sabian d Chris Cash and Joker- Cash and Joker got into a fight after the match.


H8 Club d Maff/Homicide


New Jack d Necro Butcher and Mad Man Pondo in a 3-way FBTW Match


EDIT: Hi-V is split up. B-Boy is face, Flash stayed heel. IMO, the show doesn't sound half bad, but some regulars were missing. And why wouldn't Messiah be at the 5 year Ann. show? Some questions need to be answered.

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Guest macheteofodin

These are from CZWFans, as told by Derek Sabato

These are the results to the best of my memory.


Scotty Matthews defeated Dee Jay Hyde, Bounty Hunter & Jon Dahmer in a 4-way elimination match. Hyde eliminated Dahmer, Bounty Hunter eliminated Hyde, Scotty pinned Bounty Hunter.


John Zandig announced the awards (and I honestly don't remember them) and than announced Lobo as the 1st inductee to the CZW Hall of Fame. Zandig than gave the choice to the remaining H-IV members to join Zandig's side or be fucked in his words. Christisan and B-Boy joined while Flash & Dewey didn't.


DRS defeated CKNY w/Jude and All Money Is Legal in an elimination match. CKNY was eliminated 1st by AMIL (I think) and DRS got the win by eliminating AMIL.


Mercedes defeated Sumie Sukai (sp?). Rick Feinberg got involved afterwards and was stripped down to a bra & thong and than nailed with a chair from Mercedes.


Rebel's Army (Greg Matthews, Rockin' Rebel & Derek Frazier) lost by DQ to Z-Barr & Nick Berk when Rebel nailed Hartog with a chair. Danny Rose was attacked mid-match by Adam Flash with another chair to the head.


Jimmy Rave defeated Jimmy Jacobs and Joey Ryan in a legit 15 minute iron man match. Don't remember pinfall counts. Alex Shelley talked before hand about when he comes back he was coming after Jimmy Jacobs.


Sonjay Dutt retained the CZW Jr. Heavyweight Title by defeating Grim Reefer. Sonjay's belt was stolen during the beginning of the match when they were brawling in the aisle way.


John Zandig came out and told everyone he forgot that he didn't announce one award which was bump of the year. It went to him & Mondo. Suddenly Mondo's music hit and he came out and did a speech with the whole locker room at ringside. A special tribute to John Zandig then aired. After this was over, Robby Mireno came out and handed John Zandig a piece of paper and from what I was told it was a summonce. For what I have no idea.


Joker & Chris Cash lost to Ruckus & Sabian. Afterwards Joker turned on Cash and left him laying until Sonjay Dutt & Jimmy Jacobs ran out for the safe. Sonjay said he wanted his belt back and he'd do anything to get it. A 6-man was made for next month with Joker, Ruckus & Sabian against Chris Cash, Sonjay Dutt & Jimmy Jacobs.


Excalibur lost in his bid to advance to the 2nd round of the CZW Xtreme Strong Style Tournament when B-Boy hit him with a shining wizard (along with a chair) for the pinfall.


The H8 Club defeated Homicide & Dan Maff in unusual circumstances. Homicide had Nick Gage up and hit him with a side suplex that had both men's shoulders down. Brian Logan counted and Nick Gage got his shoulder up in time for The H8 Club to get the victory. The 4 looked like they were to shake hands when Homicide slapped Gage and the two men ran off with the H8 Club fuming in the ring.


John Zandig came out and said since his opponent missed his flight he was getting the night off. So he decided to bring back two old time CZW favorites since this is the 5th year anniversary show he brought back Necro Butcher & Madman Pondo. Pondo though came out with Dewey Donovan. In one of the sickest bumps ever Pondo tossed Butcher off the top turnbuckle to the floor. Directly to the floor. A lot of weapons were used. Pondo nailed Butcher in the face with a room fan shattering it... as New Jack's bullet went off and he attacked. Pondo ended up getting DDTed onto a bunch of forks by Necro and pinned. They ended up double teaming Necro when New Jack went on top of the stage and did a dive of the stage onto Necro through a table for the victory. Pondo ended up back in the ring with his new manager Dewey Donovan and preceded to attack him with his own crutch and than cut off his ponytail.


The Messiah did not attend the show due to a death in the family.


Any other questions before I go to bed in 25 minutes post them in this thread.


Note that I think he screwed up about the tribute, it was about Mondo...not Zandig. I mean what sense would it make to have it the other way? hahaha.


Call me a "blind mark" but I honestly think it looks very good on paper. The first couple matches (as is the case with basically every CZW show) seem very iffy, but the rest seems like it could be entertaining to great. I haven't seen enough of DRS or AMIL to judge, but people seem to love them...so that actually could have been good (even with CKNY). Besides the obvious, I don't know what the hell people (that haven't seen the show mind you) are bitching about, as on paper this looks excellent. They must be all over ROH's nuts and don't realize this is a CZW show. Two completely different products, that should not be compared.


The fact that the BSB are no longer in CZW does suck, but there are so many other people in CZW that I like watching other than them. They apparently left on a good note, so any "protesting" by fans is fucking retarded. They were probably just rats anyways...haha.

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