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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

The Darkness

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
If anyone ever compares the Darkness to Led Zeppelin, I shall beat them senseless. All 3 of the musicians in Zeppelin were one of the best at their respective instrument. The Darkness is totally fueled by a joke of a leader singer who prances around like Freddie Mercury. I can't see how anyone takes these guys seriously. And all of their videos, and even just the bands act, reeks of Spinal Tap. Its a joke. No one sees that video and takes them seriously. They laugh, or in my case, shake their head at the weak attempt of humour. Led Zeppelin didn't have to work a gimmick to make their music appeal to the masses.



I can not agree that Jimmy Page is consider a great guitarist, not too mention a good guitarist either, but thats not debatable at this moment.


You can tell that The Darkness is sounding a lot like Led Zeppelin and Queen instead of Spinal Tap. How both bands riffs are structured in the songs, the solo's, the lyrics, the timing, it sounds a lot like Zeppelin.


Okay so Justin voice isn't appealing to many fans, and just because it sounds like you didn't like when high pitch singing was at its peak in the 80's doesn't mean it sounds bad.


Cheesy Videos? Obviously, but look what else is out there. Britney Spears, Toxic, thats pure cheese right there. Its just the Darkness is making something that its not cool, reminding everybody this was it back in the day. What do you want them to wear? Jeans, band name t-shirt? Do they want to sing about dating girls, break ups and stoner rock anthems, that basically almost every other band is doing right now?




The darkness is making everything in music that its so dull and negative in the music world and shining a light to it.


Are the greatest thing since the Beatles? No, and no one will ever be.


Are they the hottest group right now? Yes, can't deny that.


Have we seen any other bands trying to catch on to this fad? No, and thank god.



If anything the Darkness gets enough credit as they deserve. They put on a great live show, definitly a band that won't fade away in a few years, and with its current gimmick, it's appealing, to most people.



There is tons of musical talent in this group, and compairing them to Spinal Tap is like saying Limp Bizkit and Megadeth. We know which band has talent and not. The Hawkins brothers uses their guitars, and uses some clever riffs and solo's than 90% of bands today.

Jimmy Page isn't a good guitarist?


Man that sums up your entire nonsensical post.


Darkness is the hottest group in the world? Yea, kinda like Chumbawumba in '98.


They are a spoof band. And when the public finally gets tired of the joke, they'll be opening up for Chumbawumba somewhere in Siberia.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
If nothing else, they're the biggest band in the UK right now.


Stupid Brits.

So was Chumbawumba.

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Nah, Chumbawumba were only ever one-hit wonders. The Darkness are legitimately a big band right now, winning awards for best band and album at The Brits, the main music awards in this country.

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The other differnce is people actually LIKE the Darkness. People liked Tubthumping by Chumbawamba, but then hated Amnesia and that dreadful world cup song, whereas people go out and buy Darkness albums, Darkness tickets, dreadful unofficial Darkness books etc. They've become a genuine phenomenon in just 8 months (since Growing On Me came out), plus Oasis fans have started to hate them, which makes me love the Darkness even more.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

You people fucking baffle me. If this crosses over into the States, I'm gonna lose faith in humanity.

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The thing about bands like Franz Ferdinand and Muse is that they're actually trying really hard, and still sucking, whereas the darkness are just effortless, harmless fun. I'll stick with that.

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The thing about bands like Franz Ferdinand and Muse is that they're actually trying really hard, and still sucking, whereas the darkness are just effortless, harmless fun. I'll stick with that.

Honestly, I couldn't have put it any better myself

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Jimmy Page isn't a good guitarist?



Please sell me on why is so called great guitarist.

LPEMP did it for me.


I almost pity your musical ignorance.

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The thing about bands like Franz Ferdinand and Muse is that they're actually trying really hard, and still sucking, whereas the darkness are just effortless, harmless fun. I'll stick with that.

An ex-girlfriend of mine loved Muse. I couldn't tell them apart from Candlebox, really.

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The reason I think the Darkness are a good thing for music is this: imagine you are a UK teenager, who, due to the crap played on radio, only gets to hear rubbish pop idol contestants singing depressing ballads or wannabe gangstas from Croydon singing about their "flava". Then you hear The Darkness (and to a lesser extent, Busted :headbang: ) singing well-performed rock hits about girls, black devil dogs and just having an awesome time, it's going to change you. If the Darkness encourage teens to leave manufactured crap and get into some ace music (remember, the Darkness proudly flaunt their influences- hell, the guitarist is always wearing a Thin Lizzy t-shirt), while making some excellent songs, then I'm entirely in favour of them

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Guest Random Hero

At first I was approving of your seemingly ironic liking of Busted. But now it's starting to seem like you genuinely like them. Either that or it's one of those 'so bad, they're good' cases- kinda like my love for David Hasselhoff.


Although they are better than The Libertines, Muse and Franz Ferdinand.

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Jimmy Page's riffs and solos are tough, cocky, and loose. It's magnificent.

more like simple riffs over-dubbed to bits, while can not perform the same sounds live.


And struggling through half his solo's? How can he be consider great if he can not even do his own material.

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At first I was approving of your seemingly ironic liking of Busted. But now it's starting to seem like you genuinely like them. Either that or it's one of those 'so bad, they're good' cases- kinda like my love for David Hasselhoff.


Although they are better than The Libertines, Muse and Franz Ferdinand.

To be honest, at first my liking for Busted was ironic, then, as I became forced to listen to terrible radio stations (Radio 1) at work, surrounded by Atomic Kitten and Michelle from Pop Idol, I actually started looking forward to Busted songs. I wouldn't go as far as actually BUYING any Busted material, but at least they're a pop act striving to be a credible band. And Sleeping With The Light On was THE pop hit of 2003 for me.

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Everybody should have at least one pop act as a guilty pleasure. Mine is S Club Juniors/8.


And Franz Ferdinand and The Libertines are both very cool. Great albums, popppy songs with an edge. Brilliant lyrics too. And, having been forsed to listen to the last Muse album by a friend, I have to say it's not bad. Not amazing, but harmless enough. And Showbiz was one of the truly great British debut albums of the last five years. Sunburn is a great song.

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Guest Random Hero
Everybody should have at least one pop act as a guilty pleasure. Mine is S Club Juniors/8.


I think I have enough cheesy pop guilty pleasures, for me to actually be called a pop fan. It has to be something I can find humour in though. For instance David Hasselhoff could very well be the most cheesy 'artist' in history. The man's like a walking cheeseball, but what I like is he most probably knows it and couldn't care less. I also have a soft spot for S Club Juniors and the Sugababes as they both make consistently good pop songs. Plus Frankie and Heidi are hot.

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Guest Rob Edwards
Darkness is the hottest group in the world? Yea, kinda like Chumbawumba in '98.


To be fair Chumbawumba had some decent stuff, just rather inexplicably they decided to release the worst songs off every album as singles. I have no idea why


The thing about bands like Franz Ferdinand and Muse is that they're actually trying really hard, and still sucking, whereas the darkness are just effortless, harmless fun. I'll stick with that.


Explain in what way they suck?


If the Darkness encourage teens to leave manufactured crap and get into some ace music (remember, the Darkness proudly flaunt their influences- hell, the guitarist is always wearing a Thin Lizzy t-shirt), while making some excellent songs, then I'm entirely in favour of them


Bleh, Linkin Park did pretty much the same thing and had some half decent tunes.


At first I was approving of your seemingly ironic liking of Busted. But now it's starting to seem like you genuinely like them. Either that or it's one of those 'so bad, they're good' cases- kinda like my love for David Hasselhoff.


Busted's harmless pop music for da kidz~! that doesn't pretend to be anything else or go around professing to be changing the face of music. They're pretty inoffensive


And Sleeping With The Light On was THE pop hit of 2003 for me.


Bleh, Hole in the Head was CLEARLY the pop song of 2003 :P


This wouldn't be a good time to mention my love of Tiffany, would it?


Dancing in a ridiculous manner to Tiffany while she was doing a nightclub gig in Hull because I was drunk and high is still one of my musical highlights of last year :)

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The thing about bands like Franz Ferdinand and Muse is that they're actually trying really hard, and still sucking, whereas the darkness are just effortless, harmless fun. I'll stick with that. 




Explain in what way they suck?


Franz Ferdinand I can tolertate because, even though I don't like them (foppy indie with bad singing), at least I know they've reached their career peak and they wont bother me again.


Muse, on the other hand, are just atrocious. Musically, they are tolerable, but Matt Bellamy is a horrible vocalist. I'm sorry, people slag off Justin from the Darkness for his his high pitched vocals, when this fucker sounds like a cat on fire. They are the most pretentious, irritating band I've ever heard. They are music for indie kids who pretend that they're, you know, really deep and stuff.


Just my opinion of course, I know plenty disagree with me, but each to their own.

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Everybody should have at least one pop act as a guilty pleasure. Mine is S Club Juniors/8



Hey I like Duran Duran.

Well doesn't everyone?




I don't quite see the huge similarity between Spinal Tap and the Darkness. They're both satirical, but Spinal Tap was SOLELY a joke band making fun of serious heavy-metal bands all the time, whereas the Darkness are a bunch of guys giving odes to Freddy Mercury, having fun, and producing some awesomely catchy and pretty decent overall music in the meantime.


Will the Darkness be around after three albums if they stay with the same act? Probably not, but as for now, they're a lot better than what else is out right now, and phenominal and fun live, or so I hear. Plus, their success isn't really bugging me as I caught onto them before they were big in the U.S. or even too huge in Britain, and I don't watch MTV or listen to the radio, so whether a song is overplayed or not doesn't quite affect me.


That said, I WILL make it clear that they're DEFINITELY not just one-hit-wonders like Chumbawumba. If you just listen to their album all the way through, you'll see that their music is a lot more varied than you would think, and "I Believe In a Thing Called Love" is actually probably in the worse half of the album.


Oh, and the cover of the album has boobies (though they're covered up with paddles) on it. Now what harm can that do.

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more like simple riffs over-dubbed to bits, while can not perform the same sounds live.


Please say you're kidding me...


Oh, God you have to be kidding me...


Page couldn't play live?????????

Are you fucking joking me. You obviously haven't heard "How the West was Won"

or seen the Led Zeppelin DVD.


And as for the overdubbing, Page overdubbed extra guitar tracks to add harmonies. He DID NOT use it to cover up existing tracks. Listen to the "Heartbreaker" solo. That was one fucking take, improvised on the spot. Same goes for "Stairway to Heaven" solo (although he did 3 versions and just chose one). I can't belioeve you're making this dumbass assumption about Jimmy Page of all people. He is the LAST person you should be accusing of cleaning up his riffs and solos.

You're obviously just trying to sound different (and in your mind smarter) than everybody else by slagging a popular guitarist. I understand people who don't like him or think he's not THE best guitar player, but you just come across as a predjudiced dumbass.



PS: The darkness do rock, but they sure as hell aren't timeless.



PPS: Duran Duran also rock

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Jimmy Page's riffs and solos are tough, cocky, and loose.  It's magnificent.

more like simple riffs over-dubbed to bits, while can not perform the same sounds live.


And struggling through half his solo's? How can he be consider great if he can not even do his own material.

Those riffs aren't simple and certainly weren't simple in the 70's. Most, as in the case with many at that time, were blues riffs amped up which became known as hard rock which would later be taken to the next level and become metal.


Bands from that era were still heavily influenced by rhythm & blues which gave it that "sloppy" boogie and swing to it, unlike the straight cut sound and style almost everyone plays today. That's the appeal.


Erase the last 30 years of music from your brain and think about what was happening then and then you'll maybe be able to see how great Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin were and why their still so influential.

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Influential doesn't equal great. Page influenced guitarists who were better than him. Yes, he could play and was one of the better guitarists of his time, but his status as a legendary guitarist is based upon his status at that time, if he was around now he'd just be annother guitarist.


Also, IIRC, Page played with Led Zepplin around the time that Hendrix was playing, possibly the greatest guitarist of his time by a long way, at least in the mainstream. So your arguement that he was way ahead of his competitors at the time is flawed.

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The Darkness show at the 9:30 Club went on sale this morning at 10 am.


Sold out in about 5 minutes. I didn't get tickets. I am openly weeping.

Edited by Edwin MacPhisto

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