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Vince McMahon Pushing Again For Bret Hart's Return

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Guest Anglesault
Bret FUCKING Hart on WWE television again should not be saved as a "surprise".  Hell, I'd save it for Backlash.

While I believe Bret Hart in some sense deserves to be a part of WMXX, I agree that Bret's presence in Edmonton means HELL of a LOT more.

Because all of Canada is his hometown?



If Bret's coming back, WHy not in his Quasi-Home town?

Because, you know, it's not.


It's like me saying that Albany is my hometown.

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Guest Krazy Karter
If they Hyped Bret to be at Backlash...How much more buyers do you think would actually tune in?

I can imagine the "with special appearance by Bret Hart!" voiceover tacked on to the promos.

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Guest Choken One

Here's the kicker with Bret here...


His presence EASILY overshadows Benoit's greatest moment...



Which Is why I think he should just give the speech and MAYBE show Him talking to bret in the back (ala Jose Lothorio to Benoit's Shawn, only he doesn't come with him to the ring)...

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Guest Choken One

Perhaps Bret costing Goldberg the match in their Career Vs Career Match (If he's actually leaving)...


Then Bret can go "Vince McMahon Didn't Screw Me, Shawn didn't screw me, BILL GOLDBERG is the one who screwed me he took me out of the sport I love dearly, So I decided what better place then WMXX to SCREW goldberg!...Oh and GO BENOIT! WE LOVE YA MAN!"

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Guest Trivia247



Vince has Bret as Special Ref..... they do the whole deal of HHH getting Benoit in the crossface and Vince wants Bret to call for the bell even though benoit didn't tap out... Bret says no and Flicks him off.... HHH gets up and gets right in Bret's face. and Benoit Rolls him up and Bret hits the Fast count and Benoit's win!


Vince gets in and goes into the Damn it Im Vince McMahon speel and Bret Slugs and Sharpshooting him....


Bret then kicks him out of the ring grabs the mic and says...


Damn I've been waiting 7 years to do that to him...and go into his farewell speech..... Benoit, Jericho, Lance Storm Joins him. The Former Hart Dungeon Allums together raise up Bret on their shoulders.... and the crowd cheeers




what a Smark Happy ending.

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Another would be to deliver a speech at Madison Square Garden. Hart actually has an understanding with McMahon that he would return for one time only to deliver a farewell speech at MSG.


I've been waiting a very long time in anticipation for this to happen.

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Guest wildpegasus
Bret FUCKING Hart on WWE television again should not be saved as a "surprise".  Hell, I'd save it for Backlash.

While I believe Bret Hart in some sense deserves to be a part of WMXX, I agree that Bret's presence in Edmonton means HELL of a LOT more.

Because all of Canada is his hometown?

Edmonton is extreamly close to Calgary,Alberta as they're in the same province. There ought to be tons of fans from Calgary in Edmonton and tons of fans from Edmonton in Calgary. Remember how over Benoit was in Calgary last time he was there? And remember the Raw after the Backlash PPV is in Calgary.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
They could rename it Bretlash.  His entrance music could be the theme song.  Big Pink Glasses could mark the entranceway with the wrestlers coming out under the bridge.

And you don't work for the WWE for what reason????

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Guest Trivia247
Bret FUCKING Hart on WWE television again should not be saved as a "surprise".  Hell, I'd save it for Backlash.

While I believe Bret Hart in some sense deserves to be a part of WMXX, I agree that Bret's presence in Edmonton means HELL of a LOT more.

Because all of Canada is his hometown?

Edmonton is extreamly close to Calgary,Alberta as they're in the same province. There ought to be tons of fans from Calgary in Edmonton and tons of fans from Edmonton in Calgary. Remember how over Benoit was in Calgary last time he was there? And remember the Raw after the Backlash PPV is in Calgary.

since Bret isn't just a Regional star but someone the world knows and loves... if he did return to Wm it still would be better to have such a world wide stage than any other venue.


It wouldn't make sense to hold off his return till he is in canada again..... not like he isn't there now, getting driven around town.

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I'd induct Bret into the Hall of Fame...have him sit at ringside for Mania...get into it with HHH or HBK maybe...then have him announced as the special ref at Backlash in Edmonton for HBK (major heel champion) vs. Benoit (hometown babyface) and it's set up perfectly. Next night on Raw in Calgary...Bret makes his farewell speech.

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Hall of Fame at the show would be great to see, with Bret waving to the fans and saying a few words.


At Backlash, if Benoit does win the World Title, and defends against Shawn Michaels, Bret should ref it (if he has enough energy to).

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Guest PowerPB13

Part of me BADLY wants to see Bret make one last appearance in the WWF in some form...the guy was my favorite wrestler for the longest time. It's all a matter of doing it RIGHT.



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Guest Quik

Has anyone seen any recent pics of Bret? I'm just worried we're gonan see him for the first time i na long time at WM, and he's just gonna look like absolute hell. That'd be depressing as hell...

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Guest Choken One

Well, like most old timers...He's put on some weight...but his face didn't look all that bad or anything and his hair was still there...


I'd say he just wears Jeans and the old Black HF shirt and maybe a leather jacket...

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Imagine if Bret was the ref for the match, and he helped HBK beat Benoit, and post match Bret cut a heel promo saying he doesn't give a damn about the fans, never has and never will, and then he, HBK, and Vince all hug and leave with Earl Hebner right along side of them.

DH is a frikken genius. This would be brilliant.


Besides, who the fuck thinks HBK is going to be cool with BRET HART costing him the World Title? If you think for a split second that HBK's ego is going to play second fiddle to a guy he spent the better part of his career in a bitter real-life feud with, then you're in dire need of a reality check.


Who thought we'd ever see Bischoff and McMahon hug on the RAW stage? I like DH's idea.



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Guest Loss

It'd be unexpected, but it would instinctively make fans want to see Benoit v Bret, which can't happen. They're better off putting Benoit over at WM and again over Michaels at Backlash. If they're going to do a similar scenario, they can have Shawn reunite with HHH at Bad Blood, elevating Jericho and making Benoit/Jericho v HHH/Shawn the top feud.

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Besides, who the fuck thinks HBK is going to be cool with BRET HART costing him the World Title? If you think for a split second that HBK's ego is going to play second fiddle to a guy he spent the better part of his career in a bitter real-life feud with, then you're in dire need of a reality check.


"Nuuu Shawn Michaels"...Jesus...forgiveness...?


After all, look at the positive influence his unselfishness has had on booking.

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I'm sorry, I don't want to see Bret Hart at WM. It will just lead to Montreal reference #563, 231, immediately followed by lots of jokes about Canadian fans not being able to "get over" Montreal.


Stay gone Bret. WWE would handle your return with all the skill of the Invasion and Katie Vick.

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Erm, after I read about Benoit winning the RR, it took me maybe 5 seconds to figure out that he wasn't main eventing because they wanted to get him over, it's just because he was a human peace offering. Why not put one of Bret's "boys" in the main to try and lure him to appear at WMXX, perhaps in said "boy's" corner? If they didn't need to come up with yet another half assed apology attempt, I guarantee things would be much different. Maybe I was swayed for a millisecond, but they can't fool me longer than that. WWE = letdowns, which is why I don't buy into their current product. (The video games and definitely most of their classics DVDs are much better though)


And to continue my little theory, maybe HBK being in the main event is, among other things, part of this too? As in, a promise for Bret to receive storyline revenge with Benoit playing his part? (And the promise could and probably would be easily broken, if you recall the one Raw where they brought in Stu and family only to witness Montreal Reference #85759) But he's said it will take more than that to make up to him, and I think he deserves more with all the BS caused by the E's shenanigans.


Either way, it's just more WWE half-assing. If what I say is true, Benoit is getting jerked around so they can attempt another shallow apology, like when Bret thought he was making up with Vince, only to hear the "get over it" speech by HBK at the Montreal Raw. If not, well the Cliquesters are still polluting his usage at WM, which is why I will not bother. I can only get so angsty about what I used to enjoy pretty much being dead today, you know.

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How hard is it to let him give a speech towards the end of the program for however long he wants?


Later on, if Benoit wins the Title (I know, fat chance), let Benoit enjoy his moment and then have Hart walk in, give him a hug, and raise his hand as we fade to black.


But, I know they'll just have to get cute with it and make sure no one other than VKM/HHH/HBK enjoys it.

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Guest Mosaicv2

referee Bret Hart raises the hand of Chris Benoit as he holds the World title

*wat a BEAUTIFUL sight that could be*

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Guest Brian

I've said it elsewhere, but Bret being in there at the end of the match with a victorious Benoit would make HBK completely jealous and add to the heel turn and give Benoit a good feud to go with. Which means you have to go with Benoit clean over Triple H so HBK doesn't factor into the decision.

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