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Stephen Joseph


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A frantic behind-the-scenes drama is unfolding around Sen. John Kerry and his quest to lockup the Democratic nomination for president, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal...






Kerry commotion is why Howard Dean has turned increasingly aggressive against Kerry in recent days, and is the key reason why Dean reversed his decision not to drop out of the race after Wisconsin, top campaign sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT....


In an off-the-record conversation with a dozen reporters earlier this week, General Wesley Clark plainly stated: 'Kerry will implode over an intern issue'...


A serious investigation of the woman and the nature of her relationship with Sen. John Kerry has been underway at TIME magazine, ABC NEWS, the WASHINGTON POST and the ASSOCIATED PRESS, where the woman in question once worked...

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And completely wrong about 99% of everything else. There isn't another man in the "media" (and I use that term extremly loosely; Drudge usually just posts moronic rumors, not real stories) who can do this kind of thing and not get constantly sued for libel.

Edited by Tyler McClelland

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Guest Salacious Crumb



anyone else smell the Dean campaign behind this new rumor?

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Guest SideFXs

If its true, will character matter this time, or is it just sex?


Dean quoted as yawping, “EEEEEee-Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwww!”

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Guest Razor Roman

When has Drudge posted something that was wrong?


Most of what he posts are just links to other websites anyway.


Supposedly Clark knew about it, it's the reason Dean hasn't decided to drop out yet, and apparently Gore has known about this for a few years.


If anyone fed it to the press it is the Clintons.


Let the "Draft Hillary at the Convention" movement begin!


I bet Murdoch put Juliet Huddy up to having an affair with Kerry just to help ratings for the Fox News channel. :-/

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Guest MD2020

Well, according to Drudge, TIME, the Washington Post, ABC News, and the AP have been investigating Kerry and this woman, so this story might have legs.

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Guest Razor Roman
Clinton interracial baby story, anyone?

Well if it's true that he posted it and it's true it was wrong, then yes he was wrong. Though, I personally wouldn't find a story about Clinton having a kid with another woman, white or black, to be that tough to swallow. Everyone is wrong once in a while. If you want to start a NY Times debate, go for it.


But seriously, no one thinks that this could have the effect of giving Dean or Edwards a whole mess of delegates now, leading the Democrats to a brokered convention?

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Well if it's true that he posted it and it's true it was wrong, then yes he was wrong. Though, I personally wouldn't find a story about Clinton having a kid with another woman, white or black, to be that tough to swallow. Everyone is wrong once in a while. If you want to start a NY Times debate, go for it.


I find both forms of libel despicable, as do I find the fact that you buy that story based on absolutely nothing despicable.


But seriously, no one thinks that this could have the effect of giving Dean or Edwards a whole mess of delegates now, leading the Democrats to a brokered convention?


If true, this breaks open the nomination battle and, hopefully, will have the result of giving one of the latter two candidates the nomination. I have my preference, but my second preference has always been Edwards. I can't stand Kerry either way.


But, as I've said before, I still would vote for Kerry over Bush. And as I'm saying now, this is a despicable trick by Drudge if it's false.


Even if it's true, though, that doesn't make Drudge anything less than a rumor-mongerer who happens to get one right out of every fifteen.

Edited by Tyler McClelland

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I'll wait on this one since unlike Clinton it seems totally out of character for Kerry. But, if it's true, seriously what is it with the Democrats and affairs?!

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I'll wait on this one since unlike Clinton it seems totally out of character for Kerry

How so? He did cheat on his first wife...


Anyway, I'll be interested to see what tomorrow brings.

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Guest MikeSC
I'll wait on this one since unlike Clinton it seems totally out of character for Kerry

How so? He did cheat on his first wife...


Anyway, I'll be interested to see what tomorrow brings.

Is the intern a wealthy heiress?


That seems to be his usual target.


...Apparently, his demeanor isn't the only thing stiff about him

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the 1800 election is tops for 'negativity'


Jefferson's Federalist opponents called him an "atheist in religion, and a fanatic in politics." They claimed he was a drunkard and an enemy of religion. The Federalist Connecticut Courant warned that "there is scarcely a possibility that we shall escape a Civil War. Murder, robbery, rape, adultery, and incest will be openly taught and practiced."


Jefferson's supporters responded by charging that President Adams was a monarchist who longed to reunite Britain with its former colonies. Republicans even claimed that the president had sent General Thomas Pinckney to England to procure four mistresses, two for himself and two for Adams. Adams's response: "I do declare if this be true, General Pinckney has kept them all for himself and cheated me out of my two."


How about this from 1828?


General Jackson’s mother was a COMMON PROSTITUTE brought to this country by British soldiers! She afterward married a MULATTO MAN, with whom she had several children, of which number General Jackson IS ONE!!


or 1824


Adams was accused of being too rich, and wearing silk underwear, being in debt, and favored by the Russian tsar by giving him an American prostitute

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Guest MD2020
or 1824


Adams was accused of being too rich, and wearing silk underwear, being in debt, and favored by the Russian tsar by giving him an American prostitute

How can you accuse a man of being too rich and in debt? I mean, the two would seem to cancel each other out.

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Those are awesome! :lol:

What site did you get those from? I'd love to browse more.

various internet searches..


it appears negative campaigning isn't something invented in the 1960s.




Negative campaigning enjoyed periods of folkloric charm. In an election campaign a couple generations ago, North Carolina's Sen. Robert Rice Reynolds denounced his opponent for his alleged habit of eating caviar.


"You know what caviar is?" Reynolds would ask, with a squinty and meaningful eye. In a paroxysm of disgust and incredulity, he would answer his own question: "Why, it's fish eggs! Fish eggs from Red Russia!"


Reynolds told the backcountry crowds that his opponent had once sunk so low as go up to Harvard (pronounced HAW-vud). What did the man do there? Why, he "matriculated"! And, worse, he became "a thespian"! Imagine.


Naturally, Reynolds won the race.

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Guest Cerebus

Must resist temptation...
























Fuck. I guess I need to work on my willpower a little bit more

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