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Guest Choken One

Top Twenty Five Survivor Series Matches

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Guest Choken One

1. Bret Hart Vs Steve Austin 1996


2. Bret Hart Vs Bob Backlund 1994


3. Bret Hart Vs Diesel 1995


4. HBK Vs Sid 1996


5. Team Austin Vs Team Bischoff 2003


6. Bret Hart Vs HBK 1992


7. The Hart Foundation, Demolition, The Dream Team, The Islanders & The Bolsheviks v. Strike Force, The Young Stallions, The British Bulldogs, The Rougeau Brothers & The Killer Bees 1987


8. Rock n Roll Express Vs Heavenly Bodies 1993


9. Furnas, LaFon, Godwins Vs Owen and Davey and New Rockers 1996


10. Team Alliance Vs Team WWF 2001


11. Demolition, The Bolsheviks, The Brainbusters, the Conquistadors & The Rougeau Brothers v. The Powers of Pain, The Rockers, The British Bulldogs, The Hart Foundation & The Young Stallions 1988


12. The Perfect Team Vs Flair and Ramon 1992


13. Diesel, Adam Bomb, IRS and Rick Martel v. Marty Jannetty, The 1-2-3 Kid, Razor Ramon & Randy Savage 1993


14. Undertaker Vs Mankind 1996


15. Steve Blackman, Marc Mero, Vader and Goldust v. Doug Furnas, Phil LaFon, Davey Boy Smith & Jim Neidhart 1997


16. Flair, Mountie, DiBiase, Warlord Vs Piper, Smith, Hart, Virgil 1991


17. Bret Hart Vs HBK 1997


18. Marty Jannetty, Hakushi, Barry Horowitz & Bob Holly v. Skip, Rad Radford, Dr. Tom Pritchard & The 1-2-3 Kid.


19. Mankind Vs Steve Austin 1998


20. Los Guerreros Vs Edge and Mysterio Vs Benoit and Angle 2002


21. Jericho Vs Chyna 1999


22. Judy Martin, Leilani Kai, Dawn Marie, Donna Christanello & Sherri Martell v. The Jumping Bomb Angels, Velvet MacIntyre, Rockin’ Robin & The Fabulous Moolah 1987


23. Too Cool and Hollys Vs E&C and Hardyz 1999


24. Elimination Chamber Match 2002


25. Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart & Jeff Jarrett v. The British

Bulldog, Razor Ramon, Headshrinkers 1994

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1. Bret Hart vs. Austin (1996)

2. Team Austin vs. Team Bischoff (2003)

3. Team WWF vs. Alliance (2001)

4. Bret Hart vs. HBK (1992)

5. Flair, Warlord, Mountie, & DiBiase vs. Piper, Bret Hart, Virgil, & Bulldog (1991)

6. Bret Hart vs. Diesel (1995)

7. HBK vs. Sid (1996)

8. Wild Card Match (1995)

9. Bret Hart vs. Bob Backlund (1994)

10. The Hart Foundation, Demolition, The Dream Team, The Islanders & The Bolsheviks v. Strike Force, The Young Stallions, The British Bulldogs, The Rougeau Brothers & The Killer Bees (1987)

11. 1-2-3 Kid, Skip, Rad Radford, & Pritchard vs. Jannetty, Horowitz, Holly, & Hakushi (1995)

12. Flair & Razor vs. Savage & Perfect (1992)

13. Razor, Savage, Jannetty, & 1-2-3 Kid vs. IRS, Diesel, Martel, & Adam Bomb (1993)

14. Elimination Chamber (2002)

15. Demolition, The Bolsheviks, The Brainbusters, the Conquistadors & The Rougeau Brothers v. The Powers of Pain, The Rockers, The British Bulldogs, The Hart Foundation & The Young Stallions (1988)

16. Bulldog, Owen, & New Rockers vs. Godwinns, Furnas & LaFon (1996)

17. Million Dollar Team vs. Dream Team (1990)

18. Los Guerreros vs. Angle & Benoit vs. Edge & Rey (2002)

19. Team Angle vs. Team Lesnar (2003)

20. Undertaker vs. Mankind (1996)

21. Team USA vs. Team Canada (1997)

22. Teamsters vs. Bad Guys (1994)

23. HBK vs. Bret Hart (1997)

24. Austin vs. Mankind (1998)

25. Marc Mero, Rocky Maivia, Jake Roberts, & Stalker vs. HHH, Goldust, Lawler, & Crush (1996)

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Top 25 is too hard, so I'll try and put a list together. I'll probably forget a match.


1. Powers of Pain, Hart Foundation, Rockers, British Bulldogs, Young Stallions vs. Demolition, Brain Busters, Fabulous Rougeaus, Bolsheviks, Los Conquistadors


2. Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Bob Backlund


3. Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin


4. Doug Furnas, Phillip Lafon, Godwinns vs. New Rockers, Owen Hart, British Bulldog


5. Strike Force, British Bulldogs, Young Stallions, Killer Bees, Rougeau Brothers vs. Demolition, Hart Foundation, The Bolsheviks, The Islanders, New Dream Team


6. Hulk Hogan, Bam Bam Bigelow, Ken Patera, Don Muraco, Paul Orndorff vs. Andre The Giant, One Man Gang, King Kong Bundy, Rick rude, Butch Reed


7. Shawn Michaels, Dudley Boyz, RVD, Booker T vs. Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, SScott Steiner, Christian, Mark Henry


8. The Rock, Chris Jericho, Undertaker, Kane, Big Show vs. Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Booker T, RVD, Shane McMahon


9. Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Roddy Piper, Virgil vs. Ric Flair, Warlord, Ted Dibiase, Mountie


10. Marty Jannetty, Barry Horowitz, Hakushi, Bob Holly vs. Skip, 1-2-3 Kid, Rad Radford, Tom Prichard


11. HBK, Ahmed Johnson, Sid, British Bulldog vs. Owen Hart, Yokozuna, Dean Douglas, Razor Ramon


12. 1-2-3 Kid, Marty Jannetty, Razor Ramon, Randy Savage vs. I.R.S., Diesel, Adam Bomb, Rick Martel


13. Mega Powers, Koko B Ware, Hillbilly Jim, Hercules vs. Twin Towers, Ted Dibiase, Red Rooster, King Haku


14. Ultimate Warrior, The Rockers, Jim Niedhart vs. Andre The Giant, Arn Anderson, Bobby Heenan, Haku


15. Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels II


16. Razor Ramon, British Bulldog, 1-2-3 Kid, Head Shrinkers vs. Diesel, HBK, Owen Hart, Jim Niedhart, JEff Jarrett


17. The Undertaker, Rhythm & Blues, Ted Dibiase vs. Dusty Rhodes, Hart Foundation, Koko B. Ware


18. Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels I


19. Steve Austin vs. Mankind


20. Kurt Angle/Chris Benoit vs. Los Guerreros vs. Edge & Rey jr.


21. Lex Luger, Steiner Bros. The Undertaker vs. Yokozuna, Ludvig Borga, Jacques, Crush


22. Shawn Michaels vs. HHH vs. RVD vs. Booker T vs. Kane vs. Chris Jericho


23. Shawn Michaels vs. Sid


24. Team Canada vs. Team USA


25. Hulk Hogan vs. The Undertaker

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Guest Choken One

Slam, Mania are pretty easy and I've done top 30's of those...


Series is slightly harder with so many dudrific Elimination matches...


KOTR is hard becuz of the many short shitty tourny matches...


Rumble just doesn't have that many matches to choose from...since all ppvs provide 3-5 matches TOTAL.


You can see the slam and mania top thirty on those respective top 10 list...I plan to post the Rumble TOP 25 Shortly and then post The KOTR Top 25 (the #1 match is pretty obvious for KOTR)

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1. Bret Hart Vs Steve Austin 1996


2. Bret Hart Vs Diesel 1995


3. Bret Hart Vs HBK 1992


4. Team Mero Vs. Team Helmsley 1996


5. Team Angle Vs Team Lesnar 2003


6. The Elimination Chamber


7. Mankind Vs Steve Austin 1998


8. Team Piper Vs. Team Flair 1991


9. Team Alliance Vs Team WWF 2001


10. Hulk Hogan Vs. The Undertaker (Such a great moment)

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1. Hart/Austin, 1996

2. Hart/HBK, 1992

3. Hart/Backlund, 1994

4. Hart/Diesel, 1995 (sensing a theme?)

5. 20-man tag (including the Harts), 1987

6. Team Flair/Team Piper (including Bret Hart - Christ, this was Bret's personal showcase...how ironic), 1991

7. Flair & Razor/Savage & Perfect, 1992

8. Team Angle/Team Lesnar, 2003

9. Los Guerreros/Angle & Benoit/Edge & Mysterio, 2002

10. Hart/HBK, 1997

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Austin vs. Bret from 1996 is, by far, Survivor Series' greatest match. Everything else falls behind it.

I wouldn't say that considering the WM XIII match is A LOT BETTER, even though this one was ****+.

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Austin vs. Bret from 1996 is, by far, Survivor Series' greatest match.  Everything else falls behind it.

I wouldn't say that considering the WM XIII match is A LOT BETTER, even though this one was ****+.

Austin/Bret from SS 96 is probably the best match the WWF has ever put out, and (arguably) the greatest match from North America. WM XIII was an excellent brawl with great storytelling, but SS96 is just such a smart, smart match. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it. If there's any match that I can call *****, it's probably that match (along with Benoit/Sasuke).

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Guest Choken One
Austin vs. Bret from 1996 is, by far, Survivor Series' greatest match.  Everything else falls behind it.

I wouldn't say that considering the WM XIII match is A LOT BETTER, even though this one was ****+.

WMXIII while a ****1/2 gem in it's own right can't touch the masterpiece of SS1996 from these two.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

1. Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin -96


2. Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels -92


3. Bret Hart vs. Backlund -94


4. Powers of Pain/Hart Foundation/Rockers/British Bulldogs/Young Stallions vs. Demolition/Brain Busters/Fabulous Rougeaus/Bolsheviks/ Conquistadors-88


5. Bret Hart vs. Diesel -95


6. Team Austin vs. Team Bishoff -03


7. Shawn Michaels vs. SID -96


8. Los Guerreros vs. Angle/Benoit vs. Edge/Mysterio -02


9. Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels -97


10. Elimination Chamber -02


11. Wildcard -95


12. Ric Flair/The Mountie/Ted DiBiase/Warlord vs. Roddy Piper/Bret Hart/Virgil/Davey Smith -91


13. Savage/Perfect vs. Flair/Ramon -92


14. Harts vs. HBK/Knights -93


15. Heavenly Bodies vs. The Rock N Roll Express -93


16. Lex Luger/The Undertaker/Rick & Scott Steiner (The All-Americans) vs. Yokozuna/Crush/Ludwig Borga/Quebecer Jacques -94


17. Doug Furnas/Phil Lafon/Godwinns vs.Owen Hart/Davey Smith/The New Rockers -96


18. Mankind vs. Austin -98


19. Big Show vs. HHH vs. The Rock -99


20. Angle vs. Undertaker -00


21. Undertaker vs. Mankind -96


22. Razor Ramon/The 1-2-3 Kid/Davey Smith/Headshrinkers vs. Shawn Michaels/Diesel/Owen Hart/Jim Niedhart/Jeff Jarrett -94


23. Marty Jannetty/Randy Savage/Razor Ramon/The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Irwin R. Schyster/Diesel/Rick Martel/Adam Bomb -93


24. Undertaker vs. Hogan -91


25. Million Dollar Team vs. The Dream Team -90

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
9. Furnas, LaFon, Godwins Vs Owen and Davey and New Rockers 1996




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9. Furnas, LaFon, Godwins Vs Owen and Davey and New Rockers 1996




What does that mean?

I have no idea but that's one of my faves too so if Your Olympic Hero thinks Choken's way off...he's crazy!


Once the Godwinns are eliminated in a matter of minutes, this match rocks!

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I plan to post the Rumble TOP 25 Shortly and then post The KOTR Top 25 (the #1 match is pretty obvious for KOTR)

I hope you put Michaels/Austin in the top 5.

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1. Austin v. Hart (1996)

2. Hart v. Diesel (1995)

3. Hart v. Backlund (1994)

4. Ten team elimination match (1987)

5. Hart v. Michaels (1992)

6. Heavenly Bodies v. Rock and Roll Express (1993)

7. Sid v. Michaels (1996)

8. Team WWF v. Team Alliance (2001)

9. Team Austin v. Team Bischoff (2003)

10. Team Flair v. Team Piper (1991)

11. Owen/Bulldog/Janetty/Cassidy v. Godwinns/Furnas/LaFon (1996)

12. Kai/Sherri/Martin/Marie/Christanello v. Angels/McIntyre/Robin/Moolah (1987)

13. Savage/Perfect v. Flair/Ramon (1992)

14. Los Guerreros v. Benoit/Angle v. Edge/Mysterio (2002)

15. Janetty/Hakushi/Horowitz/Holly v. 1-2-3 Kid/Skip/Radford/Pritchard (1995)

16. Austin v. Mankind (1998)

17. Ramon/1-2-3 Kid/Bulldog/Headshrinkers vs. Michaels/Diesel/Owen/Niedhart/Jarrett (1994)

18. Ten team elimination match (1988)

19. UT v. Mankind (1996)

20. Hart v. Michaels (1997)

21. Blackman/Mero/Vader/Goldust v. Bulldog/Neidhart/Furnas/LaFon (1997)

22. Elimination Chamber (2002)

23. Rock v. Rikishi (2000)

24. Women's elimination match (1995)

25. Team Angle v. Team Lesnar (2003)


Wow, I noticed two things.


1) Bret Hart is King of all Survivor Series. Without him, who knows how sucky half of these shows would be.


2) After #18, the quality of matches fell dramatically and it was a matter of searching through databases to try and fill the rest of the list. When I can't remember a match off the top of my head, it isn't that good.



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1. Austin v. Hart (1996)

2. Hart v. Diesel (1995)

3. Hart v. Backlund (1994)

4. Ten team elimination match (1987)

5. Hart v. Michaels (1992)

6. Heavenly Bodies v. Rock and Roll Express (1993)

7. Sid v. Michaels (1996)

8. Team WWF v. Team Alliance (2001)

9. Team Austin v. Team Bischoff (2003)

10. Team Flair v. Team Piper (1991)

11. Owen/Bulldog/Janetty/Cassidy v. Godwinns/Furnas/LaFon (1996)

12. Kai/Sherri/Martin/Marie/Christanello v. Angels/McIntyre/Robin/Moolah (1987)

13. Savage/Perfect v. Flair/Ramon (1992)

14. Los Guerreros v. Benoit/Angle v. Edge/Mysterio (2002)

15. Janetty/Hakushi/Horowitz/Holly v. 1-2-3 Kid/Skip/Radford/Pritchard (1995)

16. Austin v. Mankind (1998)

17. Ramon/1-2-3 Kid/Bulldog/Headshrinkers vs. Michaels/Diesel/Owen/Niedhart/Jarrett (1994)

18. Ten team elimination match (1988)

19. UT v. Mankind (1996)

20. Hart v. Michaels (1997)

21. Blackman/Mero/Vader/Goldust v. Bulldog/Neidhart/Furnas/LaFon (1997)

22. Elimination Chamber (2002)

23. Rock v. Rikishi (2000)

24. Women's elimination match (1995)

25. Team Angle v. Team Lesnar (2003)


Wow, I noticed two things.


1) Bret Hart is King of all Survivor Series. Without him, who knows how sucky half of these shows would be.


2) After #18, the quality of matches fell dramatically and it was a matter of searching through databases to try and fill the rest of the list. When I can't remember a match off the top of my head, it isn't that good.



You should have used the opening match from the 93 and 94 survivor series instead of the ones you used after number 18.

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1. Austin v. Hart (1996)

2. Hart v. Diesel (1995)

3. Hart v. Backlund (1994)

4. Ten team elimination match (1987)

5. Hart v. Michaels (1992)

6. Heavenly Bodies v. Rock and Roll Express (1993)

7. Sid v. Michaels (1996)

8. Team WWF v. Team Alliance (2001)

9. Team Austin v. Team Bischoff (2003)

10. Team Flair v. Team Piper (1991)

11. Owen/Bulldog/Janetty/Cassidy v. Godwinns/Furnas/LaFon (1996)

12. Kai/Sherri/Martin/Marie/Christanello v. Angels/McIntyre/Robin/Moolah (1987)

13. Savage/Perfect v. Flair/Ramon (1992)

14. Los Guerreros v. Benoit/Angle v. Edge/Mysterio (2002)

15. Janetty/Hakushi/Horowitz/Holly v. 1-2-3 Kid/Skip/Radford/Pritchard (1995)

16. Austin v. Mankind (1998)

17. Ramon/1-2-3 Kid/Bulldog/Headshrinkers vs. Michaels/Diesel/Owen/Niedhart/Jarrett (1994)

18. Ten team elimination match (1988)

19. UT v. Mankind (1996)

20. Hart v. Michaels (1997)

21. Blackman/Mero/Vader/Goldust v. Bulldog/Neidhart/Furnas/LaFon (1997)

22. Elimination Chamber (2002)

23. Rock v. Rikishi (2000)

24. Women's elimination match (1995)

25. Team Angle v. Team Lesnar (2003)


Wow, I noticed two things.


1) Bret Hart is King of all Survivor Series. Without him, who knows how sucky half of these shows would be.


2) After #18, the quality of matches fell dramatically and it was a matter of searching through databases to try and fill the rest of the list. When I can't remember a match off the top of my head, it isn't that good.



You should have used the opening match from the 93 and 94 survivor series instead of the ones you used after number 18.

The opening match from 1994 is the one I used at #17, and 1993 you're right on.



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