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Guest Mikey2Dope

The "What Film(s) Did You Watch Today" Thread

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Guest Ray

Six hours after watching "Grave of the Fireflies" and I still feel like I'm about to cry at any moment. Really one of the saddest and most beautiful films I've ever seen. A masterpiece. 10/10

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Six hours after watching "Grave of the Fireflies" and I still feel like I'm about to cry at any moment. Really one of the saddest and most beautiful films I've ever seen. A masterpiece. 10/10

Hear, hear. Everybody should see this movie, even if you hate anime.




House of Flying Daggers - ****1/2


Visually stunning fairy tale with incredible choreography and good acting by all involved. Zhang Ziyi is the most beautiful actress alive. What I loved the most was that all the earlier battles are more style than substance, but in the final fight they just let loose in a bloody and brutal, but simple, swordfight. You can feel their hatred, no time for posing there.

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Lemony Snicket wasn't too bad. Too much kiddie humor (obviously), and not as dark and depressing as some people made it out to be. Carrey was excellent, of course. But the subtitled baby was fucking annoying. 6/10

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Guest Mikey2Dope

In the past month:


Blade: Trinity - 8/10

Ocean's Twelve - 6/10

Saved - 7/10

Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman - 7/10

I, Robot - 8/10

Dr. Strangelove - 9/10

The Princess Bride - 8/10

The Terminal - 7/10

Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban - 5/10

Hero - 8/10

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Metallica - Some Kind Of Monster 8/10


One of the funniest films of the year. I thought the band themselves came out of it looking pretty ok considering some comments i'd heard, not too many Spinal Tap moments. Very interesting and revealing insight into a private world and fans of the band will love it. It's entertaining and honest enough for non-fans to watch as well. The guy they get in 'to help ease band tensions' is a riot and cameos by Lars Ulrich's dad and Dave Mustaine are hilarious as well (people shout METALLICA! at me in the street!).


Goodbye, Lenin! 8.5/10


Wanted to see this since it came out in 2003 and got excellent reviews. The story is perfectly suited to having a voiceover narration and the film is witty and engaging from the start. The wry sense of humour at play in scenes showing the emergence of capitalism are equally as well observed as the central family relations which form the heart of the film. Acting isn't always about delivering lines, sometimes a facial expression or body language can say as much if not more and the sick mother's performance adds a subtle strength to the film throughout. A film full of wit and warmth and a great ending to boot.

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This isn't in one day, but over the course of a few weeks or so.


Dodgeball - A-

Wayne's World - B

I, Robot - B-

True Romance - B-

Mean Girls - B+

Dazed and Confused - A-

Vegas Vacation - B-

Wonderland - D+

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Guest Smues

Just got back from Darkness. Knew nothing about the film going into it, I don't think anythings changed. And you know you've got a problem when you have a horror film, that does NOT end on any kind of intentional laugh, and the entire audience starts laughing histarically at the ending. 4/10, but minus one point because the movie takes place in Spain, and not once does anyone speak anything but English. 3/10.

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Guest Crazy Dan

Being it was X-mas, I watched Christmas Story, which a family tradition, but I only watched it once... on DVD. I also watched White X-mas, as my wife loves it and I had not seen it. It was not half bad, definately would not turn off the movie. I also earn major brownie points with the wife because the movie is a special tradition in her family and plus I dragged her to Dawn of the Dead, but she thought it was going to be more of the Return of the Living Dead mold, not the intense version that we saw, so I had to do it.


As for the newer movies, I watched Napolean Dynamite and I must say I was real disappointed with it. We actually turned the movie off at the point when he is trying to pick up the girl he drew a picture of. I just did not like the humor in it. Usually when you have movie dorks, there is at least some redeeming quality in the character. Napolean is just too unlikeable for my tastes, sure him calling everyone "idiots" was funny, but overall the movie was not my cup of tea. I can see why people like it, I am just not one of those people.


Finally I watched Dodgeball and this movie I laughed pretty hard in many scenes. I definately found this movie funnier than Napolean, even though I thought that Napolean would be a funnier movie and Dodgeball would be the movie you had to get stoned prior to watching. Well I don't partake anymore, but I still found the movie funny even without any of the sticky-icky to enhance the comedy of the movie. My wife laughed real hard at the movie and wants to make this movie a part of our DVD collection.

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