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Guest KJ Brackish

The OAO TEW OFFICIAL Screenshot Thead~!

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Guest KJ Brackish

Here is the following pic that .400 Software and Adam Ryland have released! Looks familiar, yet......not.


Without further ado:






EDIT: I just noticed after I posted this, that Lightning Flik posted the picture in another thread. SORRY~! :(


Well, now we have an OAO thread for these screenshots.

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EDIT: I just noticed after I posted this, that Lightning Flik posted the picture in another thread. SORRY~! :(


Well, now we have an OAO thread for these screenshots.

In "another" thread? I've only been updating that thread SINCE THE NOTION OF TEW CAME INTO REALITY!


*sighs* It's no biggy about the screenshot, it was going to happen so I'd rather it happen at least now.


Anyways, gotta admit I like the screenshot. Looks a hell of a lot more professional then EWR, plus it means TEW will be that much better for us.

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I'm so gonna need to get my dad to lend me his credit card at any cost now!

I'm doing money order! Cause... I don't have a credit card...


I still haven't found anyone to join up with me in my multi-diary.

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So how much would this set me back?


Doesn't look all that impressive to me, EWR 4.0 suits me just fine.



I think it's $34.95 USD

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I'm so gonna need to get my dad to lend me his credit card at any cost now!

I'm doing money order! Cause... I don't have a credit card...


I still haven't found anyone to join up with me in my multi-diary.

I'd be willing and interested. I just have to see what my workload is like when this game is released. Ie: if it's enough for me to spend my lunch hour on, then I should be in. ;)

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So how much would this set me back?


Doesn't look all that impressive to me, EWR 4.0 suits me just fine.



I think it's $34.95 USD

Holy shit!





This will be the most common response i'm willing to bet.

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So how much would this set me back?


Doesn't look all that impressive to me, EWR 4.0 suits me just fine.



I think it's $34.95 USD

Holy shit!





This will be the most common response i'm willing to bet.

Depends on where you go.


A lot of people say they won't touch it.


Yet a lot of people who have enjoyed the EWR series, and enjoy everything Adam has brought to the series will most likely purchase it.


Besides, upon the release there will be a demo of the product, so you can always test it out before buying.

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So how much would this set me back?


Doesn't look all that impressive to me, EWR 4.0 suits me just fine.



I think it's $34.95 USD

Holy shit!





This will be the most common response i'm willing to bet.

Depends on where you go.


A lot of people say they won't touch it.


Yet a lot of people who have enjoyed the EWR series, and enjoy everything Adam has brought to the series will most likely purchase it.


Besides, upon the release there will be a demo of the product, so you can always test it out before buying.

Pending the demo review, I'm pretty confident that I'll be putting down the cash for it. :D

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How do you figure? They're not including any real wrestlers. Only fictional characters. You'll have to add/import the "real" ones on your own. But even still, I doubt they'd get sued. Oliver Copp/TNM has been using real wrestlers in his sim for years and it's still selling copies...

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Notice the Rock's mug on the title bar.

LMAO! Shit, I didn't even notice that! :lol: Yeah, I'd say it'd definitely be wise to change that up before the release date rolls around. *nods*

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Notice the Rock's mug on the title bar.

LMAO! Shit, I didn't even notice that! :lol: Yeah, I'd say it'd definitely be wise to change that up before the release date rolls around. *nods*

:huh: ROCK?


...dood, that's Adam Ryland's mug. Check the photo of him then check the bar.

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I hope that's sarcasm, because you must be on crack if you actually think that's Ryland along the header of the screenshot...

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Looks like an edited pic of the Rock to me..


What he should do is pick one of the indy stars who endorse EWR and use them as the "cover boy" for TEW. Pro-bono, of course. ;p

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Guest El Satanico

It looks like a white guy...other than a slight resembalance in the eyebrow area I don't see Rock at all.

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It looks like a white guy...other than a slight resembalance in the eyebrow area I don't see Rock at all.

First off, it's not that hard to make someone like the Rock "look white" [seeing as he's already pretty light-skinned] by upping the contrast & brightness in Photoshop. I mean, unless Ryland knows someone that has orange and yellow skin tone, that's obviously what's been done here.


Second, everything in the photo is edited/washed out aside from the eye, which looks exactly the same as the eye on the right in this photo:




I mean, it very well might not be the Rock's eye & brow.. but there's a good chance it is.

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I'll probably wait until RaveX actually get there second or third update out before I pick this up. I want to have a serious, real roster before I start to play this thing.

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