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Kahran Ramsus

OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
y'know, master and commander could actually win this

Have you seen ROTK?

dont remind me


so does winning all the technical awards meant the're not gonna get both of the two big ones?

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Guest Anglesault

Who the hell shows up to the Oscars looking like Peter Jackson is?

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Guest Anglesault
y'know, master and commander could actually win this

Have you seen ROTK?

dont remind me


so does winning all the technical awards meant the're not gonna get both of the two big ones?

One can only hope.


But I have a bad feeling.

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Guest El Satanico

We haven't had a movie sweep for awhile, but it's not at all impossible.

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there's no way anything other than LOTR should have gotten that SFX award. even if LoTR were to get NOTHING else at all, that's the one it should have got/deserved guaranteed. It's effects were simply the best. Gollum alone was enough to hand them the award (again).

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

"The star of Bruce Almighty!"


he must be so proud. I bet he got a shirt made that says that.

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Guest Anglesault

Key word, TRY.


That was awful. He tried to cover up for the lack of funny by screaming.

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Guest Choken One

did he shave his head for role or just fought he would look GOOFY and people would laugh...

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

my tv isn't wide enough to show the full names of the movies. Lame.

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Guest Choken One

Jim Carrey NEVER brings the content to the Oscars but brings his A Game to the MTV Awards all the time.

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Guest Choken One

I just remembered...


How fucking long will the "THESE PEEPS DIED" segment be? It seemed like a BILLION dudes died this year...Ritter will likely get the longest clip.

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Guest Choken One

That's a interesting point...


Who else from SNL been nominated?


Murray...anyone else?

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Guest Choken One

Ok. That confirms it...LOTH is going 9 for 11 tonight...it BETTER.

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Question: Why not nominate a horror flick for best makeup? I mean hell, from the clips I just saw, it takes 100x the work to do all the makeup for a horror flick. Plus over the years makeup jobs on horror sets have been pretty imaginative.

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Guest Choken One
Question: Why not nominate a horror flick for best makeup? I mean hell, from the clips I just saw, it takes 100x the work to do all the makeup for a horror flick. Plus over the years makeup jobs on horror sets have been pretty imaginative.

same reason Comedies rarely get nomed for anything important...not "legit".

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