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So who DOESN'T care about Foley/Orton

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So here's my question. Who hear doesn't care about the Foley/Orton feud for whatever reason. I'm one of them. Why? Let's see they're trying to make this feud be huge but, it's between a retired out of shape wrestler and a wrestler who doesn't get the cheers for the push that he is getting. I mean why should I care if Orton "retires" Foley it's already been done by HHH.


If this feud is for getting Orton over it's not going to work. I mean week after week Foley looks dumb by walking in a setup were he gets beat down and the fans just don't care. I mean look at how dead they were for the last 2 beatdowns. And Foley was having that little speech it just seemed to drag on forever and then JR asked him if Foley's career is done I was just yelling at the TV "Yes it is go away."


See this is why I don't want the Rock to get involved with it. Because the fans already don't care about the feud if the Rock comes in the fans will only care about the Rock not anyone else in the feud and just overshadow everyone.


That's just the meat of it. So how about anyone else?

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Guest Coffey
So here's my question. Who hear doesn't care about the Foley/Orton feud for whatever reason. I'm one of them. Why? Let's see they're trying to make this feud be huge but, it's between a retired out of shape wrestler and a wrestler who doesn't get the cheers for the push that he is getting. I mean why should I care if Orton "retires" Foley it's already been done by HHH.


If this feud is for getting Orton over it's not going to work. I mean week after week Foley looks dumb by walking in a setup were he gets beat down and the fans just don't care. I mean look at how dead they were for the last 2 beatdowns. And Foley was having that little speech it just seemed to drag on forever and then JR asked him if Foley's career is done I was just yelling at the TV "Yes it is go away."


See this is why I don't want the Rock to get involved with it. Because the fans already don't care about the feud if the Rock comes in the fans will only care about the Rock not anyone else in the feud and just overshadow everyone.


That's just the meat of it. So how about anyone else?

Could you tell us what you really mean?


I do care for the feud actually. At least Foley is trying to put someone new over. He could've easily came back and had another match with Triple H or some shit like that. Now Batista is getting thrown into the mix, so it's an attempt to make him look better too.


Of course, Rock N' Sock will probably go over at Wrestlemania with Orton beating Foley one-on-one at Backlash.

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Don't worry EKII, I have the same habit. I mean, I do it all the time. I mean, you just don't consciously recognized you're doing it. I mean, it's a really good transition/opening, but you've gotta use it in moderation.


I don't CARE care about it, but I'm not completely apathetic to it. I love Foleys promos and Orton plays it up well IMO. The inclusion of The Rock as the only one coming out to defend Foley - a real friend - is a nice touch.

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Foley's been bringing out the best of Orton recently...in that sense I care about the feud. But I agree with DH. Rock'll probably get involved tonight with the whole 'nobody saved Foley' storyline, and screw up what pretty much needs to be Foley/Orton Hardcore Rules. It's the only way that Foley could help Orton get over.

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I don't CARE care about it, but I'm not completely apathetic to it. I love Foleys promos and Orton plays it up well IMO. The inclusion of The Rock as the only one coming out to defend Foley - a real friend - is a nice touch.

Oh yes it does make sense that The Rock would be the only one that would come to Foley's aid cause he's a real friend. But, problem is that the Rock will overshadow everyone. They won't care about the feud they'll just care about the Rock but, that's just me.

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I never cared about it. Kayfabe wise, if the WWE creative team possessed any amount of intelligence, Orton would beat the snot out of Foley. I'm surprised The Rock would want to work a lackluster program such as that. A program with Cena would've been entertaining.

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Oh yeah, I wouldn't be surprised to see Austin make the tag match and they'll play up Austin/Rock just a lil bit which will completely overshadown the real storyline. Of course, they'll give the WM win to Foley but then have Orton win the war.

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Guest Coffey

Except for the fact that The Rock would been more over than Cena and absolutely murdered him on the mic.


I think adding The Rock to the Foley/Orton fiasco is a good idea. It'll give the match itselt a lot more heat...even if the heat is just because of The Rock. Maybe some of that will carry over to Foley/Orton leading into Backlash?

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I never cared about it. Kayfabe wise, if the WWE creative team possessed any amount of intelligence, Orton would beat the snot out of Foley. I'm surprised The Rock would want to work a lackluster program such as that. A program with Cena would've been entertaining.

Well here's the thing about it. If the reports are true this is all from the mind of Foley. So if you have a problem with this feud take it up with Mick.

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Guest Choken One
I don't CARE care about it, but I'm not completely apathetic to it.  I love Foleys promos and Orton plays it up well IMO.  The inclusion of The Rock as the only one coming out to defend Foley - a real friend - is a nice touch.

Oh yes it does make sense that The Rock would be the only one that would come to Foley's aid cause he's a real friend. But, problem is that the Rock will overshadow everyone. They won't care about the feud they'll just care about the Rock but, that's just me.

the thing that gets me is that just 4 months ago or whatever, about 7 guys came out and paid tribute to him as friends...

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Guest Markingout
I don't CARE care about it, but I'm not completely apathetic to it.  I love Foleys promos and Orton plays it up well IMO.  The inclusion of The Rock as the only one coming out to defend Foley - a real friend - is a nice touch.

Oh yes it does make sense that The Rock would be the only one that would come to Foley's aid cause he's a real friend. But, problem is that the Rock will overshadow everyone. They won't care about the feud they'll just care about the Rock but, that's just me.

the thing that gets me is that just 4 months ago or whatever, about 7 guys came out and paid tribute to him as friends...

Wasn't the point of the promo too say that Foley thinks he has no real friends because no came too save him. Thats what I got out of it.

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I don't CARE care about it, but I'm not completely apathetic to it.  I love Foleys promos and Orton plays it up well IMO.  The inclusion of The Rock as the only one coming out to defend Foley - a real friend - is a nice touch.

Oh yes it does make sense that The Rock would be the only one that would come to Foley's aid cause he's a real friend. But, problem is that the Rock will overshadow everyone. They won't care about the feud they'll just care about the Rock but, that's just me.

the thing that gets me is that just 4 months ago or whatever, about 7 guys came out and paid tribute to him as friends...

I guess they are still mad that Foley walked out as a coward.

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Guest Choken One
I don't CARE care about it, but I'm not completely apathetic to it.  I love Foleys promos and Orton plays it up well IMO.  The inclusion of The Rock as the only one coming out to defend Foley - a real friend - is a nice touch.

Oh yes it does make sense that The Rock would be the only one that would come to Foley's aid cause he's a real friend. But, problem is that the Rock will overshadow everyone. They won't care about the feud they'll just care about the Rock but, that's just me.

the thing that gets me is that just 4 months ago or whatever, about 7 guys came out and paid tribute to him as friends...

Wasn't the point of the promo too say that Foley thinks he has no real friends because no came too save him. Thats what I got out of it.

So the Rock...who spent a good 90% of his career berating Foley is his best friend when Al Snow isn't. when that was pretty much his gimmick in 1999 "Mick's Best Friend"..

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I don't NOT care about it...


But I don't care that much about it either.


It doesn't really affect me one way or the other. Which is lovely considering the time and effort they've put in.


I'm more interested in every other match on Mania (with the exception of the Playboy evening gown crap).

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The match itself is pure crap. Hopefully (but not realistically) Rock will come out and cut a non-Rock promo. Which means no "OW BAYBAY! THE ROCK IS IN THE HOUSE BAYBAY! RANDY ORTON BAYBAY! THE GREATONEWILLWHOOPYOURCANDYASS BABAY!", or no "Mick Foley (dramatic pause). You and the Rock have a history together (dramatic pause). A history like no other two wrestlers in sports entertainment. (dramatic pause) The Rock and Sock connection (dramatic pause, pop). The most electrifying tag team sports entertainment had ever seen (dramatic pause). And now you find yourself without a friend in the world. (Dramatic pause) The locker room, the boys in the back, they don't respect you (dramatic pause), Randy Orton doesn't respect you, (dramatic pause), Batista and Flair don't respect you (dramatic pause), but guess what (dramatic pause) The Rock (dramatic pause) and the millions (and millions) of people respect you (dramatic pause, pop) so I say (dramatic pause) you and I (dramatic pause) take on those evolution sumsbitches (dramatic pause, pop) Randy Orton, Batista, and Ric Flair (optional) (dramatic pause) and the biggest showcase there is (dramatic pause) at the grand daddy of them all (dramatic pause), at the place where Men become Legends and Legends become Immortals (dramatic pause). I am saying that you and I, Rock and Sock, do it all again at Wrestlemania (pop, look out to the crowd)." (Time Elapsed: 20 minutes)


But an actual, serious, pointed, promo.

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Guest FrigidSoul
I do, but the very second that Rocky gets inserted into their match, all of the care that I do have will fade away.

what he said.


I'm waiting for the return of Cactus Jack-esque mentality. If it doesn't happen I'll be extremely disappointed.

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Guest Choken One
But an actual, serious, pointed, promo.

when was the last time he did that?



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Guest Coffey

I roofled.

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The match itself is pure crap.  Hopefully (but not realistically) Rock will come out and cut a non-Rock promo.  Which means no "OW BAYBAY!  THE ROCK IS IN THE HOUSE BAYBAY!  RANDY ORTON BAYBAY!  THE GREATONEWILLWHOOPYOURCANDYASS BABAY!", or no "Mick Foley (dramatic pause).  You and the Rock have a history together (dramatic pause).  A history like no other two wrestlers in sports entertainment. (dramatic pause)  The Rock and Sock connection (dramatic pause, pop).  The most electrifying tag team sports entertainment had ever seen (dramatic pause).  And now you find yourself without a friend in the world. (Dramatic pause)  The locker room, the boys in the back, they don't respect you (dramatic pause), Randy Orton doesn't respect you, (dramatic pause), Batista and Flair don't respect you (dramatic pause), but guess what (dramatic pause) The Rock (dramatic pause) and the millions (and millions) of people respect you (dramatic pause, pop) so I say (dramatic pause) you and I (dramatic pause) take on those evolution sumsbitches (dramatic pause, pop) Randy Orton, Batista, and Ric Flair (optional) (dramatic pause) and the biggest showcase there is (dramatic pause) at the grand daddy of them all (dramatic pause), at the place where Men become Legends and Legends become Immortals (dramatic pause).  I am saying that you and I, Rock and Sock, do it all again at Wrestlemania (pop, look out to the crowd)." (Time Elapsed: 20 minutes)


But an actual, serious, pointed, promo.

I would mark out for that promo if and only if the Rock turned on Mick Foley. Then out of nowhere the people who saves Cactus Jack would be Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards. Tommy and Stevie would try to make Foley into the hardcore legend that he once was showing him clips of his barbwire matches from ECW.


On the next week's Raw, Mick Foley goes crazy after getting smacked around by Terry and the boys. After a commercial break Mick Foley comes out of the dressing room all hyped up with the Mankind mask on and the Cactus Jack t-shirt ready for a promo with JR. In a promo much like the classic "I ate worms" or the "Spit on me" the new Mick Foley sets up the Wrestlemania match which would be Evolution (Rock, Batista, Orton) with Flair as manager vs Funk Masters of Wrestling (Foley, Dreamer, Richards) with Terry Funk as manager.


Throw them in a No DQ cage match and let the chaos happen.

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I don't like Orton, and Foley can go to hell and get his ass off TV. What the fuck does he think he's doing, coming back and trying to get over, of all people, Orton?! Fuck him. Help some one who doesn't suck, why don't ya?

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Foley probably figures that WWE is going to push Randy Orton regardless of the consequences, so he probably feels an obligation to help them out.

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Guest Anglesault
I don't like Orton, and Foley can go to hell and get his ass off TV. What the fuck does he think he's doing, coming back and trying to get over, of all people, Orton?! Fuck him. Help some one who doesn't suck, why don't ya?

I agree.

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Foley probably figures that WWE is going to push Randy Orton regardless of the consequences, so he probably feels an obligation to help them out.

Unless he's thinking "if this punk fails to get over with this, maybe they'll wise up and dump his ass," then that makes no sense.


I thought Mick was through with the WWE because of their shoddy booking, and all of a sudden he feels the need to help them try to get over Mr. "My Daddy was a Midcarder, I'm tall and have good abs?"

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Guest Choken One

well...He gets to write his own angles now...which was a huge selling point for Foley.

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well...He gets to write his own angles now...which was a huge selling point for Foley.

Remember, when big WWE stars say "I hate the writing" what they really mean is "eh, fuck everyone else, let's talk about ME!"

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Guest Choken One

exactly...Austin hated the writing so much he left... he came back and wrote even WORST shit.


Angle wrote one of the WORST storylines EVER with Cena last fall...



Can anyone ever write themselfs good?


Page might be the only one...he stuck himself with Benoit, Raven and Kanyon for the better part of two years...was willing to job himself once in a while...willing to drop to mid-card/tags everyonce in a while as well.

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