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Greatest Comic Artist

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Well, after a three month delay, round one is posted. There is no real criteria on this, just vote for who you think is the greater of the two artists until we find the definitive TSM comic book artist. If your not sure of someone, go to images.google.com and type in their name to find some samples.


Round one will last till Saturday at Midnight....good luck.



Alex Ross (Batman: War On Crime, Marvels, Kingdom Come)


David Mazzucelli (Batman: Year One)


Mark Bagley (Thunderbolts, Ultimate Spider-Man


Kevin Maguire (Jusitce League 80s, FKAJL)


Jim Lee (Batman, X-Men)


Mike Grell (Grendel)


Craig Thompson (Blankets, Goodbye, Chunky Rice)


Steve Dillon (Preacher and the second Marvel Knights Punisher mini-series).


George Perez (Avengers, Teen Titans, Crisis, some Marvel/DC crossover)


Chris Bachalo (Sandman and Generation X)


Jack Kirby (Avengers, FF, X-Men, New Gods)


Mike Turner (Witchblade and Fathom)


Darrick Robertson (New Warriors, Transmetropolitan)


Moebius (Silver Surfer LS, Airtight Garage)


John Romita, Jr (Amazing Spider-Man, Inc. Hulk):


Milo Manara (Click, Butterscoth, Sandman: Endless Nights)


Jae Lee (Inhumans, Fantastic 4 1234)


Curt Swan (Superman)


Mike Deodato (Avengers, Thor, Hulk)


Joe Madureira (X-Men, Battle Chasers)


Ed McGuiness (Thundercats, Superman)


Craig Thompson (Blankets, Goodbye, Chunky Rice)


Al Williamson (Flash Gordon, half of the EC library)


Barry Windsor-Smith (Conan, Rune)


Greg Land (Sojourn)


Marc Silvestri (The Darkness)


Steve Epting (El Cazador, Crux, Avengers)


Tom Grummett (Superboy, Power Company, Robin)


Joe Orlando (Tales from teh Crypt)


Berni Wrightson (Swamp Thing)


Wally Wood (Daredevil, lots of EC stuff)


Mark Texiera (mid-90s era Ghost Rider, Wolverine)


Frank Quitely (Ultimate X-Men)


Frank Miller (Daredevil, The Dark Knight Returns)


Jack Kamen (EC and Mad Magazine)


Dan Jurgens (Superman)


Will Eisner--The Spirit


Eduardo Risso--100 Bullets, Batman


Mike Kaluta (Vampirella)


Neal Adams - X-men, Avengers


Steve Ditko - Spider-man, Dr. Strange


Michael Gaydos (ALIaS )


Mike Wieringo (Flash, Tellos, Fantastic Four)


Jim Steranko (Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.).


Joe Kubert - Hawkman, Sgt. Rock


Mark Texiera (mid-90s era Ghost Rider, Wolverine)


John Cassaday (Capt. America, Planetary, Desperadoes)


John Buscema (Savage Sword of Conan, Silver Surfer)


Jim Steranko (Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.).


Todd McFarlane (Spawn, Spider-man)

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my votes....



Alex Ross (Batman: War On Crime, Marvels, Kingdom Come)


Kevin Maguire (Jusitce League 80s, FKAJL)


Jim Lee (Batman, X-Men)


Steve Dillon (Preacher and the second Marvel Knights Punisher mini-series).


George Perez (Avengers, Teen Titans, Crisis, some Marvel/DC crossover)


Jack Kirby (Avengers, FF, X-Men, New Gods)


Moebius (Silver Surfer LS, Airtight Garage)


John Romita, Jr (Amazing Spider-Man, Inc. Hulk):


Jae Lee (Inhumans, Fantastic 4 1234)


Mike Deodato (Avengers, Thor, Hulk)


Ed McGuiness (Thundercats, Superman)


Barry Windsor-Smith (Conan, Rune)


Marc Silvestri (The Darkness)


Tom Grummett (Superboy, Power Company, Robin)


Berni Wrightson (Swamp Thing)


Mark Texiera (mid-90s era Ghost Rider, Wolverine)


Frank Miller (Daredevil, The Dark Knight Returns)


Dan Jurgens (Superman)


Will Eisner--The Spirit


Neal Adams - X-men, Avengers


Steve Ditko - Spider-man, Dr. Strange


Jim Steranko (Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.).


Joe Kubert - Hawkman, Sgt. Rock


John Buscema (Savage Sword of Conan, Silver Surfer)


Jim Steranko (Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

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My votes:


Alex Ross (Batman: War On Crime, Marvels, Kingdom Come)


Mark Bagley (Thunderbolts, Ultimate Spider-Man


Jim Lee (Batman, X-Men)


Steve Dillon (Preacher and the second Marvel Knights Punisher mini-series).


George Perez (Avengers, Teen Titans, Crisis, some Marvel/DC crossover)


Jack Kirby (Avengers, FF, X-Men, New Gods) The king rules all.


Darrick Robertson (New Warriors, Transmetropolitan) Don't care for either one


John Romita, Jr (Amazing Spider-Man, Inc. Hulk)


Jae Lee (Inhumans, Fantastic 4 1234) I hate Swan


Joe Madureira (although I really like both guys here)


Ed McGuiness (Thundercats, Superman)


Barry Windsor-Smith (Conan, Rune)


Marc Silvestri (The Darkness)


Tom Grummett (Superboy, Power Company, Robin)


Joe Orlando (Tales from teh Crypt)


Berni Wrightson (Swamp Thing) Don't know either one


Wally Wood (Daredevil, lots of EC stuff)


Frank Quitely (Ultimate X-Men) Sorry, Miller...


Dan Jurgens (Superman) For lack of a better choice...


Will Eisner--The Spirit


Neal Adams - X-men, Avengers


Steve Ditko - Spider-man, Dr. Strange


Mike Wieringo (Flash, Tellos, Fantastic Four) I know Steranko is an innovator, but I'm not that familiar with his work, so...


Joe Kubert - Hawkman, Sgt. Rock


John Buscema (Savage Sword of Conan, Silver Surfer)


Todd McFarlane (Spawn, Spider-man)


What gives with the repeat nominations?

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Alex Ross (Batman: War On Crime, Marvels, Kingdom Come)


Mark Bagley (Thunderbolts, Ultimate Spider-Man


Jim Lee (Batman, X-Men)


Steve Dillon (Preacher and the second Marvel Knights Punisher mini-series).


George Perez (Avengers, Teen Titans, Crisis, some Marvel/DC crossover)


Jack Kirby (Avengers, FF, X-Men, New Gods)


Darrick Robertson (New Warriors, Transmetropolitan)


John Romita, Jr (Amazing Spider-Man, Inc. Hulk):


Curt Swan (Superman)


Joe Madureira (X-Men, Battle Chasers)


Ed McGuiness (Thundercats, Superman)


Barry Windsor-Smith (Conan, Rune)


Greg Land (Sojourn)


Tom Grummett (Superboy, Power Company, Robin)


Berni Wrightson (Swamp Thing)


Wally Wood (Daredevil, lots of EC stuff)


Frank Miller (Daredevil, The Dark Knight Returns)


Dan Jurgens (Superman)


Eduardo Risso--100 Bullets, Batman


Neal Adams - X-men, Avengers


Steve Ditko - Spider-man, Dr. Strange


Mike Wieringo (Flash, Tellos, Fantastic Four)


Joe Kubert - Hawkman, Sgt. Rock


John Cassaday (Capt. America, Planetary, Desperadoes)


Todd McFarlane (Spawn, Spider-man)

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Alex Ross


Hate Mark Bagley personally and dont know the other guy, so no vote.


Mike Grell


Steve Dillon


Chris Bachalo


Jack Kirby




Dont like either Romita Jr or Mara, so no vote


Jae Lee


Joe Madureira


Dont know McGuiness or Thmpson so no vote


Barry Windsor-Smith


Marc Silvestri


Dont know Epting or Grummett so no vote


Berni Wrightson


Mark Texiera


Frank Miller


Dan Jurgens


Will Eisner


Neal Adams


Steve Ditko


Jim Steranko


Joe Kubert


John Buscema


Todd McFarlane

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