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The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

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Guest El Satanico

When The Cuddler was asking Dutch about killing animals, I thought for sure Dutch was about to break down and admit he had killed animals as a kid and he knows how it feels to kill living creatures.

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Guest Brian

That's the episode they needed to have after resolving so much last week.

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When The Cuddler was asking Dutch about killing animals, I thought for sure Dutch was about to break down and admit he had killed animals as a kid and he knows how it feels to kill living creatures.

I thought so too from last week's promo for this week's episode. But when the conversation changed to Dutch's ex-wife I figured we would learn that beat his ex/turned his ex into an alcohalic. But we got neither as the writers opted not to reveal anything about Dutch's life and spent the entire interrogation plot having the rapist act like a college professor who was drilling Dutch on his criminal profiling knowledge in order to make sure that he knew the material and wasn't just memorizing things.


That being said, the cat strangling seemed like it was tacted on for the sake fo a "shock for shock sake".


Meanwhile we finally get official confirmation that Lem wasn't involved in the plot to kill Terry back in the pilot episode. Vic's reaction to Lem bringing up Terry's death was priceless as was the way he immeadiately spilled the details of Tavon's injuries ASAP in order to change the subject.


Shane is definately dead man walking. It's becoming more and more obvious that he's going to end up chosing Mara over Vic especially given how he seems to not be trying at all to get Mara and her mom ready to lie to the feds. And now that Lem knows that Shane and Mara are responsible for Tavon being comatose, Shane's status in the Strike Team becomes more and more uncertain. And given that Shane knows literally were all of the bodies are buried, I'd be worried too about ending up on the receiving end of one of Vic's bullets too.


And this episode officially confirmed another thing I've been saying for awhile, mainly the fact that Claudette is nothing more than a vindictive bitch with a huge ego that says that she's always right and is never wrong. It makes me wonder if the writers are fans of DC Comics series Suicide Squad since Claudette is becoming more and more like Amanda Waller with each episode.

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up for tonight, wonder what Dutch is gonna go onto next...

I'll go with auto-erotic asphyxiation for $100, Alex...

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Dutch is working the Money train...that's not good for the Strike Team

Dutch is also strangling cats while just wearing his underwear... I think that boy's got more on his mind than the Money Train.

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The foreshadowing fairy was back in full force last night. Could they be any more obvious with the direction they are going for the finale with the confrontation scene with Vic and his wife over how she expected Vic to quit work? Even though the writers tend to write Corrine as a queen bitch 99% of the time, she actually makes sense with regards to the fact that it's kind of stupid that the parent that makes the most money be the one who quits work especially if the family are in dire financial straights. Even odds says that this season will end with Vic resigning from the force in order to return home to begin living in a sham marriage for the sake of his kids while the ST either is dismantled or given to someone else to run.


Speaking of the ST, the writers continue to expand upon the group falling apart with Ronnie right in the middle of it. If I was a suspicious person, I would think that the writers have some sort of plan for Ronnie with him scheming to turn the members of the ST against each so that he can steal the entire money train loot for himself and that Mara and her mother are Ronnie's co-conspirators who have been recruited by Ronnie to turn everyone against each other.


That being said, I hope to god that they let Ronnie have some spotlight time next week when they do their "The Strike Team Implodes!" payoff. God knows that the character's been through enough to deserve David Rees Snell being given a scene in which he gets to bitch out the other characters instead of just being forced to play pull-apart while series regulars Kenny Johnson and Walt Goggins try and fake choke each other to death...


And speaking of the foreshadowing fairy, notice how they've set up Vic's little getaway to occur in realtime the same week as the finale. Needless to say, I fully expect that Vic's romantic getaway is going to end badly with him either getting the shit kicked out of him by the dog handler's boyfriend or Vic finding out that his GF doesn't really care for Vic and is just using him for cheap sex, which will so damage Vic's ego that he goes running home to Corrine and begging her to take him back even if the best he can hope for is them engaging in a loveless sham marriage...


As for Claudette and Dutch, I was more of the mind that Dutch wanted to talk to Claudette about his cat killing than her new BF. His scene where he talks to Claudette about judging people on random events in one's life screamed like he was going to tell her about the cat in hopes of Claudette not judging him on it...

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I hate not being here for this thread.


I am convinced that there is no bad episode of the Shield. Day One included. This show is the most consistant program I've ever watched. And it's looking like it'll end great.

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The storyline though seems to definately heading towards the notion of Vic chosing his family over his work. He definately isn't over Corrine and is seeing how much help his kids need that Corrine is unable to provide by being forced to work/just plain stressed to the point of breakdown. Plus, Vic is ultra-pussy whipped by Corrine and even though he'll put up the brave fight not to become a full-time dad he'll eventually crumble and return to his now sham of a marriage for the sake of the kids.

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"This is the one incoherent, filler episode of the Shield yet! When the team plays Scrabble together and it gets intense who will keep their cool- and who will have the meltdown?"


Anyway pretty good episode as Dutch gets closer and closer. Still hasn't been a bad episode. Sucks I have to wait a week.

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Ah, my Trish has shown up one more time.


And that chick who Vic is trying to hook up with is getting on my nerves.


O'Brien's an idiot -- Got the mob after him and he stays in LA to COLLECT A BET?!


Oh, yeah. What happened to Gay Julian?...

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I agree that this episode was definately a filler-episode. But next week's episode previous seems to finally have things explode at long last, with Lem having his long awaited nervous breakdown and turning against the Strike Team....


1. The mantle of "dead man walking" once again falls upon Lem after the preview for next week's episode. At best Lem is head for one major nervous breakdown that will probably end with him leaving the Strike Team and the police and at worst Vic is going to kill Lem and do it in a manner to send a message to Shane, Ronnie, and Tavon of what happens when you attempt to betray him.


That being said, I possibly can see them pulling off an eleventh hour twist and have Lem destroying the money actually save the team from being arrested for their part in the heist BUT I can also see the writers needing to prove a point with the storyline (IE that greed will destroy everything, even close friends like the ST) by having Lem still end up dead by Vic's hands only for Vic to find out post murder that Lem's actions saved the team and that he ended up being killed by his ingrate friends after saving their asses when he could have let them keep the money and rot in jail when they get caught with it.


2. The writers definately are moving towards Vic reconciling with his estranged wife. That's most likely the reason why we have these ultra-annoying subplots involving the dog handler lady, since the writers are trying to create a situation where Vic is going to end up getting proverbally screwed over and ends up crawling back to Corrine with his tail tucked inbetween his legs.


3. The subplot of sending Matthew to the home for autistic kids who can't be cured seems to be the natural progression for the character, who seems to exist to provide the show with a "Greek Tragedy-esque Figure Who Suffers For the Sins of the Villainous Main Character" sort of character.


4. That being said, I wouldn't also put it past the writers to have them have Corrine ship Matthew to the home for Austistic Child just as Vic arrives home to tell Corrine that he's quit the force, is ready to be a full-time dad, and wanting to reconcile.


5. And speaking of teases, the writers continue to give hints of Ronnie possibly playing the entire Strike Team as pawns in some sort of Machievellian Chess game. Given how the writers have already established Ronnie as a computer whiz, he could have easily have gotten disabled the security cameras being used to spy upon the Irish guy in order to escalate removing him from the picture in order to quell suspicions about the Strike Team/bring the Armenian Mob down upon the city so as to further create a schism in the ST.


6. I'm also suprised that the writers didn't reinsert Mara into the picture by having her discover the body and make things even more complicated and convoluted for the ST.


7. While it's nice to see Dutch once again butting heads with the Strike Team, I was extremely disappointed that they fell back on the boring "Vic doesn't respect Dutch as a detective" cliche instead of building upon the interaction between Dutch and Vic for the last couple of seasons and have Vic scared shitless that Dutch will discover their involvement in the heist.


8. As for Julien, my guess is that it's been dropped for this season now that he was able to actually have sex with his wife. That being said, there isn't that much they can do this season save for having his wife reveal that she's pregnant given the fact that the show has a huge number of plotlines to resolve in the remaining two episodes...

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The subplot of sending Matthew to the home for autistic kids who can't be cured seems to be the natural progression for the character, who seems to exist to provide the show with a "Greek Tragedy-esque Figure Who Suffers For the Sins of the Villainous Main Character" sort of character.


Huh? I just want to see Trish's tits...

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I agree that this episode was definately a filler-episode.


7. While it's nice to see Dutch once again butting heads with the Strike Team, I was extremely disappointed that they fell back on the boring "Vic doesn't respect Dutch as a detective" cliche instead of building upon the interaction between Dutch and Vic for the last couple of seasons and have Vic scared shitless that Dutch will discover their involvement in the heist.

I disagreed with almost all of your assessments. But this is the one that lead me to say to myself, "Ummm.... did I watch the same episode as that guy?"


Vic was worried that Dutch was onto him. Then he was in a near PANIC that Dutch might get to the bookie first or arrive and find them taking care of the body. If anything this showed that while Vic may or may not respect Dutch as a man, he DOES respect him as a detective.


I don't have time right now to go over the other points that I disagree with. But I must ask everyone who called this episode "filler" a question. What are you people, ON DOPE?


The Strike Team scrambling big time to keep their connection from the money train a secret, because now not only is jail time a possibility, their very lives are on the line. I didn't think that there was anything even remotely "filler" about this episode.

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Although this is why I think killing Terry right away was a bad idea.


Burning the body just didn't seem like a big deal, and I can't get why Lem is so bent out of shape about it...THEY KILLED A FRIGGIN COP!! In the first episode. Nothing they do can come anywhere near as extreme as that.

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Only Vic and Shane know they killed Terry. Lem and Ronnie don't know about it at all. They thought the black dude(I forget what his name was) they were breaking into the house after had shot Terry.

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