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Guest Anglesault

Biggest card movements from Mania XIX to Mania XX

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Guest Anglesault

So, what are the biggest (And just some big ones in general) jumps up and down the card from last year's Mania to this year?


I'm fairly certain biggest "Promotion" goes to Benoit, from a three way tag match to "that other guy" in the Shawn/HHH World title match, and Booker gets the biggest demotion from world title match to crappy 4 way tag match. Kane gets a huge jump up the card as well, as does Undertaker and Eddie. Rock goes down the card.


HHH, Brock, and Angle more or less stay on the same level.

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I wouldn't exactly say Rock's stepping down in the card. Regardless of who they're facing, the fact that this is a return match for both he and Foley makes the match a special attraction on the show. It's more of a step up for Evolution than a step down for the Rock.

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Guest Anglesault
I wouldn't exactly say Rock's stepping down in the card. Regardless of who they're facing, the fact that this is a return match for both he and Foley makes the match a special attraction on the show. It's more of a step up for Evolution than a step down for the Rock.

I'd say he's gonna be a LONG way from next to last match on the card.

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I wouldn't exactly say Rock's stepping down in the card.  Regardless of who they're facing, the fact that this is a return match for both he and Foley makes the match a special attraction on the show.  It's more of a step up for Evolution than a step down for the Rock.

I'd say he's gonna be a LONG way from next to last match on the card.

I see. I was looking at it in terms of his standing on the roster or whatever.


Even then, I'm not sure. I can see the tag match taking place sometime between the two title matches, but I dunno. They've got a pretty stacked card this year.

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Guest Anglesault
I wouldn't exactly say Rock's stepping down in the card.  Regardless of who they're facing, the fact that this is a return match for both he and Foley makes the match a special attraction on the show.  It's more of a step up for Evolution than a step down for the Rock.

I'd say he's gonna be a LONG way from next to last match on the card.

I see. I was looking at it in terms of his standing on the roster or whatever.


Even then, I'm not sure. I can see the tag match taking place sometime between the two title matches, but I dunno.

I sort of do mean standing on the card, but that usually goes hand in hand with card position.


Rock went from Raw ME with Steve Austin to a handicap match with two retired (More or less) wrestlers and two kind of unover midcarders.


Realistically, it happens just after the US Title match, as Angle/Eddie, HHH/HBK/That Guy, Kane/Taker, and Goldberg/Brock will be higher on the card.


With the build they got, Jericho/Xian might as well.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Yeah, regardless of what they'd have you believe, Rock/Austin was the Raw main event at XIX.

It was given as much, if not more hype than Booker T/HHH for Wrestlemania XIX last year.



A-Train got demoted. From on the card vs. UT to doing nothing. Trish got demoted from Womens Title Match to no match either. Jericho jumped WAY down from showdown with HBK to midcarder demotion for Christian.


Hogan & Vince aren't on the card, and Hogan isn't even in promotion anymore. Rhyno dropped from card, and not sure if WGTT is in Tag Titles for SD at WM.

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I guess you can say that its kinda promotion for Taker. Last year stuck in a go no where handicap match and this year a high profile match with Kane.


Flair wasnt on the show last year in a wrestling capacity and now hes in a match that has some good heat.


And what about Funaki????? Even though he wasnt on the show last year, Im sure he was backstage looking for someone to interview.




Welcome to the BIG TIME!!!

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Guest Anglesault
I guess you can say that its kinda promotion for Taker. Last year stuck in a go no where handicap match and this year a high profile match with Kane.

Kind of? It's a HUGE promotion for both.

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I wouldn't exactly say Rock's stepping down in the card.  Regardless of who they're facing, the fact that this is a return match for both he and Foley makes the match a special attraction on the show.  It's more of a step up for Evolution than a step down for the Rock.

I'd say he's gonna be a LONG way from next to last match on the card.

I see. I was looking at it in terms of his standing on the roster or whatever.


Even then, I'm not sure. I can see the tag match taking place sometime between the two title matches, but I dunno.

I sort of do mean standing on the card, but that usually goes hand in hand with card position.


Rock went from Raw ME with Steve Austin to a handicap match with two retired (More or less) wrestlers and two kind of unover midcarders.


Realistically, it happens just after the US Title match, as Angle/Eddie, HHH/HBK/That Guy, Kane/Taker, and Goldberg/Brock will be higher on the card.


With the build they got, Jericho/Xian might as well.

I dunno if it's because I didn't like the build or what, but I always saw looked at Rock/Austin as a special attraction rather than a Main Event in itself. Both were off TV for months, the build to the match was weak IMO, and their name value was the only real selling point for the match. It had no real meaning and came across as filler to me.


While this year's match has no real meaning to anyone other than Foley and Orton, it's still being heavily hyped, and next to the World Title match (and mayble Jericho/Xian), it's received the most build on the Raw side. And again, the fact that it's Foley's return to the ring adds a lot to the matches meaning. In terms of match placement, it'd probably go on early, but in terms of standing, I wouldn't say it was a step down...at least not much of a step down.

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My vote goes to Eddie...go back to last year and think, one-half of Los Guerreros, Eddie Guerrero is WWE Champion...exactly.


Benoit was in the same position but he was still regarded as a singles wrestler despite his teaming with Rhyno.


And Jobber...Benoit's winning the title...if not WrestleMania then Backlash for sure...we're not dreaming it's just common knowledge.

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Guest Anglesault
And Jobber...Benoit's winning the title...if not WrestleMania then Backlash for sure...we're not dreaming it's just common knowledge.

RVD WILL to win the title, anyone who says something else is negative!


Kane WILL to win the title, anyone who says something else is negative!


Scott Steiner WILL to win the title, anyone who says something else is negative!


Booker T WILL to win the title, anyone who says something else is negative!


Kevin Nash WILL to win the title, anyone who says something else is negative!

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And Jobber...Benoit's winning the title...if not WrestleMania then Backlash for sure...we're not dreaming it's just common knowledge.

RVD WILL to win the title, anyone who says something else is negative!


Kane WILL to win the title, anyone who says something else is negative!


Scott Steiner WILL to win the title, anyone who says something else is negative!


Booker T WILL to win the title, anyone who says something else is negative!


Kevin Nash WILL to win the title, anyone who says something else is negative!

Sadly, I never believed any of those guys would get the belt except maybe Booker last year at WM...but that was 50/50. The others no chance.


Backlash is Edmonton specifically for Benoit! Whether he comes in as champ or challenger, I strongly believe he's leaving that night champ even if he loses it on RAW the night after.


Or maybe you're both right (AS and Jobber) and it will be Benoit vs. Matt Hardy at Backlash in the opener and Benoit's current uber-push will be forgotten.

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Guest Anglesault
Backlash is Edmonton specifically for Benoit!


Because they never job someone in their hometown. Nope, never.


Or maybe you're both right (AS and Jobber) and it will be Benoit vs. Matt Hardy at Backlash in the opener and Benoit's current uber-push will be forgotten.


Uber push? As that annoying guy who won't get out of Shawn and Hunter's feud?

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My vote goes to Eddie...go back to last year and think, one-half of Los Guerreros, Eddie Guerrero is WWE Champion...exactly.


Benoit was in the same position but he was still regarded as a singles wrestler despite his teaming with Rhyno.


And Jobber...Benoit's winning the title...if not WrestleMania then Backlash for sure...we're not dreaming it's just common knowledge.

Has to be Eddie by a landslide.


He's moved up from lower midcarder to a drawing, long-term main eventer.


Benoit's went from upper midcarder to a short-term main eventer.

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Biggest Promotion: Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, John Cena. Eddie and Chris were in Tag Matches last year, and this year they're involved in World Title feuds (w/Eddie being the "true" WWE Champion). Cena didn't even make WM XIX last year, settling for the pre-show rap where he dissed JayZ and Fabolous. This year he's in a somewhat high-profile match against Big Show for the U.S. Title (which has regained it's value a bit).

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Guest Korgath
Biggest downfall: Booker going from World Title match to pointless tag match & Jericho going from HBK to Christian.

I wouldn't say Booker's dropped. Personally, he was an upper midcarder heading into Wrestlemania XIX, with close to no hope of winning the title after less than 30 days of buildup. Right now, he's going in tag-team champ and looks likely to triumph over the other teams involved. In terms of card movements, I'd say not much.


Jericho, on the other hand, has truly dropped. Last year, he was involved in a huge blow-off match (it SHOULD have been the blow-off) at Wrestlemania XIX in one of the biggest, most emotionally charged feuds of 2002/2003. This year, in a match that no one cares much about and one that happened WAY TOO LATE, he's stuck with a heatless Christian and fighting over a woman. Everyone KNOWS that Jericho has to win. There's no point in that match.

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Its a rise for Christian, hell, its a rise for Cena not being on the card.

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