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Guest Anglesault

What Factor is Most responsible for Brock Quitting

What Factor is Most responsible for Brock Quitting  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. What Factor is Most responsible for Brock Quitting

    • The Goldberg feud build up
    • The travel schedule
    • Bob Holly/The Bob Holly Feud
    • Undertaker/The Impending Undertaker feud
    • Jobbing the belt
    • All factors played a part
    • None of the above, Brock is a whiner.
    • Other

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Well, obviously all of them probably played a part (which is what I voted for) but most of all probably would have been the travel schedule and Holly feud. Still, I say fuck you Brock for quitting. Bob Holly is bad, but quitting at this point after such a monster push is rediculous.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

He's Nathan Jones Jr. A crybaby because of the travel. Feuding with mid-carders is NOTHING new. HHH feuded with fucking BUBBA RAY DUDLEY for about a month. At LEAST Bob Holly SEEMS like a credible upper-midcarder.


Brock having to put someone over....GASP! Undertaker jobbed to him CLEAN at No Mercy 2002, and even jobbed again in the next big feud the next year. Brock is basically 2-0 in his feuds with UT. It's not like he was jobbing the title to him.

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Guest Ray
Brock having to put someone over....GASP!

There's a difference between putting a guy over who needs it (Eddie), and being forced to job to an old guy who doesn't need a rub.


Undertaker jobbed to him CLEAN at No Mercy 2002,

Clean my ass. Taker got a "broken hand" and was "distracted" by the alleged adultery crap, all to make him look less weak when jobbing. Rock did a clean job for Lesnar at Summerslam. Taker was still overly protected when he did his "clean job" at No Mercy.


Brock is basically 2-0 in his feuds with UT.

Pffft. Taker made Brock look like a joke at Unforgiven 2002 and totally dominated him at No Mercy 2003.


It's not like he was jobbing the title to him.

And that makes it better....how?!


Brock shouldn't be jobbing to any old guys who don't need rubs. It's ridiculous.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Brock having to put someone over....GASP!

There's a difference between putting a guy over who needs it (Eddie), and being forced to job to an old guy who doesn't need a rub.


Undertaker jobbed to him CLEAN at No Mercy 2002,

Clean my ass. Taker got a "broken hand" and was "distracted" by the alleged adultery crap, all to make him look less weak when jobbing. Rock did a clean job for Lesnar at Summerslam. Taker was still overly protected when he did his "clean job" at No Mercy.


Brock is basically 2-0 in his feuds with UT.

Pffft. Taker made Brock look like a joke at Unforgiven 2002 and totally dominated him at No Mercy 2003.


It's not like he was jobbing the title to him.

And that makes it better....how?!


Brock shouldn't be jobbing to any old guys who don't need rubs. It's ridiculous.

It's called give and take. Brocks been doing a lot of taking, so now he has to give back and he gets an attitude.

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Guest Ray
It's called give and take. Brocks been doing a lot of taking, so now he has to give back and he gets an attitude.


He DID give. To Eddie. The guy who needed it.


Taker didn't give enough to Brock, so don't act is if Brock "owes" Taker something.


Should Hogan come back too to get his job back from Brock?

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Guest Anglesault
It's called give and take. Brocks been doing a lot of taking, so now he has to give back and he gets an attitude.

He's not being asked to give back.


He's being asked to let the Undertaker kill his career.

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Undertaker made him look like shit at Unforgiven and both No Mercys. He would have made him look like shit after Wrestlemania too. And the whole "Deadman" gimmick would have made things worse with even less selling than before.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
It's called give and take. Brocks been doing a lot of taking, so now he has to give back and he gets an attitude.


He DID give. To Eddie. The guy who needed it.


Taker didn't give enough to Brock, so don't act is if Brock "owes" Taker something.


Should Hogan come back too to get his job back from Brock?

I wouldn't say that was clean at all. Goldberg spear followed by a tornado DDT onto the title belt before the frog splash. Last I checked, that wasn't clean.



He's not being asked to give back.


He's being asked to let the Undertaker kill his career


Since the feud DIDN'T even start yet, how do we know Brock wasn't going to made to look like superman? Just because "UT wins" doesn't mean "Brock gets squashed like a fucking bug". See: Kane. Shawn Michaels. Bret Hart. Hulk Hogan.



All 4 guys had to deal with no-sell taker, but still stayed incredibly over. Shawn Michaels at Bad Blood 97 is the biggest case. UT didn't sell shit for him until more than half-way into the match, and layed down thanks to Kane.

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Guest Anglesault
Since the feud DIDN'T even start yet, how do we know Brock wasn't going to made to look like superman?


Well, words like "destroys" and "annhilates" have come in between the words "Undertaker" and "Lesnar" in every report that we've heard about the feud, along with reports that Undertaker was gonna use his Deadman gimmick to no sell everything Brock did to him.


And funny feeling, if Brock was booked like Superman, he probably wouldn't react like he did.

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Guest Ray
I wouldn't say that was clean at all. Goldberg spear followed by a tornado DDT onto the title belt before the frog splash. Last I checked, that wasn't clean.

Last I checked, they needed to set up Goldberg vs. Lesnar.


Last I checked, Eddie's gimmick was "lie, cheat, and steal."


Last I checked, Brock is a young wrestler who should be protected.


Last I checked, Undertaker is an old wrestler near the end of his career who will be over for life, therefore doesn't need to be protected.


Since the feud DIDN'T even start yet, how do we know Brock wasn't going to made to look like superman?

See No Mercy 2003 and Unforgiven 2002.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Hmmm...well, name one person to quit WWE because the person had to feud with The Undertaker (any version).



I can't think of a single person.

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probably the upcoming feud with UnderFaker, and the fact that he probably wouldn't see the belt for another 8 months were the main factors.


...that and he's a whiny bitch.



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I voted the Undertaker feud, but I really think the Bob Holly feud was the breaking point. Yes he is a whining bitch, but he deserved to be pissed at being put ina feud with Holly. All that aside, I laughed my ass off at the chants at WrestleMania.

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Guest Ray
he's a whiny bitch

No, he isn't. He's a human being who isn't happy with his job. He's a free man who has every right to quit his job if he's not happy.


But no, a bunch of cocksuckers on a wrestling forum think he shouldn't be allowed to do what he needs to do to be happy, because apparently he owes all of you something.


Go Brock, and be happy. Thanks for all the good matches you gave us.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
he's a whiny bitch

No, he isn't. He's a human being who isn't happy with his job. He's a free man who has every right to quit his job if he's not happy.


But no, a bunch of cocksuckers on a wrestling forum think he shouldn't be allowed to do what he needs to do to be happy, because apparently he owes all of you something.


Go Brock, and be happy. Thanks for all the good matches you gave us.

Yeah. A Guy handed everything on a silver platter because he was a roided up monster.



And yeah, thanks for all one good matches. He "sadly" won't be missed.

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Guest Ray
Yeah. A Guy handed everything on a silver platter because he was a roided up monster.

You make the worst replies I've ever seen. Do you know that?


Brock was pushed. Brock had a great deal of potential. Brock fulfilled his potential by becoming one of the top wrestlers in WWE. Brock was made into a credible main-eventer. GET. A. CLUE.


And yeah, thanks for all one good matches.

Did you just say Brock only had one good match? My god...


He "sadly" won't be missed.

No, he will be missed. Just not by fools like you.

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he's a whiny bitch

No, he isn't. He's a human being who isn't happy with his job. He's a free man who has every right to quit his job if he's not happy.


But no, a bunch of cocksuckers on a wrestling forum think he shouldn't be allowed to do what he needs to do to be happy, because apparently he owes all of you something.


Go Brock, and be happy. Thanks for all the good matches you gave us.

Oh, stop the bullshit Ray.


We're not talking anymore about a guy that left his job just because he was unhappy. Let's go over WHY he was unhappy.


He was unhappy over the fact that he needed to face a guy that might not have been up to his level. The job of a Heavyweight Champion is to bring those kind of guys UP to his level. What did Brock do? He moaned and bitched about it, then dragged his feet on the big blowoff match at a major Pay-Per-View. Not every match can be a marquee one. He had a certain obligation in the Holly feud and, not only did he not FULFILL that obligation, but he wound up crying about it later.


He was unhappy over the fact that, for once, he might actually look like the weaker person in a feud. That he may actually have to lose a big blowoff match. Sure, he was going to be facing the #1 face on Smackdown but....my god.....he may have to sell a little more than he's used to. For once, he might not be this huge monster. For once......he may look vulnerable. And what does he do? Walks out. Walks out of a company that was handing him a guaranteed Main Event match and asking him to give a little back after all that they gave him. He took and took, but when it was time to give back, suddenly he lost his passion of the sport.


And let's not act like this is a simple walking-out scheme. If you walk out of an office job, there will always be someone else willing to take a promotion and replace you in that spot. The company isn't RELYING on you to be their future. The WWE WAS relying on Brock to be the future. He's big, he's strong, he's athletic, he's young, he's been built up like a MONSTER since his arrival, he was getting strong crowd reaction......there's no doubt Brock was the future of WWE. He was going to be the person that they needed to rely on to bring them to a new era and new generation of professional wrestlers. What does he do? Walks out. Walks out on a company that is struggling at the moment to build up as many stars as they can. A company that sorely needs him right now. A company that will sorely need him in the future as the star. A company that gave him so much earlier in his career just so he could help out the company later on. He walked out. This action can't be justified with a "He's a free man who has every right to quit his job if he's not happy." He has an obligation to help out the company that put him where he is today. Someone will be there to replace you if you quit a job. There might not be a real person to replace Brock Lesnar.


People insist on cutting Brock some slack since he was a good wrestler. Bullshit. He showed an incredibly childish and selfish attitude, and this shouldn't be forgiven just because he had some good matches. If this was Billy Gunn or someone like Mark Jindrak, people would be trashing them on their way out the door. But because this was a popular wrestler with good abilities, he's cut slack. It just shouldn't be that way.

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Well, NY, not to completely remove Brock from blame, but Vince and co. brought this on themselves. It was their decision to shoot Brock to the top of the card right off the bat. They brought this guy into the business, handed him the title on a silver platter, not only pushed him strongly, but had him dominate for a good year and a half, and in the end, when it's time to give back, you expect him to be humble?


I have no sympathy for the WWE here. They had their chance to build up guys like RVD, Matt Hardy and others, but they put focused all their energy on Brock. They put their eggs in one basket, and in the end, it came back to bite them in the ass.


At the very least, just be glad Brock gave notice of his departure ahead of time rather than just randomly no-showing Mania or something.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Yeah. A Guy handed everything on a silver platter because he was a roided up monster.

You make the worst replies I've ever seen. Do you know that?


Brock was pushed. Brock had a great deal of potential. Brock fulfilled his potential by becoming one of the top wrestlers in WWE. Brock was made into a credible main-eventer. GET. A. CLUE.


And yeah, thanks for all one good matches.

Did you just say Brock only had one good match? My god...


He "sadly" won't be missed.

No, he will be missed. Just not by fools like you.



Brock Lesnar has been booked stronger than anyone in fucking recent history. HHH SELLS FOR LESSER PEOPLE!


Wow! Brock had to feud with Bob Holly. OMG!




Edited for Niceness.

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Guest unleashedfury

Shut The Fuck Up...........


Brock has the right to look out for himself just like every human on this planet. Of course his presence will be missed. I admire Brock's decision, he's walking away from a 9 million dollar contract when he can't take it anymore, other wrestlers would have taken drugs to work through it. If he's really miserable, he should do what he needs to do to regain his emotional center. Good luck to him in following his dreams (football).

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Shut The Fuck Up...........


Brock has the right to look out for himself just like every human on this planet. Of course his presence will be missed. I admire Brock's decision, he's walking away from a 9 million dollar contract when he can't take it anymore, other wrestlers would have taken drugs to work through it. If he's really miserable, he should do what he needs to do to regain his emotional center. Good luck to him in following his dreams (football).

So your arguing about something that was settled 13 days ago. If I may quote your great post, you can shut the fuck up.

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Taker didn't feud with Tommy Dreamer for a month.


Jeff Hardy got loud pops and sold lots of merchandise. Taker did not have to fly all the way to South Africa to fight him. Taker also wasn't made to be scared of Jeff Hardy and run like a bitch from him

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It didn't result in a PPV match either.

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